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May 7, 2012 Board of Publications Meeting Minutes

Members present: Chair Paul Edwards, Nolan Crabb, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Ken Stewart; ex officio members: Berl Coley, Bob Hachey, Ron Milliman; ACB staff/contractors: Annette Carter, Sharon Lovering, Larry Turnbull. Several guests also participated on the call.
Chair Paul Edwards convened the teleconference at 9:05 PM EDT. Ken moved and Marcia seconded adoption of the agenda with several additions requested by Ken.  The motion passed. Nolan moved and Bob seconded acceptance of the minutes of the April 2 meeting as read with two corrections. The motion carried.

Public Relations Committee Report

On April 22, the PR committee held an open  teleconference for affiliates and chapters on the topic of how to build a functional Web site. Ron Milliman stated that although the call was very successful, the 38 participants ran the gamut from those who are very knowledgeable about computers and Web sites to those who are novices. Ron will send a summary of this call to the BOP and to anyone else who requests it. At the 2012 ACB Conference and Convention in Louisville, the PR committee and the membership committee will co-host a workshop on Thursday afternoon, July 12, which will focus on the content of a Web site. Ron is seeking nominations for outstanding affiliate Web sites; these will be recognized at this workshop. Ron hopes that those responsible for maintaining the aforementioned Web sites will be available to come to the workshop.

Editor's Report

Sharon is still working on the affiliate lists for credentials. The April and May issues of The Braille Forum and the 2011 convention CDs have been sent out. After some discussion, the BOP decided that, beginning with the July/August issue of the Forum, the term of the immediate past president will not be listed. Any item from an individual wishing to buy or sell something will be placed in the "High Tech Swap Shop" column; the "Here and There' column will feature resources and products. Sue Lichtenfels, editor of "Here and There," will refer people to the ACB Store to purchase a featured product if that product is available through the store.

Web Task Force

The Web Task Force met twice since the last BOP meeting and will meet again on May 15. The minutes of these meetings were given to the BOP. The Drupal upgrade appears to have been successful.

ACB Radio

Listener counts have not changed since last month. Some shows have been moved around on Interactive. As of June 1, Larry will get rid of the [email protected] email address because that mailbox has been getting a great deal of spam. Instead, every broadcaster will have an ACB Radio email address and a Twitter account. The ACB of New York monthly newsletter is being added on Mainstream. All affiliates with MP3 recordings of their newsletters are welcome to submit them to Larry for broadcast on Mainstream; a note to this effect will be sent to newsletter editors. Larry will create a Dropbox folder where MP3 newsletters can be submitted.

Oral History Project

There will not be a second edition of the Oral History CD this year. Several people ordered a copy of the first CD last year and never got it. Sharon will get a copy from Lane and will duplicate the necessary copies to rectify this. Copies will continue to be sold in the ACB Store.

Leadership Institute

People will be able to register for the Leadership Institute on the convention pre-registration form, which will be available June 1. Approximately fifty attendees will be accepted. The luncheon speaker will be Frances Strickland; she is a Kentucky native and is the wife of the immediate past governor of Ohio. The committee is investigating doing regional leadership trainings in 2013.

Candidates Page

The article regarding the candidates page will appear in the June Forum. The information will also be posted on the Leadership List, ACB-l, and on the Web site. Nolan will record a 60-second spot for ACB Radio. Paul will ask Eric Bridges if we can also put a notice on the Washington Connection.

BOP Convention Programming

As a part of the BOP meeting on Sunday morning, July 8, from 10:30 to noon, Marcia and Judy will lead a discussion regarding the possible name change for The Braille Forum as well as Braille Forum content. The editors workshop, led by Paul, Nolan, and Ken, will take place on Thursday, July 12, from 1:15 to 2:30. The Candidates Forum will be held on Thursday evening from 7:00 to 9:00. The name of this year's convention newspaper will be "The Paddlewheel Gazette."

June Meeting

Nolan made a motion, seconded by Judy, to cancel the June meeting. A roll call vote was taken. Nolan and Judy voted in favor of the motion, and Ken and Marcia voted against it. As chair, Paul broke the tie and voted in the affirmative. Therefore, the next meeting of the Board of Publications will take place at the 2012 ACB Conference and Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, on Sunday, July 8 at 10:30 AM EDT.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 PM EDT.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia N. Dresser, Secretary