compiled by Ardis Bazyn
ACB’s membership committee held a call recently that dealt with the questions all state and special-interest affiliate presidents receive about membership. The first question for participants to answer was: What do you consider to be your affiliate’s strongest attribute for attracting and retaining members? Participants’ responses included advocacy, having chapters, legislative updates, supporting one another, tech grants, identifiable access to libraries, conferences where information is shared, a first-timers seminar, first-timers breakfast, having a registration desk available to members at conventions, meet and greet time, the newsletter, the website, using different cities for convention, summer camps, adding new programs, giving tech help, express news in email, having audio-described show/movie list, new content for the website, a toll-free hotline, state phone number, and having social gatherings.
The second question was: What do you consider the biggest challenge for your affiliate in the area of membership development and retention? The number-one issue was transportation. Other responses were: getting the word out about meetings, getting youth involved in the affiliate, too many leaders have other commitments, members paying dues but not attending, people with other disabilities, finding willing leadership, and mentoring new people.
Participants then tackled a final question: If you could learn one thing to help your affiliate grow and strengthen its membership, what would it be? Responses included increasing passion in members, communicating better and more often with members and friends, learning statistics and how to communicate them, how to find and get in touch with those losing sight, visiting senior centers, fundraising tools, city volunteer network, developing a referral list, giving new chairs/officers/board members assistance when requested, and having an affiliate phone number.
The membership committee holds quarterly focus calls. Please let us know what topics you’d like to have in the future. Our next focus call will be Aug. 27th at 8:30 p.m. Eastern/5:30 p.m. Pacific. The information will come out via the leadership and membership listservs.