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Affiliate News

Giving Back in Michigan

The Michigan Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired will hold their 43rd annual convention Oct. 7-9 at the Four Points by Sheraton in Kalamazoo. The theme this year is “Giving Back to our Communities.” Speakers will focus on ways that we can all share our time and talent to make a difference in our home communities. Other events include the exhibits on Friday afternoon, the Friday night auction, business meeting Saturday afternoon and more. The banquet Saturday night will feature Dr. Gary Anderson, past International Director of Lions Clubs International. Registration is available online or by phone. For more information, check the MCBVI website at
Room rates are $75 per night plus tax. Be sure to mention that you are with the Michigan Council of the Blind convention to get this rate. Hotel reservations must be made by Sept. 4. Convention registration is now open. You may register online, by phone, or by mail. Pre-registration closes on Sept. 14. If you have questions, call 1-888-956-2284. See you in Kalamazoo!

Top Dog 2017

Save Jan. 12-15, 2017, for Top Dog 2017! The event hotel is the Holiday Inn and Suites across from Universal Orlando, 5905 S. Kirkman Rd., Orlando, FL 32819.  To reserve a room, call 1-800-216-0635 and say that you are registering for Top Dog 2017.  Be sure to provide the event code, which is “Top.”  You may also register online at, where you will use the code “top” as well. Standard rooms are $89 per night plus tax. One-bedroom suites are $149 plus tax; two-bedroom suites, $189 plus tax. The pricing will be in effect for three days before and after Top Dog. 
During the event, you get the chance to participate in a CPR course for your guides.  Sessions will take place on Friday morning and afternoon. Each session is limited to 20 people. The cost is $40 per person. 
The exhibit hall will be open all day Friday and Saturday. After breakfast on Saturday morning, participants may take part in the blessing of the guide dogs.
Allergies in dogs and their impact on the dog’s health, happiness and ability to work at its best is a problem that may confront all of us. On Saturday, you will hear from a renowned veterinarian about canine allergies and their treatment. You will also have an opportunity to hear about the latest in way-finding technologies and use them with your dogs.
Are you concerned about service dog fraud and issues with airline travel? During Top Dog, you will learn from experts about the current status of both of these important issues from the standpoint of the Department of Transportation and the Department of Justice. 
The banquet will be held on Saturday evening. During Sunday morning’s breakfast, we will present Guide Dog Tales. 
Registration costs $130 per person if you register with the meal package, or $15 without the package. The meal package includes plated breakfasts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings; boxed lunches on Friday and Saturday afternoons; and plated dinners on Friday and Saturday evenings. 
To register, visit, or contact registrar Kathleen Trutschel at (386) 257-9337.