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Pedestrian Environmental Access Committee

Becky Barnes Davidson, NC, Chair
(914) 393-6613
[email protected]

Sue Crawford, MD, Vice Chair

Kimberly Avila, VA
Christopher Bell, NC
Liz Bottner, DC
Joanne Chalom, FL
Dorene Cornwell, WA
Karen Gourgey, NY
Eugene Lozano, CA
Daveed Mandell, CA
Gretchen Maune, MO
Pat Sheehan, MD
Claire Stanley, MD

Officer Liaison: Denise Colley, WA
Staff Liaison: Swatha Nandhakumar, VA

Resource Library

MUTCD Comments

The MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Device) provides guidelines for traffic planners and engineers in designing intersections and traffic patterns. It includes guidelines on Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS). The MUTCD hasn't been revised in nearly a decade so when comments were sought the EAC and ACB submitted this document. Our focus is the safety of blind pedestrians and strengthening the requirements for APS.

ACB Letter to U.S. Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg

This letter was sent to Secretary Buttigieg to draw his attention to our concerns and our comments on the MUTCD.

To Mobility and Beyond – The Importance of Accessible Pedestrian Signals and How to Obtain Them Through Litigation

Join Chris Bell, J.D., Janet Barlow, COMS, Lori Scharff, and Torie Atkinson from Disability Rights Advocates as they discuss the importance of accessible Pedestrian Signals (APSs) to our safety and mobility and how to use litigation under the ADA and Section 504 to compel public agencies to install them on a systemic basis. Current litigation brought by ACB of NY and ACB of Metro Chicago  are also discussed as examples of what may be accomplished using the courts to advocate for APSs in your area. Sponsored by the ACB Environmental Access and Transportation Committees

2021 Convention Session Podcasts

2020 Convention Session Podcasts

This webpage was last updated February 22, 2023.