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ACB Fundraisers

Show your support for ACB in one or more of these ways:

Convention Sponsorships:

Stop by ACB / HumanWare  Registration in Capri 103 and become an individual or corporate ACB Convention Sponsor.  Individual sponsorships are bronze ($25), silver ($50), gold ($100), platinum ($250), and titanium ($500); sponsors receive special ribbons to wear on their convention badges, and are recognized both in general session and in the newspaper.

For information on corporate sponsorships, including pearl, coral, topaz, onyx, sapphire, ruby, emerald, diamond and double diamond, contact Margarine Beaman in the hotel or by cell phone at (512) 921-1625.

Brenda Dillon Memorial ACB Walk:

Go the extra mile for ACB by bringing in donations and by participating in the walk.  Buses leave promptly at 6:30 AM on Sunday, July 13 for Miracle Mile Shops.  Sincere thanks to Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Regal Entertainment, the Macular Degeneration Foundation, and the Buell Fund, for their sponsorship of the 2014 Brenda Dillon Memorial ACB Walk.

ACB Auction:

Get ready to bid and buy!  Vacations, technology, jewelry, memorabilia and many more treasures.  Auction preview, Wed., 6:00 PM; auction to follow at 7:00 PM in Top of The Riv.  Don't be late; grab a bite from the cash-and-carry line at the auction so you won't miss any of the bidding fun.

ACB Raffle:

Win $5,000 in cold hard cash!  Limited tickets available; $50 each.  Buy one for yourself or your affiliate, or find up to four friends and split the cost five ways.  Available at the ACB Store in the ACB / Exhibit Hall and at registration.

MMS Program:

Help support ACB all year round; it's easy and quick.  Find out more about the Monthly Monetary Support Program; ask questions and complete paperwork at the MMS table at the ACB Store booth in the Exhibit Hall.  The MMS table is open Sunday through Wednesday afternoon.