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Congratulations on 50 Years of Success

ACB In the Silver State
Golden Past – Diamond Future
Congratulations on 50 Years of Success

Alaska Independent Blind Inc.
American Blind Golf
ACB of Colorado
ACB of Maryland
Audio Description Associates
Austin Council of the Blind
Bay State Council of the Blind
Ardis Bazyn
Margarine G. Beaman
Kevin Berkery
Audley Blackburn
Kathy Blackburn
Blue Grass Council of the Blind
Braille Revival League
Shirley Brokaw
California Council of the Blind
Patti and David Cox
Debbie and Bill Deatherage
DC Council of the Blind
Harry Epstein
Christopher Gray
Guide Dog Users, Inc.
George S. Holliday
Sarita Holliday
Independent Visually Impaired Enterprisers
Stephen Kerr
Bob & Ottilie Lucas
John A. McCann
Oral O. Miller
Mountain State Council of the Blind
Rhonda Nelson
Nevada Council of the Blind
North Dakota Association of the Blind
Oklahoma Council of the Blind
Old Dominion Council of the Blind
Mary Susan & William Orester
Pennsylvania Council of the Blind
Mitch Pomerantz
Donna Pomerantz
Potomac Valley Chapter, Mountain State Council
Marvelena Quesada
Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America
Teddie-Joy Remhild
Adam Ruschival & Carla Ruschival
St. Louis Council of the Blind
Dick Seifert
Silicon Valley Council of the Blind
Melvin Smith
South Dakota Association of the Blind
Utah Council of the Blind
Cindi Vega, honored president, Utah Council
Vermont Council of the Blind
Xavier Society for the Blind