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May 2, 2011, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2011

The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference at approximately 9:05pm (EDT), Monday, May 2, 2011. Members present were: Paul Edwards - Chair, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart; Ex Oficio Members: Bob Hachey; Absent: Berl Colley, Ron Milliman; ACB Staff/contractors: Sharon Lovering, Earlene Hughes, and Larry Turnbull. 


Ken moved to approve the agenda as proposed. The motion was seconded and adopted. 


Ken moved to approve the April minutes. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Web Site/Drupal Task Forces: 

Jenine reported that the Web Site Task Force has been meeting weekly to work on design elements of the new web site. They are preparing for a June 1 roll-out of the new site. There have been some issues raised when dealing with third party contractors who are administering the ACB Store and 2011 Conference and Convention registration and Sponsor/Exhibitor sites. Mitch Pomerantz has arranged a meeting with the Drupal Team and Preety Kumar of DeQue Systems regarding these two projects and how information will be shared and managed between the two entities. 

Earlene reported that she continues to add content and arrange the home page. She would like more pictures to add as graphics. Jenine and Sharon will work together to find some appropriate pictures for the site. Jenine will also discuss picture resizing software with the National Office. 

ACB Radio: 

Larry reported that SW Cast, the entity ACB Radio used to manage copyrights, was found guilty of not paying royalties since 2005 and was shut down by Sound Exchange on April 22. After doing a great deal of research, Larry signed ACB Radio up with Loud City, another copyright management company, for $34.00 per month. He is currently paying this himself until such time as the billing can be changed over to ACB and he can be reimbursed. 

The ACB Radio Management Team is creating a document detailing how to listen to ACB Radio using a PDA. Information will also be available on listening via Iphone. 

The Management and Corporate Relations Teams are also starting a long-range planning process with an initial document. They are considering rebranding and gathering information about listener habits. 

Larry did not have listener numbers but will provide them after the meeting via the BOP email list. 

PR Committee: 

Earlene reported that Ron Milliman told her the marketing handbook would be ready by the 2011 Conference and Convention. 


After much discussion about award criteria, Jenine and Marcia agreed to look at the Awards section of the Policy Manual to simplify judging criteria particularly for the Henley Award. 

Marcia moved that all award votes be in no later than May 9. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Editor’s Report: 

Sharon noted that the June issue of the Braille Forum is very tight. 

She is almost finished with affiliate membership lists. 

She also noted that she would send subscription figures after the meeting. 


Paul reported that he and Mitch Pomerantz worked on a proposal to the National Library Service to include the Braille Forum on the BARD and Web Braille sites as a magazine for download and playing on NLS machines and eligible DAISY book readers. The proposal was submitted and he will follow up with next actions. 

Paul reported that Library Users of America (LUA) will fund production of the BARD-ready file of the Braille Forum from June through December, 2011. LUA requires at least three bids for this production. 

Mike duke will work with Paul and the entity producing the BARD-ready file to have a marked up version of ACB Reports for inclusion with each issue. 

Continuation of ACB History Project: 

Paul reported that Dr. Otis Stevens contacted him to thank the BOP for the recent obituary of Mary Ballard. Dr. Stevens is also interested in working on another written history of ACB. Paul will be assisting along with others. The project is in the very initial stages at this time. 

Paul moved to support, in principle, the production of a second edition of ACB’s revised and updated history. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Internet Oversight Committee: 

Bob reported that he has circulated draft language for a liability statement to appear at the end of messages on ACB-l and ACB-Chat email discussion lists. He will have Melanie review final language. He will also write an article for the July/August issue of the Braille Forum about the two ACB national email lists. Bob noted that traffic has gone down considerably on ACB-l since the formation of ACB-Chat and he has had few problems with the new list. 

BOP Policy Manual: 

Paul stated that he and Jenine will work on final sections of the policy manual and members should be prepared to discuss it at the June meeting. 


Ken thanked Sharon for adding Bob as an ex Oficio to the Braille Forum listing for the BOP. An error by the narrator in Ken’s hometown has been corrected for the May issue. 

Sharon noted that instead of producing a braille file herself, she uses the “BRF” file from the braille producer which people find satisfactory. 

Passings Column Language: 

Ken would like to make some changes to the language in the “Passings” column which he will send to the BOP email list for comment. 

Copyright Statement: 

Paul will finish the consultation with Melanie Brunson regarding an overall copyright statement and share it with the BOP prior to the June meeting. 

Pre-Conference & Convention Board Meeting: 

Jenine asked for assistance covering the pre-conference & convention ACB Board meeting. Judy will represent the BOP at this meeting. Jenine offered to cover the Fall ACB Board which will take place in Louisville KY. 

Braille Forum Name Issues: 

Marcia reported that she continues to look into costs associated with the name change. Paul has asked Melanie to compile data and make estimates. 

ACB History CD: 

Paul asked that we be updated on the progress of the ACB Oral History Project’s CD. Marcia will contact Berl Colley about this project. 

Next Meeting: 

The BOP will meet on Monday, June 6 at 9:00pm EDT. 


Jenine proposed adjournment at approximately 11:50pm EDT. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Jenine Stanley
Recording Secretary
May 28, 2011