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November 3, 2008, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2008

The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference on November 3, 2008 at approximately 9:10pm (EST). Members present were: Paul Edwards, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart, Marcia Dresser and Judy Jackson. Ex Oficio members present were: Barry Levine. Ron Milliman was absent. ACB staff members and contractual employees present included: Melanie Brunson, Sharon Lovering; ACB Radio staff: Chrissie Cochrane, Geoff Shang and Larry Turnbull.

Meeting Minutes:

As the October minutes were not yet available, Judy Jackson moved to defer approval. The motion was seconded and approved.


Jenine Stanley moved to adopt the agenda as mailed to the BOP. The motion was seconded and approved.

Copyright Compliance for ACB Radio Interactive and the ACB Radio Cafe:

The BOP commended Chrissie Cochrane and her staff for the excellent report provided explaining the changes they wish to make regarding entities for payment of copyright royalties. Chrissie, Geoff Shang and Larry Turnbull gave further explanations and answered questions from the BOP. The report recommended that ACB contract with SWCast for copyright royalty payment, in conjunction with a license from SESAC. These contracts would fully cover both streams for copyright compliance. The other ACB Radio streams are not affected by these contracts and do not require such reporting. Jenine moved to approve the recommendation of the ACB Radio staff outlined in the report. The motion was seconded and approved with one abstention.

Paul moved that even though the BOP does not control or oversee the revenue stream for ACB Radio, it consider the proposed advertising element from the above report for recommendation to the ACB Executive Director. The motion was seconded and approved.

Braille forum Production Contracts:

The BOP thanked Sharon for assembling the received bids and reviewing them for the group.

Marcia Dresser moved to award the contract for cassette production to Potomac Talking Book Services. The motion was seconded and approved.

Judy moved to award the braille production contract to National Braille Press at its lower submitted bid which requires an adjustment of deadlines, deemed feasible by Sharon. The motion was seconded and approved.

Jenine moved to award the Print production contract to Victor Graphics. The motion was seconded and approved.

Paul estimated an increased cost of 12.5% for overall production of the Braille Forum during the next two years. Sharon will compile a list of all approved bids for review with Melanie and presentation to the Acb Budget Committee.

New Business:

In preparation for the December review of the Board of Publications Policy Manual, Paul asked Jenine to provide a link for the document for easier reference.

Paul also requested that Jenine reconvene the Web Site Task Force and prepare a preliminary report for the December meeting. He noted that he has spoken and will confirm with Carl Augusto of the American Foundation of the Blind, regarding consultation with their web site designer. Based on a recommendation from the first report of the Web Site Task Force, Paul is also working with students at his university to create an electronic logo suitable for the web site.

Future Meetings:

Paul noted that the December meeting of the BOP will primarily concern review of the policy manual, web site issues and 2009 awards, along with preparation for the February Mid Year Meeting. The January BOP meeting will focus on BOP and the Candidates Pages and Candidates forum.

The next meeting of the Board of Publications will take place via teleconference on Monday, December 1 at 9:00pm (EST).

Jenine moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and approved.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley,
Recording Secretary