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Braille Revival League

President: Judy Jackson
Program Chair: Ralph Smitherman
Registration: $10, $12

Sunday, July 10 - Carson

3:30pm BRL Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 12 - So Pac B

7:00am BRL International Breakfast - $25, $25
Welcome and Introductions: Judy Jackson, BRL President, Austin, TX
Theme - Braille Around the World
International attendees share how people in their countries gain access to braille materials, how braille is produced in their countries, the age braille instruction begins, and how that instruction is provided. Dr. Francisco J. Lima, Professor, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil; Peter Brass, Chair, European Blind Union Technology Commission & German Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted

1:15pm BRL Program - Bonanza C
Welcome and Introductions: Judy Jackson

1:45pm International Braille News & Developments
Dr. Francisco Lima, Recife, Brazil; Peter Brass, Germany; & Judy Dixon, Secretary, International Council on English Braille, Washington, DC

2:30pm Break

2:45pm BRL Business Meeting

Wednesday, July 13 - Bonanza A

1:15pm Joint Session with LUA
Welcome and Introductions - Judy Jackson, BRL President; Paul Edwards, LUA President

1:30pm Talking Book Narrator
Kristin Allison, Talking Book Publishing Company, Denver, CO

2:15pm Toward Making Accessible Books Available Around the World
Michelle Woods, Acting Associate Register for Policy and International Affairs, United States Copyright Office, Washington, DC

2:30pm Break

2:45pm Web-Braille: What it is and What is New
Judy Dixon, Consumer Relations Officer, National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC

3:15pm New Digital Library Options
Kim Charlson, Director, Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library, Watertown, MA

3:30pm One Book, One ACB!
It's ACB's fiftieth birthday. People of Vision, the history of our organization, is getting older. Some individuals mentioned in the book share how they were treated in the book. Explore the value of the book as a record for the future.

4:00pm Adjournment

Thursday, July 14 - Bonanza C

1:15pm Welcome and Introductions
Judy Jackson, Austin, TX

1:30pm Valley Braille Services
Richard Dortch, Las Vegas, NV

1:50pm Braille Authority of North America
Panel: Kim Charlson, ACB's Representative to BANA; Judy Dixon, BANA Chair

2:30pm Break

2:45pm Before and After, Find and Remove game