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Blind Information Technology Specialists

President: Richard Villa
Program Chair: Jim Stanga
Registration: $15, $15
BITS Package: $56, $56

Saturday, July 9

4:30pm BITS Board Meeting, Carson

Sunday, July 10 - So Pac E-F

10:00am Opening remarks
Richard Villa, BITS President, Austin, TX

10:10am Introductions

10:15am Computers, the Present and the Future
Which system is right for you? Tom Jones, Mac and iPhone Consultant, Chicago, IL; Renee Zelickson, Mac, iPad, and low vision consultant, Chicago, IL; Steve Holmes, mainframe computer programmer and Linux consultant, Tempe, AZ; Richard Villa, computer information and security specialist network administrator, Austin, TX

11:30am Using PDF: Advocating for Enhanced Accessibility
Pete De Vasto, Accessibility Engineer, Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA

1:30pm Vendor showcase
See what's new from adaptive hardware and software exhibitors

Monday, July 11 - So Pac E

1:15pm Cloud Computing
How it is used in a business environment - Matthew Villa, Applications Architect, Twentieth Century Fox, Los Angeles, CA

2:30pm Break

2:45pm Accessible Cloud Computing for Consumers and IT Professionals
Michael Lauf, Serotek Corporation, Minneapolis, MN

8:30pm Hospitality Bytes with BITS - $15, $15 - 2951

Tuesday, July 12 - So Pac C

12:15pm BITS Luncheon - $28, $28
Social networking, your user settings, and best practices for security - Kelly Ford, Senior Lead Software Design Engineer, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA

2:00pm BITS Business Meeting