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May 5, 2008, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2008

Paul Edwards called the teleconference meeting to order at approximately 9:10pm (EDT). Members present were: Ken Stewart, Jenine Stanley, Cindy Van Winkle; ex oficio members: Ron Milliman, Barry Levine; ACB Staff: Sharon Lovering; Guest: Ardis Bazyn, Membership Committee; Absent: DeAnna Noriega 

Approval of Minutes
Cindy Van Winkle moved to approve the April minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded and carried. 

Membership Brochure
Ardis Bazyn explained the latest draft of the membership brochure and walked the BOP through its layout. After some discussion and suggestions, the BOP decided that it would further study the brochure and get back to Ardis and the Membership Committee in approximately a week with a final draft. 

Cindy moved that the BOP go into executive session to discuss the Ned E. Freeman and Vernon Henley awards. The motion was seconded and carried. 

Ron moved the executive session be adjourned and that the BOP resume regular business. The motion was seconded and carried. 

Paul reported that the BOP had discussed both awards. Regarding the Ned E. Freeman Award, the decision prescribed by the voting as distributed by Sharon will stand. The BOP will not present the Vernon Henley Media Award in 2008. 

The BOP will also work to clarify the criteria for the Ned E. Freeman Award in future to consider only published works. 

Gift Certificate for ACB Auction
Cindy moved that the BOP offer a certificate at the ACB Auction, using the same criteria as the one it offered in 2007 that afforded the purchaser a 100-word dedication in the Braille Forum. The BOP stipulated that the Editor of the Braille Forum maintain the quality of the submission. The motion was seconded and carried. Cindy will send information about this certificate to Sharon for review and revision of dates. Sharon will send finished copy to the BOP. 

Resolution 2005-15
Paul stated that on behalf of the BOP, we regard the document detailing the survey on internet use prepared by Ron Milliman as a fine piece of work. Paul noted that the role of the BOP in the implementation of Resolution 2005-15 is to facilitate discussions on where to go next with the process outlined in that resolution. 

Cindy moved that thanks to the report prepared by Ron, we now have a view of the nature of the problem, the perceived digital divide, and can now move forward into the second and third stages of the resolution, designed to make conscious efforts to minimize the problem. The motion was seconded and carried. 

Paul noted five action points he would like the BOP to consider as facilitators for Resolution 2005-15. 

1. Invite chairs of all committees mentioned in Resolution 2005-15 to the BOP meeting during convention. 

2. Place this discussion on the BOP Convention Meeting agenda, allowing Ron to give a brief report on the survey. Ron will distribute the document to all relevant committee chairs as well. Having this discussion at the beginning of the convention allows us to bring suggestions forward to ACB as a whole. 

3. Ask Ron to prepare a summary of the document appropriate for publication in the Braille Forum giving Ken the opportunity to write a responding article about the remaining portions of the resolution. 

4. Focus discussion involving this issue during the BOP Convention Meeting around tangible solutions not philosophical points. 

5. Also invite representatives from rehabilitation and computer training organizations who might partner with ACB for free or low-cost training for those wishing to become more proficient on the internet. 

Ron moved that someone put together and article for the Braille Forum about possible solutions and policies to minimize the problem of a digital divide among blind people. The motion was seconded and carried. 

PR Committee Report
The BOP commends Ron and his committee for the recent press releases. Ron reported that he is editing the Press Release Handbook and hopes to have it available by convention. Paul stated that he would arrange a discussion between himself, Ron, Melanie Brunson and Mitch Pomerantz regarding placement of press releases on the web site in a timely manner. 

Ken asked that the BOP review how resolutions are made available to members, timely publication, ability to search on the web site, etc. Sharon noted that resolutions are available in MS Word format and braille in the national office upon request as well as on the ACB web site. Jenine noted that using the Google search feature within the ACB web site can also locate specific information included in resolutions. 

BOP Convention Workshop
Jenine will contact Carla Ruschival about the BOP Editor’s workshop scheduled for Wednesday, July 9 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. 

Paul moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded and carried. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley,
Recording Secretary