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Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

President: Dan Sippl
Registration: $20, $20
RSVA Package: $75, $90

RSVA is proud to be a Coral sponsor for the 2011 ACB conference and convention, and to support the July 9 Scholarship Winners' Dinner and the July 10 NABS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon.
Theme: 75 Years of Excellence

Saturday, July 9 - 2932

1:00PM Subcommittee meetings

3:00PM RSVA Board meeting - Bonanza C

Sunday, July 10 - Bonanza A

9:45am Welcome - Dan Sippl, RSVA President, Eau Claire, WI
Introduction of participants
Roll call of affiliates - Ardis Bazyn, RSVA Secretary, Burbank, CA

10:00am Roadside Rest Area Issues
Panel Moderator: Roy Harmon, Oceanside, CA

10:45am Randolph-Sheppard Update
Daniel B. Frye, J.D., Management and Program Specialist, Randolph-Sheppard Programs, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Washington, DC

11:05am Hadley School for the Blind Courses for Enterprisers
Sue Melrose, Instructor, Hadley School for the Blind, CA

11:25am Networking Opportunities for Vendors
Update on ways you can connect with vendors

11:35am Constitution - Ardis Bazyn and Don Stevens

12:00pm National Buying Program Updates

12:15pm RSVA-sponsored NABS luncheon - So Pac B (not included in package) or lunch on your own

1:45pm What's Happening in BEP? - Panel of Vendors

2:15pm Technology panel - iPad, iPhone, Intel Reader

3:15pm Break

3:30pm Social Security updates

4:00pm Nominating Committee meeting: All state affiliate delegates should attend.

10:00pm RSVA hospitality - $15, $20 - 2932

Monday, July 11 - So Pac C-D

12:15pm RSVA 75th RS Act Anniversary Awards Luncheon - $35, $40
Speaker - Kim Charlson, ACB First Vice President, MA
Recognition of all RSVA past presidents or spouses

2:30pm Business meeting

6:30pm RSVA Preview and Auction - Ponderosa A

9:00pm RSVA Karaoke Night - $10, $15

Tuesday, July 12 - 2932

12:30pm RSVA Affiliate Presidents and Board Meeting
Topic - Open Forum

8:00pm RSVA/IVIE mixer (Members only)