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Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation
103 Old Iron Ore Rd.
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Share The Vision (R)

The Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation is dedicated to promoting increased independence to men and women who are blind by providing them with the highest quality German Shepherd Guide Dogs.

Photo caption: Tech Sgt. C. Matthew Slaydon, USAF (ret.), blinded and wounded on October 24, 2007 in Kirkuk, Iraq, with his Fidelco Guide Dog "Legend"

Learn more about us by visiting

daisy OK

Three great ways from Plextalk to make listening and learning easy!

The "Pocket" Portable Digital Book Player with recording.
This player offers revolutionary mobility and ease of use for anyone in business, education, and leisure.

PTN2 DAISY Player with Real Book Navigation.
Now enjoy your favorite audio title, such as DAISY*1 Digital Talking Books, music CDs, MP3 or WMA*2 CDs, or audio books on CD.

PTR2 Portable Recorder
Designed with the ability to create DAISY 2.02, audio only, books and Music CDs. It plays DAISY titles, music CDs, audio file CDs, CF cards and more!

Plextalk (TM)
Assistive Technology Devices
A Division of Shinano Kenshi Corporation

Piano Technology & More

Independence + Profitability + Employment

Join us all week at the Piano Technicians Exhibit Booth
For piano technology information and learning the viable profession of piano tuning.

IVIE business panel discussion
Wednesday 12:30 - 2:30
Ask questions about piano technology and other careers

IVIE booth & expo
Thursday 12:30-2:30
See our display of piano action models, parts and info

Piano Technology Career Workshop
Monday 5:45-7:00
Learn about the independence, benefits, and qualifications of this profession directly from technicians around the country. Demonstration of piano actions & one on one instruction is available for interested persons. Appointments may be set if class is not convenient

Contact Loren Buntemeyer 785 842 1370 for further details or consultation with a Technician

Check daily newspaper for schedule & sponsorships

Piano Hospital Alumni Association
School of Piano Technology for the Blind

ila Independent Living Aids, LLC

"I have never accepted what many people have kindly said, namely that I inspired the nation. It was the nation that had the lion heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar."

- Winston Churchill

Congratulations ACB!
For more than 50 years you have "given the roar" for people with "lion hearts"
Like ila, you have helped hundreds of thousands of people Magnify their lives by enabling them to live actively and independently.

Call ila today and let us tell you about great new products like our ARSA SWISS line of beautiful high-fashion Braille watches. Or visit us online at


Freedom Scientific

Instant Access to Printed Material
Scanning and Reading Appliance - Camera Edition
Simple to use – automatically senses the page and begins to read

Portable Reading Solution
Lightning fast scanning
All the features of OpenBook

Add a Focus 40 Blue Braille Display for Instant Braille Translation
Call 1-800-444-4443

constant change.
never changes.

Over time market conditions will change and technologies will evolve. But at AT&T the culture of new ideas through true diversity remains constant, limitless. The diversity of our employees, suppliers and customers powers our innovation, our ability to serve you—and that has never changed. AT&T is proud to sponsor the 50th Anniversary of the American Council of the Blind for its outstanding efforts to break down barriers and expand opportunities for people with disabilities.

Rethink Possible

Proud Exhibitor of Captioned Films and Descriptive Audio at Over 200 Theatres in 38 States


Half-Blind Press (TM)
Proud supporters of the ACB

Half-Blind Press (TM)
Large Print for the Real World

- Easy to read extra large print
- Sleek, stylish designs

Order your Large Print 2012 Weekly/Monthly Notebook Planner -or- 2011/12 Student Planner at

$7 OFF for Conference Attendees on orders before Aug 19, 2011
use code ACB2011CON

Horizons for the Blind

We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people who are blind or visually impaired. We transcribe billing statements, restaurant menus, hotel guides and user manuals in braille, large print and audio formats.

We offer a catalog of over 400 items, including braille and large print cookbooks, books on crafts, gardening, and easy reading; microwave cookware and baking pans with accessible instructions. Contact us for a free catalog or a complimentary copy of our monthly magazine, Seeing It Our Way.

And look what's new from Horizons! The new Directions for Me (TM) website provides preparation directions, nutrition facts, warnings, ingredients and other important information for over 365,000 products in an easy to use and accessible format. Unleash the power of Directions with our new barcode scanner. Simply plug the scanner into a USB port, scan the barcode to access your product information. For more information, go to

Horizons for the Blind
125 Erick St. - A103
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

Braille Books for Children

By the touch of a finger …
… behold the world! (C)

Celebrating 25 years of bringing the joy of reading to children worldwide

- Contact Seedlings for a free catalog with over 1,100 titles in braille for children 0-14 from classics to bestsellers
- Large selection of print & braille and pre-school picture books
- Visit our website to shop online and find out about our free book programs
- Seedlings is dedicated to providing high-quality, low-cost children's literature in braille

Seedlings Braille Books for Children
14151 Farmington Road, Livonia, MI 48151
[email protected]

New low price, same great service.

- Nationwide coverage
- No contracts, no cancellation fees
- 100% U. S. Based Customer Service
- Easy-to-use phones
- Affordable rate plans
- Apps and services that keep you safe and healthy

Introducing 5Star Personal Security (TM)
5Star (TM) is a brand new service that transforms the
Jitterbug (R) into a personal safety device.

Greatcall (R)
people you can count on (TM)

Guiding Eyes for the Blind
Over 50 Years of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired

"My Guiding Eyes dog is my companion, my eyes, and most of all, a true and devoted friend."

- Residential Training
- Home Training
- Special Needs Training
(Accelerated Client Training Option)
- O&M Seminars

611 Granite Spring Road, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
Phone: 914 245 4024
800 942 0149
Email: [email protected]

Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

GDUI: Supporting guide dog Teams since 1972

Visit our all new website for everything guide dog related:

Call us, toll free, at 866.799.8436 for personalized advice on living and working with guide dogs, legislation and advocacy, and peer support.

Read PawTracks, available in a variety of formats making our quarterly magazine accessible to all!

Talking welcomes all delegates to the 2011 ACB National Convention. 
Please contact us to learn how you can precisely and easily manage your indoor comfort with the VIP TALKING THERMOSTAT that was specifically designed for persons who are blind and visually impaired

Harry Cohen
Toll free 1-800-838-8860

Formerly Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic (R)

Learning Ally (TM)

Making reading accessible for all (TM)



NIB National Industries for the Blind
Opportunities That Make a Difference

National Industries for the Blind is the largest employer of people who are blind offering jobs and training programs with an emphasis on upward mobility. To learn more about these opportunities visit or call 703-310-0500

the American Council for the Blind on
Its Golden Anniversary

For the past 50 years, ACB has been a leader in fighting for equal opportunities for the blind. For the last 90 years, AFB has worked to expand possibilities for those with vision loss. Together, we have made great strides in improving the lives of those we serve. AFB looks forward to another 50 years of fruitful partnership and collaboration with ACB.

American Foundation for the Blind
Expanding possibilities for people with vision loss

Thank You American Council of the Blind!

The Vehicle Donation Processing Center now represents the national organization and 26 state chapters, some since the mid '90s. It's been a pleasure sending you so many checks. We encourage more state Councils to benefit from a car donation program.

No cost car donation programs include free on-line advertising. We indemnify you against any loss and do all the work.

Please call me for more information. Also, ask about H.R. 571 and how you can help bring back fair market value tax write-offs for your car donors.

John Learned, President 818-456-2663

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA) promotes the general welfare of blind vendors nationwide who are engaged in the operation of vending machine facilities, cafeterias, military troop dining contracts, snack bars, gift shops and other retail businesses. RSVA is proud to sponsor two student events during this ACB conference and convention.


MaxiAids is Your Special Needs Super Store!
Maximum Selection Maximum Service Maximum Savings Maximum Convenience

Proud Sponsor of the American Council of the Blind 50th Annual National Convention

Be sure to stop by our booth to enter our daily raffles

For A FREE Catalog (over 240 pages) or Product Information Call MaxiAids
Also Available on CD-Rom (When calling please specify whether you want the full version or text-only)

Phone: 1-800-522-6294
TTY: 1-631-752-0738
Fax: 1-631-752-0689
Email: [email protected]

42 Executive Blvd., Farmingdale, NY 11735

Student E-rent Pilot Project
U.S. Department of Education, FIPSE Grant
Booth #48

STEPP is an eTextbook rental program designed to offer cost-effective textbooks that "all" students can read.

"STEPP" towards universal access.

"I was lying on my yoga mat, this little two foot by six foot piece of rubber material, and I was thinking how lucky I was to have found yoga. Twenty-five years of practicing postures, developing muscle strength and flexibility, learning to relax completely and to breathe freely and deeply. Wow! I'm sure my life as a blind man would have been fine without yoga, but today I find myself at 62 years of age to be in excellent shape. I believe yoga had an important role in helping me get here." Marty Klein

Beginning Yoga for the Blind and Visually Impaired, $39.95 plus shipping, is a dynamic, inspiring five CD set produced by Gretchen Hein, a certified Kripalu yoga instructor and Marty Klein, a blind author and workshop facilitator.

For more info or call 845-679-7532.

Blind Individuals With Recurrent Sleep Problems Needed for Survey and Research Study.

For each completed survey, a donation of $25 will be made to organizations that support people with blindness.
Participants in a clinical study will be compensated for their time and effort and will receive study medication, study-related medical evaluation and transportation at no cost.

Individuals may qualify for the survey or the clinical study if they:
- are between 18 and 75 years of age
- are totally blind
- have recurrent trouble sleeping at night or experience daytime sleepiness or napping

Call 1-888-389-7033
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM M-F ET
or email [email protected]

See things. Differently...

We imagine. We explore. We inspire. We create.

HumanWare joins ACB in celebration of its 50th anniversary by providing innovative speech, braille and low vision solutions. When people with print disabilities read more, they succeed more.

See you at our booth!

Tel: 1 800 722-3393