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ACB Sponsored Activities

DKM First-Timers Committee, Chair - Allen Casey

Thursday, July 12 - Suite 446

5:00 PM  DKM First-Timers Mint Julep Bash - $15 ($18)
Honor the 2012 Durward K. McDaniel First-Timer Award recipients, Cindy LaBon (Maryland) and Cynthia Julun (Texas).  Get a collectible Derby glass.

Education Task Force, Chair: Ray Campbell

Tuesday, July 10 - Taylor

4:15 PM  Expand Your Core Curriculum - $5 ($7)
Definition and importance of the expanded core curriculum in the education of children who are blind or visually impaired, and how outreach services from residential schools enhance education for children in all settings -  James R. Durst, Superintendent, Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Indianapolis, IN, and John Roberts, Director of Instruction, Kentucky School for the Blind, Louisville, KY

5:15 PM  The Anne Sullivan Macy Act
Draft legislation supporting the expanded core curriculum and the continuum of services to children who are blind or visually impaired - Mark Richert, Director, Public Policy, AFB, Washington DC

Employment Issues Task Force, Chair: Rebecca Bridges; Program Chair: Sarah Presley

Monday, July 9 - Coe

2:45 PM  Social Networking for Business and Pleasure - $10 ($12)
Sponsored by NIB and co-sponsored with the IAC

2:45 PM Link into LinkedIn
How to get yourself noticed on LinkedIn - Ray Campbell, independent consultant and former Adaptive Technology Specialist with the Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, Glen Ellyn, IL

4:15 PM Face up to Facebook
How to get the most out of Facebook - Brian Charlson, Director of Computer Training Services, Carroll Center for the Blind, Boston, MA

Information Access Committee, Chair: Pratik Patel

Saturday, July 7 - Combs/Chandler

2:00 PM  411 from the IAC - $5 ($10)
Sponsored by Lainey Feingold and Linda Dardarian

  1. Customizing ZoomText for comfort, productivity, and to meet your specific needs - Stephanie L. Rood, MS, Assistive Technology Studies and Human Services ATACP, Assistive Technology Instructor, Junior Blind of America, Los Angeles, CA
  2. Accessible Medical Equipment and Apps - Darren Burton, Manager, Technical Evaluation Services, AFB Tech, Huntington, WV
  3. Accessible Equipment for Your Kitchen and Home: Look What's Talking Now - members of the IAC

Sunday, July 8 - Coe

2:00 PM  IAC:  Google Survey Results
Results of last fall's survey and implications for future accessible technologies - Naomi Black, Accessibility, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA; Pratik Patel, Chair, ACB Information Access Committee, Fresh Meadows, NY

Monday, July 9 - Coe

2:45 PM  Social Networking for Business and Pleasure - $10 ($12)
Sponsored by NIB and co-sponsored with the ACB Employment Issues Task Force

2:45 PM Link into LinkedIn
How to get yourself noticed on LinkedIn - Ray Campbell, independent consultant and former Adaptive Technology Specialist with the Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired, Glen Ellyn, IL

4:15 PM Face up to Facebook
How to get the most out of Facebook - Brian Charlson, Director of Computer Training Services, Carroll Center for the Blind, Boston, MA

Tuesday, July 10 - McCreary

1:15 PM  Apple: Using a Touch Screen - $5 ($7)
Guided hands-on tour of the best ways to use touch screen devices - Sarah Herrlinger, Apple Corporation, Cupertino, CA.  Co-sponsored by ACBS

2:45 PM  Apple: Using a Touch Screen - $5 ($7)
A repeat of the 1:15 session

Wednesday, July 11 - Nunn

2:45 PM  Accessible TV – Reality in the UK - $5 ($7)
Description and demo of accessible TV in the UK. You won't believe your ears - Richard Orme, Royal National Institute for Blind People, Birmingham, England; Brian Charlson, Director, Computer Training Services, Carroll Center for the Blind, Boston, MA

International Relations Committee, Chair: Sandra Sermons

Monday, July 9 - McCreary

2:00 PM  The State of Accessibility
Co-sponsored with BITS.  Accessibility in Australia, Europe and the US. Panel - Renee Zelickson, BITS Program Chair and moderator, Chicago, IL; Susan Thompson, Vision Australia, Glebe, New South Wales, Australia; Arnt Holte, First Vice President, World Blind Union, Oslo, Norway; and Richard Villa, BITS President, Austin, TX

Tuesday, July 10 - Collins

4:15 PM  Madrid Revisited
Revisit stunning Madrid; discuss future travel plans.

5:45 PM  ACB International Reception - $12 ($15) - Nunn
Voices from around the world.  Meet international friends and welcome them to ACB.

Membership Committee, Chair: Ardis Bazyn

Saturday, July 7 - Sampson

5:00 PM  Keys to the Convention
Great for first-timers; tips on how to make the most of convention week.

Sunday, July 8 - Collins

2:00 PM  Keys to the Convention
Repeat of the Saturday seminar

Thursday, July 12 - Nunn

2:45 PM  Reaching New Members with Affiliate Websites
Co-sponsored by the ACB PR Committee.
At least one representative should attend from each affiliate.

2:45 PM  Welcome. Introduction of participants

3:00 PM  Panel - How Affiliates Use Websites to Reach New Members

3:30 PM  Panel - Using Websites to Publicize Your Mission, Events, and Fundraising

3:50 PM  Presentation of the ACB Affiliate Growth and Website Awards

3:55 PM  Wrap-up and door prizes

Multicultural Affairs Committee, Chair: Peggy Garrett

Monday, July 9 - Morrow

12:15 PM  MCAC Luncheon and Program - $27 ($29)
Rocking the Boat for Diversity - Arnt Holte, First Vice President, World Blind Union, Oslo Norway

Wednesday, July 11 - Suite 446

5:00 PM  MCAC Mid-week Social - $18 ($20)

Public Relations Committee, Chair: Dr. Ronald Milliman

Thursday, July 12 - Nunn

2:45 PM  ACB Membership Seminar
Co-sponsored by the ACB Membership Committee
Reaching New Members with Affiliate Websites:  At least one representative should attend from each affiliate.

2:45 PM Welcome. Introduction of participants

3:00 PM  Panel - How Affiliates Use Websites to Reach New Members

3:30 PM  Panel - Using Websites to Publicize Your Mission, Events, and Fundraising

3:50 PM  Presentation of the ACB Affiliate Growth and Website Awards

3:55 PM  Wrap-up, and door prizes

Rehabilitation Issues Task Force, Chair: Charles Crawford

Monday, July 9 - Jones

2:45 PM  Rehab Issues Workshop - $5 ($7)
Rehabilitation 2012 and Beyond: The continuing struggle for appropriate categorical programming; how states are providing blindness-related rehabilitation; prospects for consumers with multiple disabilities; team-based rehabilitation; and successful transition between high school, rehab, and higher education and employment.

2:45 PM  Categorical Rehabilitation in 2012
Where are we winning, losing, and creatively addressing change while maintaining blindness-oriented services - Charles Crawford, chair, ACB Rehab Taskforce, Silver Spring, MD; Doug Powell, Member, Virginia Statewide Rehabilitation Council, Falls Church, VA; and Ann Byington, Topeka, KS

3:30 PM  Rebab Needs and Transitions
Issues impacting services to consumers who are blind with and without multiple disabilities - Jeff Thom, Attorney and Immediate Past President, California Council of the Blind, Sacramento, CA

3:45 PM  Rehab Service Models
A team approach - Michael MacKillop, Assistant Director, Customer Services Unit, Washington State Department of Services for the Blind, Seattle, WA; Teddie-Joy Remhild, member, California State Rehabilitation Council, Burbank, CA

Resource Development Committee, Chair: Dan Dillon

Saturday, July 7 - Nunn

4:30 PM  Bequests and Corporate Giving- $5 ($7)
To Be or Bequest: Building Partnerships Now and Forever: bequests, planned giving, and corporate gifts in your affiliate's future - Paul Zurkuhlen, Vice President of Development, APH, Louisville, KY; Margarine Beaman, ACB Convention Advertising and Sponsorship Coordinator, Austin, TX

Scholarship Committee, Chair: Patty Slaby

Attendance by scholarship winners at the 2012 ACB Conference and Convention sponsored in part by ACB Lions and Tracfone

Saturday, July 7 - Breathitt

6:30 PM  ACB Scholarship Dinner
Invitation only; sponsored by RSVA & AT&T

Sunday, July 8 - Nunn

12:15 PM  ACBS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon - $28 ($30)
Sponsored by RSVA.  Join ACBS in congratulating the 2012 ACB scholarship winners.

Tuesday, July 10

9:15 AM  2012 ACB Scholarship Presentations – Grand Ballroom

6:30 PM  ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception - Suite 446
Sponsored by NIB.  Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the 2012 scholarship winners.

Sight and Sound Impaired Committee, Chair: Karyn Campbell

Monday, July 9 - Suite 446

8:00 PM  Get Social with SASI - $12 ($14)
Meet individuals with combined vision and hearing loss.  Mingle in a relaxed environment and learn about various forms of communication. Everyone welcome.

Thursday,  July 12 - Willson

2:45 PM  Noise in Our Environment
How noise affects us and what we can do about it - Jeff Fischer, Statewide Coordinator of services for the deaf-blind and licensed  audiologist, Lexington, KY 

Transportation Committee, Chair: Alice Ritchhart

Sunday, July 8 - Jones

2:00 PM  Transit and Environmental Access - $5 ($7)
Sponsored by AJWF, "Sight Through Helping Hands." How public transit providers can participate in local planning - Nancy Snow, Mobility Manager, Transit Authority for River City, Louisville, KY; Debbie Grubb, Chair, ACB Environmental Access Committee, Bradenton, FL; Chris Bell, ACB Environmental Access & ACB Transportation Committee, Roseville, MN; Ron Brooks, ACB Transportation Committee, Phoenix, AZ; and Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA

Women's Concerns Committee, Chair: Lori Scharff

Monday, July 9 - Sampson

7:45 AM  Morning Exercise
Leslie Spoone, Certified Personal Trainer and Aerobics Instructor, Orlando, FL; co-sponsored with the Recreation Zone

Wednesday, July 11 - Sampson

7:45 AM  Morning Exercise
Leslie Spoone; co-sponsored with Recreation Zone

4:15 PM  Women's Circle - $5 ($7) - Holly
Being Strong, Being Safe: a confidential, supportive discussion - facilitated by Marlaina Lieberg, Burien, WA and Lori Scharff, Malverne, NY

Thursday, July 12 - Sunflower

2:45 PM  Staying Healthy: Back and Neck Care - $5 ($7)
Sponsored by En-Vision America.  Do you experience pain while using your computer, sitting at a meeting, or waiting at a bus stop?  Tips on caring for and maintaining a healthy back and neck - Phyllis Burson, Ph.D., Personal Trainer and Clinical Psychologist, Bethesda, MD

5:45 PM  Pilates and Yoga - Wilkinson
Leslie Spoone; co-sponsored by Recreation Zone

Friday, July 13 - Stanley

7:00 AM  Sister Power:A Breakfast for Women - $23 ($25)
Facilitated by Ann Brash, La Grange, IL; presentation by Kim Charlson,  ACB First Vice President and Director, Perkins Talking Book and Braille Library, Watertown MA, and Denise Colley, Immediate Past President, Washington Council of the Blind and retired Washington State employee, Lacey, WA.

ACB Leadership Institute 2012, "Anatomy of an Organization"

Friday, July 6 – Sampson

8:00 AM  Welcome and Introductions
Berl Colley, Chair, Leadership Institute Committee, Lacey, WA; Mitch Pomerantz, ACB President, Pasadena, CA
Introduction of participants - Doug Powell, Falls Church, VA

  1. Constitution, Bylaws, and History: The Backbone
  2. Why do we have a governing structure; demystifying what they are and what they do; honoring the history without living with it forever - Jeff Thom, ACB Director, Sacramento, CA; Ray Campbell, ACB Director, Glen Ellyn, IL
  3. Easy Robert’s Rules:  The Skeleton
  4. How to run a successful meeting and allow members to be heard in meaningful deliberations - Paul Edwards, former ACB President and Chair, Board of Publications, Miami, FL
  5. Membership:  The Muscles
  6. Recruitment and retention; interactive exchange on what has worked in the past - Denise Colley, Washington Council of the Blind, Lacey, WA; Ardis Bazyn, Chair, ACB Membership Committee, Burbank, CA; and Carla Ruschival, ACB Treasurer, Louisville, KY
  7. Committees:  The Organs
  8. Inclusive leadership; what committees are most useful to an organization's health; how to use the energy of committed members - Donna Pomerantz, President, California Council of the Blind, Pasadena, CA; Mitch Pomerantz
  9. 12:00 PM  Luncheon
  10. Speaker: Dr. Frances Strickland, former "First Lady" of Ohio, Columbus, OH
  11. Fundraising:  The Lifeblood Do's and Don’ts, advantages and disadvantages of 501(c)(3) status
  12. etc. - Brenda Dillon, ACB Second Vice President, Hermitage, TN; Dan Spoone, Orlando, FL; Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA; Steven Obremski, ACB Director of Development, Arlington, VA
  13. Communication:  The Nervous System
  14. Current modes of keeping in touch with the membership and leaders - Paul Edwards
  15. You:  The Nourishment
  16. What's Next for each participant; evaluation and close -  Doug Powell, Berl Colley, and Mitch Pomerantz

Audio Description Institute, Joel Snyder, President, Audio Description Associates, Tacoma Park, MD

Thursday, July 12 – Saturday, July 14

8:30 AM  ADP Institute - Sunflower
The Audio Description Institute is an intensive three-day training program for audio describers and others interested in audio description.
The Audio Description Project is an ACB initiative designed to promote audio description activity in all formats throughout the United States. is an excellent resource for AD consumers and description producers;

Other ACB Meetings

Saturday, July 7 - Suite 446

6:00 PM  ACB Exhibitors' Reception (by invitation)

Sunday, July 8 - Taylor

11:00 AM  ACB Committee Chairs Meeting
An important meeting with ACB President Mitch Pomerantz.  Every committee should be represented, either by its chair or a designated committee member.

Wednesday, July 11 - Collins

4:15 PM  ACB Legislative Seminar - $5 ($7)
Newest information regarding pending and recently implemented legislative issues - Eric Bridges, ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Arlington, VA

Thursday, July 12 - Breathitt

4:15 PM  Affiliate Presidents' Meeting
Sponsored by HIMS Inc