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More Convention Entertainment

You will be ready for a break and a little fun after all those workshops, seminars and business meetings. Below are some activities and events that take place at the hotel. For more fun ideas, see 2011 Convention Tours, Fun at the Casino, and the Recreation Zone. Check the agendas of the many affiliates and groups for more mixers, luncheons and parties.

Saturday, July 9 - Alpine

5:30pm Geordi's Visor from Star Trek - $21, $24
Sci-fi trivia, snacks, prizes and fun! A discussion of blindness within the Star Trek universe in the 24th century.

8:00pm Welcome to Reno Party - $12, $15 - Ponderosa
Mine for friends! Prospect for prizes! Jam with the music of the 3-D Blues Band; from Hendrix to Muddy Waters, Johnny Lang to Melissa Ethridge, Allman Brothers to the Doors, they'll rock you all night long. Musicians and singers from the audience welcome to join the band on stage. Sponsored by the Nevada Host Committee.

Sunday, July 10 - So Pac D

12:15pm Sports Fanatics Luncheon - $17, $20
Eat baseball food, share experiences, and enjoy presentations by an ESPN personality and Doug Powell, accomplished blind triathlete.

3:30pm Newsreelers' Get-together - $10, $12 - So Pac C

Thursday, July 14 - Alpine

7:30pm ACB/ADP Movie Night - $5, $5
"The Social Network", with audio description. They all laughed at college nerd Mark Zuckerberg, whose idea for a social-networking site made him a billionaire. A fast and witty creation myth about how Facebook came to be. A galloping piece of entertainment; a smart ride with smart people who sometimes do dumb things.