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Getting Down to Business with IVIE

Are you a current or prospective business owner?
Join the Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE) during the 55th annual Conference and Convention of the American Council of the Blind to learn about owning your own business.

  • Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA) and IVIE mixer

    Relax after opening general session, have a few refreshments, and mingle with friends.

    When - Sunday, July 3, 10:00 PM

    Cost - $15 pre-registration, $20 on-site

  • IVIE Breakfast

    Bring your hearty appetite and creative ideas for making IVIE the best it can be to the annual IVIE breakfast and business meeting.

    When - Monday, July 4, 7:00 AM

    Cost - $24 pre-registration, $27 on-site

  • Finding Your Market Niche

    Are you looking for innovative methods for setting your business apart from the competition by providing unique services? If so, don't miss IVIE’s luncheon and program. Learn how the strategic use of niche marketing can spell success for your business. Identify niche marketing strategies you can use and those used by other business owners, and share how you found your niche in the marketplace.

    When - Wednesday, July 6, 12:15 - 2:30 PM

    Cost - $29 pre-registration, $32 on-site

  • IVIE small Business Expo

    Blind and visually impaired business owners will showcase their products and services and answer your questions.  Browse for free; visit for information on obtaining an expo booth.

    When - Wednesday, July 6, 2:45 - 5:45 PM

    Cost - free to browse, $10 for an IVIE member expo booth, $25 for non-member booth

Convention dates - Friday July 1 through Saturday, July 9
Pre-registration - May 19 - June 22
Hotel - Hyatt Regency Minneapolis
Room rates - $89 single or double; $10 per additional person per night charge for up to four people per room.

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