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Special-Interest Affiliate Meetings

Audio/Visual Services Sponsored in Part by Google

Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

President: Oral Miller
Program Chair: Marilyn Lutter
Registration: $10 ($10)

Monday, July 9 - Stanley

12:15 PM  AAVL Luncheon - $27 ($29)
You're never too old for a guide dog: presented by a representative from Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Smithtown, NY.  AAVL business meeting to follow.

Wednesday, July 11 - Beckham

1:15 PM  Back and Neck Care
Phyllis Burson, Ph.D., Personal Trainer and Clinical psychologist, Bethesda, MD

1:55 PM  New APH Technology
Michael McCarty, Technology Support Specialist, American Printing House for the Blind, Louisville KY

4:15 PM  AAVL Musical Mixer - $10 ($10) - Suite 446
Mingle to piano music played by Deanna Scoggins, member, Kentucky Council of the Blind, Louisville KY

American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

President: Chris Prentice
Program Chair: Pshon Barrett
Registration: $20 ($25)

Saturday, July 7 - Poplar

5:30 PM  AAVIA Board meeting,

6:30 PM  Annual dinner - off-site.  Meet in Suites tower lobby

Sunday, July 8 - Taylor

1:30 PM  Introductions

1:45 PM  Domestic Relations - Jim Neppl, Attorney at Law, Rock Island, IL

2:15 PM  Federal Criminal Law Practice
Includes an update on Supreme Court cases that affect the criminal law practitioner - Donovan Robertson, Attorney at Law, Rock Island, IL

2:45 PM  The Swedish Legal System
Dr. Lawrence "Lars" Scott, Professor, Augustanna College, Rock Island, IL

3:30 PM  Break

3:45 PM  Update of Higher Education
Law school; disability law: the ADA, Section 504, and other relevant laws and court decisions - Dr. Laura Rothstein, Professor of Law and Distinguished University Scholar, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville

4:45 PM  Adjourn for the day

Monday, July 9 - Taylor

1:15 PM  Introductions

Facial and Expression Recognition for the Blind - A presentation by the Gemstone Honors Program, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

2:15 PM Break

2:30 PM  The Legal Aspects of Fundraising
Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington, VA, and Steve Obremski, ACB Director of Development, Arlington, VA

3:15 PM  Social Security and SSI Benefits
James F. Shaw, retired Social Security Administration Claims Representative, Louisville, KY

4:00 PM  The Latest in APH Technology

4:30 PM  Adjourn for the day

Tuesday, July 10 - Morrow

12:15 PM  AAVIA Luncheon - $35 ($40)
Experiences of a District Judge in Kentucky - The Hon. David L. Holton II, Jefferson County District Judge, Louisville, KY

2:00 PM  Structured Negotiations and Settlements -  Lainey Feingold, Attorney at Law, San Francisco, CA

2:30 PM  AAVIA Business Meeting and Election

ACB Diabetics in Action

President: Pat Wolf
Registration: $12 ($15)

Sunday, July 8 - Jasmine

12:15 PM  ACBDA Luncheon - $25 ($27)

1:30 PM  Diabetes Seminar - $8 ($10)

1:30 PM  Universal Design of Consumer Medical Products - Ann Williams, Ph.D., RN, CDE, Diabetes self-management education, Cleveland, OH

2:00 PM  Natural Health Foods for Diabetics - LaDonna Frantz, Board Certified Naturopathic, Harmony & Health Natural Health Center, Corydon, IN

2:30 PM  The Latest APH Products - Michael McCarty, Technology Support Specialist, APH, Louisville, KY,

Wednesday, July 11 - Collins 

1:15 PM  ACBDA Business Meeting

Thursday, July 12 - Executive Director's suite

9:00 PM  ACBDA Mixer - $12 ($15)

ACB Families

President: Deanna Scoggins
Registration: $8 ($10)

Monday, July 9 - Sunflower

9:00 PM  Ten-Pin Alley - $5 ($7)
Rack up strikes and spares on this 12-foot, 1-to-5-scale handmade wood bowling alley.  Cash prizes.  Co-Sponsored by Rec Zone

Tuesday, July 10 - Poplar

7:15 PM  The Power of Your Picture - $5 ($7)
The unspoken messages you send and how to make them work for you - Lynn Cooper, Lynn Cooper, nationally acclaimed speaker, coach, author and creator of the MIRRORS Project, a fully accessible personal image series for people with visual impairments, Chicago, IL

Wednesday, July 11 - Morrow

7:00 AM  ACBF Breakfast and Meeting - Morrow

2:45 PM  Minding Your GAPS - $5 ($7) - Morrow
The role Gestures, Appearance, Posture and Speech play in personal and professional success - Lynn Cooper, MIRRORS Project, Chicago, IL

5:45 PM  ImageWorks - $5 ($7) - Holly
Enhance your personal and professional image with clothes, posture and a handshake; Lynn Cooper, MIRRORS Project, Chicago, IL

Thursday, July 12 - Collins

2:45 PM  Addressing Success - $5 ($7)
Using your powerful non-verbal language skills to bring your dreams to life - Lynn Cooper, MIRRORS Project, Chicago, IL

5:45 PM  Symbols and Smiles - $5 ($7)
Using clothes, body language and hair styles to create a more powerful you - Lynn Cooper, MIRRORS Project, Chicago, IL

ACB Government Employees

President: Sarah Presley
Registration: $10 ($10)

Sunday, July 8 - Executive Director's suite

3:00 PM  ACBGE Mixer - $12 ($14)

Thursday, July 12 - Stanley

12:15 PM  ACBGE Luncheon - $25 ($27
State and Local Government
Challenges and Opportunities; get the inside scoop! - Don Brown, ADA Compliance Coordinator, Berkeley CA

ACB Human Service Professionals

President: Darian Slayton Fleming
Program Chair: Linda Porelle
Registration: $10 ($12)

Tuesday, July 10 - Executive Director's Suite

5:45 PM  HSP Happy Hour - $10 ($12)
Meet old and new friends for tasty snacks and conversation at our non-alcoholic happy hour.

Wednesday, July 11 - Willson

1:15 PM  ACBHSP business meeting

2:45 PM  Workplace Diversity - $8 ($10)
Challenges in the human service field - Peter Altschul, Organization Development Specialist and author of BREAKING BARRIERS: Working and Loving While Blind, Columbia, MO

American Council of Blind Lions

President: William Benjamin
Registration: $10 ($12)
A proud Pearl sponsor of an ACB scholarship winner attending the 51st ACB conference and convention

Saturday, July 7 - Suite 446

9:00 PM  Milly's Place Pin Swap - $12 ($15)
Share news from your local club; trade pins; friends, fun and snacks.

Sunday, July 8 - Walnut 

9:30 AM  ACBL Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 11 - Taylor

12:15 PM  ACBL Luncheon & Meeting - $27 ($29)

Thursday, July 12 - Meet in lobby

12:15 PM  Local Club Visit - $23 ($25)
Hosted by the Louisville East Lions Club at APH.

ACB Radio Amateurs

President: Steve Dresser
Program Chair: Mike Duke
Registration: $5 ($7)

Thursday, July 12 - Beckham

1:15 PM  ACBRA Program and Meeting

ACB Students

President: Sara Conrad
Program Chair: Caitlin Lynch
Registration: $5 ($7)

Saturday, July 7 - Executive Director's suite

8:00 PM  ACBS Welcome Party - $8 ($10)

Sunday, July 8 - Nunn

12:15 PM  ACBS Scholarship Winners Luncheon - $28 ($30)
Sponsored by RSVA.  Congratulate the 2012 ACB scholarship winners.

2:45 PM  ACBS business meeting

Monday, July 9 - Beckham

1:15 PM  Networking Through the Social Scene with Low Vision
Co-sponsored with CCLVI

4:15 PM  Fashion Forward Roundtable - $5 ($7) - Morrow
What to wear to a job interview; learn from fashion experts about clothes and makeup

Tuesday, July 10 - Poplar

1:15 PM  ACBS business meeting - Poplar

1:15 PM  Apple: Using a Touch Screen - McCreary
Co-sponsored by IAC.  Guided hands-on tour of the best ways to use touch screen devices - Sarah Herrlinger, Apple Corporation, Cupertino, CA

2:45 PM  Apple: Using a Touch Screen - $5 ($7) - McCreary
Co-sponsored by IAC.  Repeat of the 1:15 session.

4:15 PM  Take a Byte Out of Apple - $5, ($7) - McCreary

Wednesday, July 11 - Walnut

2:45 PM  ACBS Board meeting

4:15 PM  Including Youth in Your Affiliate - $5 ($5) - Jasmine

Thursday, July 12 - Carroll/Ford

9:00 PM  ACBS Comedy Night - $10 ($12)
End your week with a good laugh. Join ACBS for drinks, snacks and excellent live comedy.  Featuring Jeremy Essig.

Blind Information Technology Specialists

President: Richard Villa
Program Chair: Renee Zelickson
Registration: $15 ($15)
BITS Package: $62 ($62)

Saturday, July 8 - Collins

6:00 PM  BITS Board Meeting

Sunday, July 8 - Stopher

10:00 AM  Opening remarks
Richard Villa, BITS President, Austin, TX

10:10 AM  Introductions

10:30 AM  GPS Solutions
GPS Off the Shelf vs. Blind-Specific Hardware and Software Solutions; Panel - Renee Zelickson, Moderator and BITS Program Chair, Chicago, IL; Debra Turner, Access Technology Trainer, Abilene, TX; Mike May, President, and Katie Gilmore, Business Development Manager, Sendero Group, Roseville, CA; representative from HumanWare
1:30PM  Vendor showcase
Adaptive hardware and software exhibitors what's new in technology.

Monday, July 9 - McCreary

1:15 PM  Buying, Building, & Upgrading Your Computer
Richard Villa, Austin, TX

2:00 PM  The State of Accessibility
Co-sponsored with BITS.  Accessibility in Australia, Europe and the U.S. Panel - Renee Zelickson, BITS Program Chair and moderator, Chicago, IL; Susan Thompson, Vision Australia, Glebe, New South Wales, Australia; Arnt Holte, First Vice President, World Blind Union, Oslo, Norway; and Richard Villa, BITS President, Austin, TX

Tuesday, July 10 - Stanley

12:15 PM  BITS Luncheon and program - $36 ($36)
Speaker: Michael McCarty, technology specialist, APH, Louisville, KY.  A drawing for a PlexTalk Pocket will be held.

2:15 PM  BITS annual business meeting

Blind LGBT Pride Int'l.

President: Don Brown
Registration: $15 ($18)
BPI Package: $50 ($50)

Sunday, July 8 - BPI suite

9:00 AM  BPI Get Acquainted Brunch - meet in BPI Suite
Brunch at a local restaurant

3:30 PM  BPI Welcome to Louisville - $15 ($17)
Kick off convention week at our Mardi Gras mixer, where the Big Easy meets Derby City.  Get complementary beads, masks and a commemorative hurricane glass.

Monday, July 9 - BPI Suite

7:15 PM  Annual Business Meeting

Tuesday, July 10 - Willson

1:15 PM  Kentucky's KENTUCKY'S Fairness Law Fails
Workshop:  Reasons for the failure of Kentucky's Fairness Law, despite a reported 83% support among Kentuckians, and future legislative actions - Chris Hartman, Director, Fairness Campaign, Louisville, KY

2:45 PM  Parents of Adult ADULT LGBT Children Come Out
Workshop:  The "coming out" process experienced by parents of adult LGBT children; issues they face in work, church, and community - Shirley Lakes, President, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Louisville, KY

10:30 PM  Discussion Group - BPI Suite

Wednesday, July 11

2:45 PM  What's Appening Workshop – BPI Suite
This fun info-share workshop gives Android and iPhone users an opportunity to demonstrate and exchange ideas about useful and fun apps they use in work, school and play.

5:45 PM  BPI's Homecoming Celebration Party - $20 ($22) - BPI Suite
Join us as BPI's suite is transformed into the Winner Circle Saloon in celebration of our charter in Louisville in 2000.

Thursday, July 12 - meet in BPI Suite

12:15 PM  BPI Farewell Lunch
Have lunch with friends at a local restaurant

2:45 PM  BPI Souvenir Shopping (in hotel)

7:30 PM  BPI Movie Night - $5 ($7)
Join us for a private audio described screening of the Oscar winning movie "Ray" (2004).  This film biography focuses on 30 years of the turbulent life of Ray Charles, one of this country's most beloved rhythm and blues, country, and gospel performers.

9:30 PM  Caucus and Meeting

Braille Revival League

President: Judy Jackson
Program Chair: Ralph Smitherman
Registration: $10 ($12)

Sunday, July 8 - Holly

1:30 PM  BRL Orienteering - $5 ($7)
Pair up to follow a list of Braille clues that will send you scurrying around the hotel.  Fun and prizes!

3:30 PM  BRL Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 10

7:00 AM  BRL Breakfast - Nunn

1:15 PM  BRL Meeting - Collins

  • 1:15 PM  Welcome and Introductions
    Judy Jackson, BRL President
  • 1:30 PM  International Braille Dialogue
    Pete Osborne, Chair, United Kingdom Association for Accessible Formats, Peterborough, England; Arnt Holte, First Vice-President, World Blind Union, and Assistant General Secretary, Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted, Oslo, Norway
  • 2:00 PM  Report from the International Council on English Braille, General Assembly, Johannesburg, South Africa; Judy Dixon, ICEB Secretary, Arlington, VA
  • 2:15 PM  BRL Business Meeting and Elections
  • 2:45 PM  Break
  • 3:00 PM  What about the Braille in BARD?
    How will it all Work - Judy Dixon, Consumer Relations Officer, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC
  • 3:20 PM  New Braille Products
    Perkins Smart Brailler - Gayle Yarnall, Perkins Products, Watertown, MA
  • 3:40 PM  New APH Braille Products
    Michael McCarty, Product Support Specialist, APH, Louisville, KY
  • 4:00 PM  Hands-on and Questions
  • 4:30 PM  Adjournment

Wednesday, July 11 – Breathitt

1:15 PM  Joint Session with LUA & NABT

  • 1:15 PM  Welcome from the Presidents
  • 1:30 PM  Quality Time with Our Narrators
    Ask questions and hear more about APH's father and daughter narrators - Jack and Jill Fox, APH, Louisville, KY

2:30 PM Break

2:45 PM  The Bookport DT and more!
The new Desktop Bookport Plus AND a new APH notetaker - Michael McCarty, Technology Support Specialist, APH, Louisville, KY
3:10 PM  One Book, One ACB
This year we will be discussing "The Blind Advantage" by William Henderson.  An elementary school principal in Boston believes his school was helped by two things: the fact that he is blind and the fact that he thought students with disabilities were a real asset.

4:15 PM  BRL Bunco - $10 ($12) - Sunflower
Roll the dice for fun and prizes!

Council of Citizens with Low Vision Int'l.

President: Richard Rueda
Program Chair: Jim Jirak
Registration: $10 ($12)

Saturday, July 7

3:00 PM  CCLVI Board Meeting - Sunflower
6:00 PM  CCLVI Nominating Committee Meeting – Sunflower

Sunday, July 8 - Beckham

9:00 AM  CCLVI Program
Welcome and Introductions
Richard Rueda, CCLVI President, Union City, CA

9:15AM  Committee Reports
Legislative - Brian Petraits, Brownsburg, IN
Resolutions - Michael Byington, Topeka, KS
Constitution and Bylaws - Jim Jirak, Omaha, NE
Scholarships - Cathy Schmitt-Whitaker, Diamond Bar, CA
Nominating - Bernice Kandarian, Mountain View, CA

10:30AM  Special Presentation by APH
New APH products of interest to our low vision audience - Michael McCarty, Technical Support Specialist, APH, Louisville KY

11:00AM  Low Vision Vendor Showcase
The latest products for individuals with low vision.

4:00 PM  CCLVI Mixer - $15 ($17) - Suite 446
Fun, food, friendship, and door prizes!  Meet the 2012 CCLVI scholarship winners.
Monday, July 9 - Beckham

1:15 PM  CCLVI and ACBS: Networking Through the Social Scene with Low Vision
A panel presentation about socializing. Ways to meet people online, conversation starters, and the do's and don'ts of starting a friendship.

1:15 PM  The Intricacies of Developing Relationships with Visual Impairments
Pam Shaw, long-time ACB member, Philadelphia, PA

2:30 PM  Break

2:45 PM  Sara Conrad, President, ACB Students, Stevensville, MI; Kerri Regan, ACBS, Beth Page, NY; Richard Rueda, President, CCLVI, Union City, CA; and Lindsey Tilden, CCLVI, Vista, CA

7:00 PM  Clowning Around with CCLVI - $20 ($25) - Nunn
CCLVI's circus-themed game night and a chance to win prizes and have fun!  Hors d'oeuvres will be provided to fuel the needed energy.

Tuesday, July 10 - Beckham

1:15 PM  CCLVI Program and Business Meeting
Using Color and Lighting to Design Ergonomically Correct Environments for People with Visual Impairments; Elaine Kitchel, Low Vision Project Leader, APH, Louisville KY

2:30 PM  Break

2:45 PM  CCLVI Business Meeting and Elections; post-convention board meeting to follow

Friends-in-Art of ACB

President: Peter Altschul
Program Chair: Lynn Hedl
Registration: $8 ($10)

Saturday, July 7 - Holly

7:00 PM  FIA Board Meeting

Sunday, July 8

1:15 PM  FIA Art Parlor - Dogwood

4:00 PM  FIA Ice Cream Social - $18 ($20) - Stanley
Meet friends and sign up for an audition slot for this year's special "unplugged" Showcase. No band this year; acoustic musicians welcome.  Or sign up for an audition at the FIA art parlor.

Monday, July 9

1:15 PM  FIA Art Parlor - Dogwood

2:45 PM  Showcase Audition and Rehearsal - Holly

9:00 PM  FIA Prose and Poetry Reading - $5 ($5) - Lily
Writers are invited to read their original works to a receptive audience - Carla Hayes, Moderator, McMurray, PA

Tuesday, July 10

12:15 PM  FIA Luncheon and Business Meeting - $25 ($27) - Taylor
Speaker: Cassandra Culin, award-winning storyteller, Louisville, KY

1:15 PM  FIA Art Parlor – Dogwood

8:00 PM  FIA Performing Arts Showcase - $12 ($15) - Archibald
An outstanding program of ACB talent.

Wednesday, July 11

1:15 PM  FIA Art Parlor  - Dogwood

1:15 PM  Song Writers Workshop - $8 ($10) - Holly
Tools to help construct a song and to inspire you to express your creativity through this medium - Van Ramey, visually impaired professional songwriter and member of the Custom Made Bluegrass Band, Winchester, KY

4:15 PM  Singing A Round - $4 ($5) - Poplar
Co-sponsored with NABT.  Songs to sing with your children, students, or your own inner child.

Thursday, July 12 - Walnut

7:30 AM  FIA Board Meeting

Guide Dog Users, Inc

40th Anniversary
President: Becky Barnes
Program Chair: Jenine Stanley
Registration: $15 ($15)
The GDUI Suite is in the Laffoon Room.  Hours are Saturday from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Sunday through Tuesday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; and Wednesday, 9:00 AM to noon.
A doggie play area will be available in Wilkinson; hours to be announced.  A fun, safe environment for your dog to play and relieve stress.

Sunday, July 8 - Sampson

11:00 AM  First-Timers Session
New to conventions?  Learn to handle all the dogs, canes and chaos!

12:00 PM  Hotel Orientation
Learn your way around popular hotel destinations with guide dog instructors.

2:30 PM  Power Tools For Your GDUI Affiliate - Wilkinson
Dynamic affiliate session featuring tools presented by long-time GDUI and ACB members proven to help affiliates - Debbie Grubb, Facilitator, Bradenton, FL 

4:00 PM  GDUI Board Meeting - Wilkinson

4:00 PM  First-Timers Session - Sampson
Repeat of 11:00AM session

5:00 PM  Hotel Orientation - Sampson
Repeat of noon orientation

Monday, July 9 - Sampson

7:00 AM  Breakfast Club - Meet in East Tower lobby
Join your guide dog friends for a walk to a nearby restaurant; fun and fellowship!

1:15 PM  GDUI program - Sampson

1:15 PM  Introductions and Information
Meet other guide dog users and learn about the GDUI Scavenger Hunt and other convention activities.

2:45 PM  Reports from the Guide Dog Schools
This year's question: How does your school use food in training?

4:15 PM  Employment Issues and Your Guide dog
Title I of the ADA and other workplace issues involving your dog - Becky Barnes, Facilitator and President, GDUI; Dr. Beth Loy, Principal Consultant, Job Accommodation Network, Huntington, WV; and Peter Altschul, author and employment specialist, Columbia, MO

7:30 PM  River Walk - meet in East Tower lobby
Leisurely stroll along the Ohio River with your guide dog friends!

Tuesday, July 10

7:00 AM  Breakfast Club - Meet in East Tower lobby
Join your guide dog friends for a walk to a nearby restaurant; fun and fellowship!

1:15 PM  GDUI History Project - Sampson
An old-time-radio retrospective from guide dog handlers, instructors and schools of living and working with guides over the past 80 years - Debbie Grubb, Facilitator

4:15 PM  More Than Just Your Junk - TSA and You! Not on hotel room sheet
The airport screening process; open to all - representative of the Transportation Security Administration

6:00 PM  3 Dog Bakery Tour - $14 ($17)
Visit the country's largest 3 Dog Bakery Store, learn about their unique approach to nutrition and shop for those hard-working canines!

Wednesday, July 11

7:00 AM  Breakfast Club - Meet in East Tower lobby
Join your guide dog friends for a walk to a nearby restaurant; fun and fellowship!

12:15 PM  GDUI Luncheon - $28 ($30) - Carroll/Ford
GDUI celebrates its 40th anniversary with awards and more! Unusual Breeds Used as Guide Dogs - John Byfield, longest working instructor in the world of guide dogs, Freedom Guide Dogs for the Blind Cassville, NY

2:45 PM  GDUI Business Meeting and Caucus – Sampson

7:30 PM  Movie Night - $15 ($15) - Sampson
Audio-described film, "Sniff!"  Find out who won our GDUI Scavenger Hunt.

Thursday, July 12

7:00 AM  Breakfast Club - Meet in East Tower lobby
Join your guide dog friends for a walk to a nearby restaurant; fun and fellowship!

1:15 PM  Relaxation Unleashed - Sampson
It's time to relax for you and your dog with some exercises and meditation after a long convention week. Snoring is allowed!  Maia Scott, Facilitator, San Francisco, CA

Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs

President: Carla Hayes
Registration: $6 ($8)

Sunday, July 8 - RSVA Suite

10:00 PM  RSVA & IVIE Mixer

Monday, July 9 - Nunn

7:00 AM  IVIE Breakfast and Business Meeting - $23 ($25)
Enjoy a great breakfast, mingle with friends, and help IVIE make important decisions.

Wednesday, July 11 - Stanley

12:15 PM  IVIE Luncheon and Program - $25 ($27)

12:55 PM  Welcome and Opening Remarks
Carla Hayes, IVIE President, McMurray, PA

1:00 PM  APH Products Which Can Help You with Your Business
Michael McCarty, Product Support Specialist, APH, Louisville, KY.

1:30 PM  15 Ways to Get the Most out of Life
Bob Mueller, author, motivational speaker and columnist for "Woman's Day Magazine."

2:00 PM  Running Your Business out of Your Home
Pros, Cons and Considerations; Panel - Steve Dresser, President, Jennco Productions, Reading, MA; Joe Sorenson, Celebrations (An urban Gospel radio station), Albuquerque, NM; and others

Thursday, July 12 - McCreary

12:30 PM  IVIE Small Business Expo
Blind and visually impaired business owners showcase their products and services and answer your questions.

Library Users of America

President: Paul Edwards
Registration: $10 ($12)

Saturday, July 7 – Jasmine

5:30 PM  LUA Pre-convention Board Meeting

Monday, July 9 – Collins

1:15 PM  LUA Program
Welcome and Introductions
Paul Edwards, President, Library Users of America, Miami, FL

1:30 PM NLS: New Leadership, New Directions
Karen Kenninger, newly-appointed Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

2:30 PM  Break

2:45 PM  The Indiana Regional Library
What's happening at the Indiana Regional Library?  Maggia Ansty, Librarian, Indiana Talking Book and Braille Library, Indianapolis, IN

3:00 PM eBooks and Adobe
Updates on ePub books and other Adobe initiatives that will make reading more accessible - Pete De Vasto, Software engineer, Adobe Systems, Inc, San Jose, CA

3:15 PM  Business meeting
Includes elections and a discussion from our representatives to the various NLS advisory groups.

5:45 PM  Reading with iDevices - $5 ($7) - Breathitt
Reading with iPhones and other devices; discussion of Bookshare and Learning Ally software - Paul Edwards, Moderator; Brian Charlson, Director of Technology, Carroll Center for the Blind, Watertown MA

Tuesday, July 10 - Sunflower

5:45 PM  Book Mark-it - $5 ($7)
Peggy Garrett, LUA Secretary, Missouri City, TX; and Adam Ruschival, LUA Treasurer, Louisville, KY

Wednesday, July 11 - Breathitt

1:15 PM  Joint Session with BRL & NABT

1:15 PM Welcome from the Presidents

1:30 PM  Quality Time with Our Narrators
Ask questions and hear more about APH's father and daughter narrators - Jack and Jill Fox, APH, Louisville, KY

2:30 PM Break

2:45 PM  The Bookport DT and more!
The new Desktop Bookport Plus AND a new APH notetaker - Michael McCarty, Technology Support Specialist, APH, Louisville KY

3:10 PM  One Book, One ACB
This year we will be discussing "The Blind Advantage" by William Henderson.  An elementary school principal in Boston believes his school was helped by two things: the fact that he is blind and the fact that he thought students with disabilities were a real asset.

4:00 PM  Post-convention Board meeting

National Association of Blind Teachers

President: Carla Hayes
Registration: $10 ($12)

Sunday, July 8 - Jasmine

8:00 AM  NABT Breakfast, Program and Business Meeting - $25 ($27

8:45 AM  The Challenge of Technological Change
Three Lessons in Leadership From The Archives of the American Printing House For the Blind - Micheal Hudson, Director, Callahan Museum, Louisville, KY

9:30 AM Break

9:45 AM NABT Business Meeting
Elections; consideration of a name change.

Monday, July 9, 2012

12:30 PM  NABT Educational Products Tour - $14 ($17)
Especially for teachers. Visit APH to check out new products and get tips for using them in the classroom.

Tuesday, July 10 - Holly

1:15 PM  NABT Book Day - $5 ($7)

1:15 PM  Welcome and opening remarks
Carla Hayes, NABT President, McMurray, PA

1:20 PM  How Being Blind Made Me a Better Principal and Other Stories,
Bill Henderson, Retired Teacher, Principal and Author of the book, "The Blind Advantage," Dorchester, MA

2:30 PM  Break

2:45 PM  My Life As An Adult Educator
Peter Altschul, Organization Development Specialist and Author of the book, "Breaking Barriers: Working and Loving While Blind," Columbia, MO

4:00 PM  Break

4:15 PM  Understanding E-Reading Accessibility Needs for Students with Disabilities
The latest government guidelines and E-Reading accessibility solutions; how Barnes & Noble is integrating accessibility into its digital products - Jade Roth, Vice President of Books Digital Strategy, Barnes & Noble College, Basking Ridge, NJ;  Doug Klein, Vice President of Technical Planning and Integration, Barnes & Noble, Palo Alto, CA

Wednesday, July 11- Breathitt

1:15 PM  Joint Session with BRL & LUA

1:15 PM  Welcome from the Presidents

1:30 PM  Quality Time with Our Narrators
Ask questions and hear more about APH's father and daughter narrators - Jack and Jill Fox, APH, Louisville, KY

2:30 PM  Break

2:45 PM  The Bookport DT and more!
The new Desktop Bookport Plus AND a new APH notetaker - Michael McCarty, Technology Support Specialist, APH, Louisville, KY

3:10 PM  One Book, One ACB
This year we will be discussing "The Blind Advantage" by William Henderson.  An elementary school principal in Boston believes his school was helped by two things: the fact that he is blind and the fact that he thought students with disabilities were a real asset.

4:15 PM  Singing A Round - $4 ($5) - Poplar
Co-sponsored with FIA.  Songs to sing with your children, students, or your own inner child.

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

President: Dan Sippl
Registration: $20 ($20)
RSVA Package: $75 ($90)
Proud Coral sponsor for the 2012 ACB conference and convention, and to support the July 7 Scholarship Winners' Dinner and the July 8 ACBS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon.

Saturday, July 7 - RSVA Suite

1:00 PM  Subcommittee Meetings

Sunday, July 8 - Holly

10:00 AM  RSVA Board Meeting

12:15 PM  ACBS Scholarship Luncheon - $28 ($30) - Nunn
Sponsored by RSVA.  Not included in RSVA package.  Or lunch on your own

1:30 PM  RSVA Meeting - McCreary

1:30 PM  Welcome and Introductions
Dan Sippl, RSVA President, Eau Claire, WI
Roll Call of Affiliates - Ardis Bazyn, RSVA Secretary, Burbank, CA

1:50 PM  Growing Your Business with Customer Service
Dr. Ronald E. Milliman, A3 Business Solutions, Bowling Green, KY

2:40 PM  Constitution
Ardis Bazyn, RSVA Constitution chair; Don Stevens, RSVA Parliamentarian, Wetumpka AL

3:05 PM  iPad and iPhone How-to
Michael McCarty, Technology Support Specialist, APH, Louisville, KY; Carla Ruschival, retired teacher and ACB Treasurer, Louisville, KY

4:05 PM  What's Happening in the KY BEP?
Richard Nesbitt, Director, Kentucky Business Enterprises, Office for the Blind, Frankfort, KY; George Stokes, Chair, Kentucky Committee of Blind Vendors, Frankfort, KY

4:45 PM  (or immediately following program) - Nominating Committee Meeting
All state affiliate delegates should attend

Monday, July 9

12:15 PM  RSVA Annual Awards Luncheon - $35 ($40)
Featured speaker:  Marcus Carey, "A storyteller with the magical ability to weave the lessons of history into the fabric of today's world; blending fascination, humor and emotion; awakening a sharpened view of the world in which we live and the great potential in our future," Erlanger, KY - Nunn

2:30 PM  Business Meeting - Nunn

6:30 PM  RSVA Preview and Auction - Combs/Chandler

9:00 PM  RSVA Karaoke Night - $10 ($15) - Combs/Chandler

Tuesday, July 10 - RSVA Suite

12:30 PM  RSVA Affiliate Presidents and Board Lunch

8:00 PM  Casino Night - $20 ($25) - Combs/Chandler

Visually Impaired Veterans of America

President and Program Chair: John Fleming
Registration: $10 ($10)

Tuesday, July 10 - Grand Ballroom

8:15 AM  All veterans are invited to lead the Pledge in the ACB general session at 8:30AM;  meet at front of room at 8:15 AM
1:15 PM  VIVA Recruitment Meeting - Walnut