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Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

President: Richard Rueda
Program Chair: Lisa Drzewucki
Registration: $10, $12

Saturday, July 9 - Washoe

3:00pm CCLVI Board Meeting

6:00pm CCLVI Nominating Committee Meeting

Sunday, July 10 - Bonanza C

9:00am Welcome and Introductions
Richard Rueda, CCLVI President, Union City, CA

9:15am Committee Reports
Legislative - Brian Petraits, Brownsburg, IN
Resolutions - Michael Byington, Topeka, KS
Constitution and Bylaws - Jim Jirak, Omaha, NE
Scholarships - Cathy Schmitt Whitaker, Diamond Bar, CA
Nominating - Jim Jirak, Omaha, NE
Large Print Committee - Tom Lealos, Powell, WY

10:30am A Special Presentation by HumanWare
All that is new and of interest to our low vision audience. Vincent J. Rappa, Vice President of Low Vision Sales, Champlain, NY

11:00am Low Vision Vendor Showcase
Vendors including HIMS, Lighthouse for the Blind (San Francisco, CA), and Ai Squared showcase the latest products for individuals with low vision.

12:00pm Break

4:00pm CCLVI Mixer - $15, $17 - 2950
Fun, food, friendship, and door prizes! Meet the 2011 CCLVI scholarship winners; preview CCLVI convention week.

Monday, July 11 - Tahoe

1:15pm Medical Developments and Technology for People with Low Vision
Medical advancements to help people with a variety of eye conditions; the latest in optical low vision aids and adaptive technology. Dr. Bill Takeshita, Director of Optometric Services, Center for the Partially Sighted, Los Angeles, CA

2:30pm Break

2:45pm Open Forum: What Can CCLVI Do For You?
Discuss what CCLVI has to offer low vision individuals. Map a dynamic future to strengthen and carry us forward to continue the advocacy and education work.

7:00pm Take Me Out To The Ball Game - $20, $25 - So Pac A-B
A new twist on an old favorite! Lisa Drzewucki and Richard Rueda co-host this fun-filled evening of trivia, trivia, and more trivia ... and prizes! Topics include sports, music, general knowledge and more. To fuel all that thinking, we'll serve up some ballpark favorites!

Tuesday, July 12 - Tahoe

1:15pm How to be a Wise Consumer When Purchasing Low Vision Aids
Helpful tips and information to facilitate decision-making during a low vision exam, a low vision aids consultation, or when shopping for low vision devices. Learn to ask appropriate questions regarding visual stamina, lighting, and specific needs for individual tasks. Leslie Burkhardt, MSLVR, Low Vision Rehabilitation Specialist, Los Angeles, CA

2:30pm Break

2:45pm CCLVI Business Meeting and Elections
Post-convention board meeting to follow

Wednesday, July 13 - Bonanza B

1:15pm Going Blind - $10, $10
CCLVI is proud to present the film "Going Blind: Coming Out of the Dark About Vision Loss." An audio-described screening of the film that is being talked about across the country. Educational and thought-provoking. Presents a view of vision loss from various perspectives. Stay after the film for a lively discussion and door prizes!

Thursday, July 14 - Tahoe

1:15pm Lighting for Low Vision Individuals
Kerry Isham, Field Services Representative, APH, Louisville, KY