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You’ll Find Lots of Useful Items at the Information Desk in St. Louis

by Vicky Prahin
The Information Desk, sponsored by Sprint, will open on Thursday, June 28, this year, at the same time as registration. As always, you can do all of the following when you stop by or call.

  • Get hotel orientation information and menus
  • Sign up for newspaper delivery
  • Drop off door prizes or items for the auction
  • Make reservations for banquet tables
  • Report, drop off, or pick up items you have lost or found

Friendly and knowledgeable volunteers will be available throughout the convention to answer questions about meeting locations, caucuses, and special activities; download files and distribute hard copies of documents; and log in your door prizes and auction items. If you want materials downloaded, bring your thumb drive, cartridge, or SD card. Note that we do not provide programs in any medium; you will get those in registration.
If you want to reserve a banquet table, which usually holds eight people, be sure to have the following information when you call or come to the desk:

  1. An identification name for your table, such as Washington or Janet’s table;
  2. The names of those who want to sit at the table — be sure to check with each person first so that no one is assigned to more than one table; and
  3. A contact person in case we need to get in touch with someone.

You will receive the number for your table and must get that information to others sitting with you. Get your reservations in by Wednesday, July 4th, so that Margarine has time to organize.

If you enjoy meeting people, being at the center of things, and can multi-task, consider volunteering to work at the 2018 info desk. Contact me at or (614) 949-7757. We need a team of willing helpers to make this year’s convention go as smoothly as possible in St. Louis, Mo.!