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Communication Center Services

The Communication Center is in the Pyramid Room on the lower level and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fri., July 8 through Wed., July 13. This is where you can place ads in the paper, make braille or print copies, or volunteer to help produce the newspaper.

CONVENTION NEWSPAPER: This year's newspaper is "The Silver City Star," sponsored by Adobe. It is published each day, Sat. through Thurs., in braille and large print; pick up a copy at the ACB/NIB Information Desk. The paper is also available on the acbconvention email list and via download at the Information Desk before 10:00 a.m.

The National Alliance of Blind Students (NABS) will deliver the newspaper to your hotel room door. For $7 (pre-registration) or $10 (registration), your paper will be waiting for you each morning when you wake up. After you sign up for newspaper delivery, activate your service by giving your room number and your format preference to the Information Desk.

ADS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ads and other items for publication must be in the Communication Center by 2:00 p.m. each day. The BOP allows ads to run up to three days in order to give important convention announcements more space. Ads must be no longer than 100 words. BOP editorial policy prohibits the production or distribution of campaign materials by the Communication Center.

Cost of advertising in the newspaper is: individuals, ACB affiliates and blind representatives of MLM companies, $15/day or $40/3 days; exhibitors - $40/day or $100/3 days; all others - $50/day or $125/3 days.

Pay for advertising at registration; show your receipt at the Communication Center prior to submitting your ad copy.

BRAILLING AND PHOTOCOPYING: This service is available at the Communication Center for 10 cents/page. If your committee or affiliate needs something in braille or large print, bring files early in the day so we can fit your job between other tasks. We will print a test to let you know the number of pages per copy. Be sure to label your computer card, and tell us how many of each format you need and by what time. Please make payment at Registration.

"The Silver City Star" is made possible through the generous sponsorship of Adobe Systems. Thanks also to Enabling Technologies for once again donating the use of the braille embossers, and to American Thermoform Corporation for their generous donation of braille paper.

Please remember that the Communication Center is a working room. While the convention is a great place to meet and greet, loud conversations make it difficult to hear the speech synthesizers on the computers. Help us help you get the information you need.