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October 1, 2012 Board of Publications Meeting Minutes

The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference on Monday, October 1, at 9:00 PM EDT. Members present: chair Paul Edwards, Denise Colley, Nolan Crabb, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson; ex officio members Berl Colley, Bob Hachey, Ron Milliman; ACB staff/contractors Annette Carter, Sharon Lovering, Larry Turnbull. Several guests also participated on the call.
Chair Paul Edwards convened the meeting at 9:10 PM EDT. The meeting agenda was adopted with two additions. The minutes of the August and September meetings were approved as distributed; several small punctuation errors will be corrected.

Committee Reports

Leadership Training: Berl reported that participation has been very poor on the monthly training calls. The next call will occur on Monday, October 22. The Kentucky and Bluegrass affiliates are sponsoring the Crossroads Leadership Training seminar, probably the weekend of March 23, 2013; they are inviting affiliates in surrounding states to participate. The Midwest group is getting organized, spearheaded by Ray Campbell and Jim Jirak. Arizona, Louisiana, Michigan, New Mexico, and Blind Pride have expressed interest in leadership training.
ACB Radio: Larry is working on the new server, which just arrived from California. Once it is up and running, we will be getting much more bandwidth for our money. He is also testing the new radio automation system. Two programs have been added to ACB Mainstream. The ACB of New York newsletter will air on Friday nights at 8:00 PM Eastern time, and "All Things Radio" will be broadcast Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM Eastern time. A program called "Blind Families," sponsored by ACB Families, will begin airing shortly. The Illinois convention will be streamed this weekend, and the Ohio convention will be streamed later in October.
Editor's Report: Sharon is working on the 2013 budget. $1200 will be allocated for the BARD conversion of the Forum. Sharon received the bids for binding the large print edition. The lowest bid is from Save-A-Book Bindery, at $461.50 to bind seven years' worth of issues. Nolan moved and Marcia seconded that the BOP approve this bid from Save-A-Book Bindery, with the proviso that Sharon ask them if they can lower the price; the motion was adopted unanimously.
On September 13, the BOP held an executive session for the purpose of exploring some personnel matters. At that meeting, we decided to institute a couple of changes that we think will improve the quality of The Braille Forum. The BOP members will meet with the editor soon to discuss these changes to make sure she is comfortable with them. More information will be forthcoming at future meetings.

Old Business

Lane Waters, Janet Dickelman, and members of CCLVI will attend part of our November meeting to discuss the large print edition of the convention program.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM EDT.
The next meeting of the Board of Publications will take place via teleconference on Monday, November 5, at 9:00 PM EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia N. Dresser, Secretary