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January 7, 2013 Board of Publications Meeting Minutes

The BOP met via teleconference on Monday, January 7, at 9:00 PM EST. Members present: chair Paul Edwards, Denise Colley, Nolan Crabb, Marcia Dresser; ex officio members Berl Colley, Bob Hachey; ACB staff/contractors Annette Carter, Sharon Lovering. Absent: Judy Jackson, Ron Milliman, Larry Turnbull. Several guests also participated on the call.
Bob moved and Marcia seconded adoption of the meeting agenda as distributed. Denise moved and Nolan seconded approval of the November minutes. Both motions carried. Annette put the November minutes up on the Web site. Because several CCLVI members and other guests had items to bring before the BOP, approval of the December minutes was deferred until February.
The BOP decided not to have a meeting in March because we will meet on February 22 at the midyear conference.

Large Print Convention Program

There were no 2012 large print programs available for CCLVI members to review. Paul, Annette, Lane Waters, and someone from the convention committee will meet soon to discuss incorporating as many of CCLVI's best practices as possible into the 2013 program. CCLVI members will be asked to save their 2013 programs so they can provide feedback and suggestions for future large print publications. We will continue to address this issue at future BOP meetings.

Internet Oversight Committee

There are no problems with the acb-l and acb-chat lists. A lengthy discussion ensued when several GDUI members reported that people are being suspended or removed from GDUI lists without prior warning. This matter is of grave concern to BOP members; however, because ACB affiliates are autonomous, we cannot tell an affiliate how to conduct business. Nolan moved and Marcia seconded that we direct Bob to craft more explicit list guidelines that the BOP can look at in February and once approved, that we strongly encourage all affiliates to abide by these guidelines. The motion was adopted.

Leadership Training

Plans are well underway for the Crossroads Leadership Training, which will take place in Louisville March 15 and 16. People will be able to register in early February. The Midwest and South Central trainings have not been organized yet. All of these leadership trainings will be discussed at the midyear meeting. Motions were adopted to accept Bob's and Berl's reports as well as Ron's PR committee report, which was submitted via email.

Editor's Report

Sharon is putting the finishing touches on the February Forum, which will be 56 pages. (She met with Nolan and Marcia on January 4 to go over the table of contents.)  Sharon and Carla Ruschival reported that despite a few glitches, the new membership database is extremely easy to use. Affiliates can choose whether or not to use this database to certify members this year. Training will be done via telephone in small groups according to adaptive technology preferences; in other words, JAWS users will be trained by a skilled JAWS user. Marcia moved and Denise seconded acceptance of Sharon's report; the motion carried.

Social Networking

Paul feels that there are now sufficient volunteers in place to administer ACB's Facebook page, and he hopes that this page will be up and running in time for the midyear meeting. A private individual has an ACB Facebook page. Paul drafted a letter, which he sent to Melanie, asking Facebook to take that page down and to return the ACB fan page to ACB.

Electronic Forum

The BOP made small changes to Paul's article describing the new publication, which will appear in the February issue. This electronic publication will temporarily be called the ACB E-Forum, as suggested by President Pomerantz. Nolan proposed that we have a "Name the E-FORUM" contest. Denise and Marcia will come up with the details and write an article for the March Forum. The BOP also approved Paul's document outlining the bidding process for the BARD contract.


Annette reported discrepancies in the formatting of the large print edition, which occur in every issue. She and Paul will discuss this later in the week to determine how to proceed.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 PM EST.
The next meeting of the Board of Publications will take place via teleconference on Monday, February 4, at 9:00 PM EST.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia N. Dresser, Secretary