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April 14, 2008, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2008

Paul Edwards called the teleconference meeting to order at approximately 9:05pm (EDT). Members present were: Ken Stewart, Jenine Stanley, DeAnna Noriega, Cindy Van Winkle; ex oficio members: Ron Milliman, Barry Levine, Chrissie Cochran; ACB Staff: Melanie Brunson, Sharon Lovering; 

Approval of Minutes
DeAnna Noriega moved that the March meeting minutes be accepted as submitted. The motion was seconded and carried. 

ACB Radio Report
Paul and Chrissie Cochran gave a report about the process of complying with US copyright law as it pertains to internet radio stations and their play lists. Broadcasters on ACB Radio Interactive must provide four different pieces of information about every song played, the artist, song title, album title and record label, to be kept in a log. This log can be reviewed by the copyright office. Paul and Melanie Brunson have met with an attorney who specializes in copyright law to assure that ACB Radio is gathering and submitting information in the appropriate format and that there are no other issues of compliance we should be considering at this time. 

Chrissie noted that ACB Radio staff has developed a database to allow logging of all necessary information and that play lists for the first quarter of 2008 have been completed but are not yet in the appropriate format for the copyright office. Chrissie also noted that the process of creating this database and working with the broadcasters has brought the ACB Radio team closer together as a unit. She is very proud of the level of professionalism they display and the quality of programming offered on all of the streams. 

One crucial issue however in this logging of information is that blind broadcasters do not always have access to the album and record label information for every song. Most use on-line databases which may contain conflicting or incorrect information. This aspect of keeping records is something Paul, Melanie and Chrissie will discuss with the attorney and all other parties involved. 

Chrissie will pursue what is involved in being able to click on a song title from the play list or from the currently playing music and be able to purchase that music via an on-line store such as, with ACB gaining revenue from the click through or purchase price. She will report on this information at future meetings. 

The Board of Publications advised Paul to tell anyone concerned about potential costs involved with the copyright compliance that the BOP is monitoring the operations of ACB Radio and at this time is comfortable with all aspects of said operation, including costs. 

Copyright Language for the Braille Forum
Paul reported that he and Melanie had discussed copyright language for the Braille Forum to denote protection of intellectual property rights for authors. They will bring suggested language to the next BOP meeting for discussion 

BOP Workshop at Convention
The BOP discussed with Chrissie ACB Radio’s potential for promoting affiliate work and greater utilization of the Mainstream channel plus promotion opportunities on the other streams. Ken Stewart moved that the BOP hold a workshop during the convention about how ACB state and special interest affiliates might utilize ACB Radio. The motion was seconded and carried. Jenine Stanley said she would assist Paul in coordinating and facilitating the workshop as the offering for the 2008 Editor’s workshop regularly presented by the BOP. Further information about exact times will be provided at the May meeting. 

Editor’s Report
Sharon Lovering had nothing to report. 

CCB Report
Ken reported about his experience speaking to the convention of the California Council of the Blind. He was well received with his comments generating interesting discussion. Paul noted that he had also received good responses to Ken’s speech. 

Ned E. Freeman Award
Sharon covered submission of choices for the award. All choices must be in to her by May 1. The BOP discussed reviewing the qualifications for eligibility for next year’s award. DeAnna and Cindy Van winkle will present a report at the June BOP meeting with suggested changes. 

PR Report
Ron Milliman reported that the Public Service Announcement (PSA) packets went out and the announcements are now being played in several markets. There is a need for more packets. The BOP commended Ron and the committee on the PSA project. 

The next item from the PR Committee will be The Press Release Handbook for ACB chapters and Affiliates. Ron hopes to have this product available in large print, Braille and electronic format by convention. 

The PR Committee will then begin work on a similar handbook about public service announcements. The BOP looks forward to these publications and applauds the work of the PR committee thus far. 

Membership Brochure
After extensive discussion of the proposed membership brochure, the BOP directed Paul to obtain a final version that the group could approve at its next meeting. He agreed to work with the existing material to create something based on suggestions during the discussion, with input from appropriate Membership Committee members. 

Candidates Forum:
Cindy asked that the BOP look at procedures for questions at the Candidates Forum. 


Jenine moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded and carried. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley,
Recording Secretary