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Come to Vegas and Hit the Jackpot!

The odds of striking it rich at the casino during the 2014 ACB conference and convention in Las Vegas (July 11-19) are not very good. But the odds of making out like a bandit at the ACB Let's Make A Deal Auction, to be held Wednesday evening, July 16, can't be beat.
We can't promise you door number three, but jewelry, food, handmade items, vacation packages, including 5 wonderful days in Key West, and much, much more will be ripe for the picking. Get ready for a meal, watch your friends go just a bit crazy, and engage in some Western-style dealin' while you support the greatest organization of people who are blind or have low vision in the world.
Stay tuned to future issues for more details about what's for sale and how you can donate to the Let's Make A Deal Auction!