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Audio Description in Your Community

ACB’s Audio Description Project will celebrate its 10th year in 2018 — hooray!

As we hope you know, our website, masterfully monitored by Fred Brack, is one of our most important initiatives. Please visit us at  In addition to described broadcast television, movies and DVD listings, we also keep track of audio description availability throughout the country at performing arts venues and in museums — and we need your help!
As of Jan. 1, 2018, we want to increase those listings by at least 20%.  Please let us know the names and locations of theaters, performing arts centers, museums or park sites where your experience has been enhanced by audio description.
If we have your contributions by the end of 2017, we hope to be able to meet our goal and make the ADP website even more helpful.  Simply send a brief email to me at  [email protected] or give me a call at (202) 467-5083.  Thanks so much!
— Joel Snyder, Director, Audio Description Project