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Affiliate News

** Nebraska Convention Coming Soon

ACB of Nebraska is holding its annual state convention April 29-May 1 in Columbus, Neb. The theme is "Climbing the Ladder of Success," with Ray Campbell being the keynote speaker. The hotel is the New World Inn & Conference Center, 265 33rd Ave. To secure the discounted room rate of $67 plus taxes, mention ACBN and call 1-800-433-1492. Registration, and more information, can be found on the ACB of Nebraska web site,

** North Dakota Celebrates 75

The North Dakota Association of the Blind invites ACB members to its 75th anniversary convention to be held at the Holiday Inn Riverside in Minot, N.D., June 10-12. Chris Gray will be the keynote speaker. To get a registration packet, contact Marilyn Nelson via e-mail, [email protected]. To make your reservation, call the Holiday Inn Riverside at 1-800-468-9968. Come and help us make this the best convention ever!

** Lions Sponsor Scholarship Winners

In 2010 in Phoenix, the American Council of Blind Lions made it possible for one of ACB's young, bright scholarship winners to attend the national conference and convention. Funds for this Pearl sponsorship were contributed by local Lions clubs and were matched by ACBL.

The American Council of Blind Lions is celebrating its 40th anniversary this July in Reno. As part of the celebration, ACBL plans once again to serve the ACB community by helping young people to learn about our great organization firsthand and to become future leaders in ACB.

The American Council of Blind Lions will once again sponsor one or more ACB scholarship winners to the convention. To help us reach our goal, we are inviting local Lions Clubs and individuals to contribute to our sponsorship fund. ACBL will match those contributions, making your dollars work harder to help a young person spend time with ACB in Reno.

In 2010, local clubs in several states participated in this project. The Georgia Council of Blind Lions has already sent its 2011 contribution. You can help, too. Mail checks to: American Council of Blind Lions, 2011 Sponsorship Fund, 148 Vernon Ave., Louisville, KY 40206.

We also invite all Lions to become part of ACBL. Dues are only $15 per year, and should be sent to the address above. ACBL holds meetings via conference call the first Thursday of every month. Join our free e-mail list by sending a message to [email protected], and visit our Facebook page at

The American Council of Blind Lions -- WE SERVE!!!

** AAVL Offers Wide Variety of Activities at Convention

As you sit with your convention registration form trying to decide what events you want to attend, please consider the wonderful events planned for you at AAVL.

When you take the time to read over the events, remember that in AAVL you have the members planning these events with the longest experience and loyalty to ACB. We have in AAVL the cream of the crop, the best of the best, and we try to give you all the benefit of our long-time membership in ACB. Please come to our events and look around, listen to the voices of members you can recognize from many years past. People like our president, Oral Miller; our vice president, John Huffman, and our program chair, Nola McKinney. 

On Monday, plan to attend our luncheon. Not only do we have good food and great chatter, but we have Brenda and Dan Dillon singing a mini concert of the songs they are famous for. Now with your tummies full and your hearts still singing songs we all know, we invite you to stay and take part in our annual business meeting. You may even want to join us and be a part of this hard-working, fun-loving group.

On Wednesday afternoon we are presenting a great two-part program. At 1:30, we will have GDUI enthusiast Jenine Stanley presenting "You Are Not Too Old for a Guide Dog." Perhaps you have considered a guide dog but thought, "Well, that's too strenuous. My cane travel is good enough." She will tell you all the benefits of getting a guide dog. 

After Jenine's presentation, Eric Bridges, ACB's director of governmental affairs, will talk about how to begin our campaign on getting Medicare to supply visually impaired older adults with those aids and appliances they need to improve their independent living skills. If Medicare will buy wheelchairs and walkers, why not CCTVs and hearing aids? Come and hear our ideas on getting this change made. 

After all that serious talk, let's party! Our annual wine and cheese musical mixer, with our money-making raffle, will be held Wednesday evening from 4 to 6. Come and join us, let your hair down, laugh and sing along! I promise to pull your winning ticket. 

Hope to see you in Reno!