At long last, there's now a new way to listen to ACB Radio that doesn't require you to use a computer.
All you need now is a telephone! That's right, we have joined a service which allows us to present all streams of ACB Radio to you by telephone. It's easy to use, and brings the great offerings of ACB Radio to your fingertips.
To listen to ACB Radio, dial (231) 460-1047. You will then be presented with a menu of choices. You can jump from stream to stream if you decide while listening that you want to hear another one of our channels.
From blindness-related programming on Mainstream to old-time radio treasures on Treasure Trove and lots of music and coverage of live events in between, it's all at your fingertips. Note: if you do not have free long distance, telephone charges may apply.
Please feel free to contact me at with any questions or comments.
Happy listening, and we're glad more of you can now join us on ACB Radio, where your listening is our business!
- Marlaina Lieberg