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June 6, 2011, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2011

The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference at approximately 9:05pm (EDT), Monday, June 6, 2011. Members present were: Paul Edwards - Chair, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart; Ex Oficio Members: Bob Hachey, Berl Colley; Absent: Ron Milliman; ACB Staff/contractors: Sharon Lovering, Earlene Hughes, and Larry Turnbull. 

Adoption of Agenda: 

Ken moved to adopt the proposed agenda. The motion was seconded and adopted. 


Marcia moved to adopt the May minutes. The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Oral History Project: 

Berl reported that he continues to work on the production of the Anniversary CD. Jenine offered to assist in the final editing and duplication. Berl will send her the files and instructions for final edits. 

DAISY Committee: 

Berl reported that the committee has only met once since the last BOP meeting. 

ACB Radio: 

Larry reported the following listener numbers for May: 

Treasure Trove: Average listener count 110 Peak 125
Mainstream: Average 45 Peak 60
Interactive: Average 25 Peak 30
Cafe: Average 35 No Peak data available
World: Average for live events is in the 30’s. 

Student Connection will soon debut on ACB Radio. 

Larry noted that his work on migration to the new server has slowed due to his involvement with the ACB web site. He believes this work will speed up now that the ACB site has gone live. 

Web Site Committee: 

Jenine reported that the redesigned ACB web site went live on Sunday, June 5. Despite some minor issues, the site is up and running. Larry and Earlene reported on these minor issues and how they are being handled. Earlene continues to add content to the site. 

Jenine publically thanked Earlene and Larry for their tireless work getting the site ready to go live. The response thus far has been very positive. 

Social Networking Committee: 

Jenine reported that a hash tag, #ACB11, has been set for all things 2011 ACB Conference and Convention on Twitter. The goal of our Twitter presence during the Conference and Convention is to drive traffic to ACB Radio by announcing start times for various activities with web site links to listen live. We will also report outcomes of floor votes during convention sessions. 

Editor’s Report: 

Sharon reported that she has been working on the pre-registration materials for convention. Ken asked how many large print and audio copies of this material have been requested thus far. Sharon reported that she has fielded 92 requests for large print and over 20 for audio pre-registration materials thus far. The end of the request period for this material is June 25. 

Sharon provided the following subscription numbers for the Braille Forum: 

Braille: 1045
Cassette: 2350
Large Print: 4380 

Sharon announced the award winners as follows: Vernon Henley Media Award, Major League Baseball; Ned E. Freeman award, Carmella Broom; Hollis K. Liggett Braille Free Press Award, Washington State Council of the Blind. 

Sharon also reported that she has made copies of the marketing handbook on CD in RTF, TXT and BRF formats for distribution at the Conference and Convention. 

Internet Oversight Committee: 

Bob reported issue with cross posting between ACB-l and ACB-Chat email lists. The BOP recommended that the IOC study this as a punishable offense on both lists. 

PR Committee: 

The BOP acknowledged the report submitted by Ron Milliman prior to the meeting. 

Policy Manual: 

After a discussion and review of final sections of the Policy Manual Paul asked the Marcia do a final edit of the manual as presented by Jenine. Any changes should be in to Marcia by June 20. 


Jenine moved to adopt the copyright statement used on the ACB web site, which reads as follows: 

All materials made available in publications, in any media on web site domains administered by ACB, or as a broadcast or podcast on ACB Radio, archived or not, are considered property of the American Council of the Blind. Those responsible for creative content may allow their materials to appear elsewhere with prior notification to the ACB national office.

The motion was seconded and adopted with one abstention. 

Press Releases: 

After discussion it was decided that the BOP will allow press releases and informational statements from state and special interest affiliates to be considered for posting on the web site. 


Several formats of the June issue arrived early. No problems were reported. 

NLS/BARD and the Braille Forum: 

Paul believes there will be no problem with the Braille Forum being offered via the National Library Service’s BARD and Web Braille sites and expects to be able to announce this at the Conference and Convention. Paul is still taking bids for NLS format production of the Braille Forum. He will also discuss with Mike Duke adding markers to ACB Reports so it can be offered via BARD as well. 

Convention BOP Meeting: 

Paul asked that the following items be placed on the agenda for the Sunday, July 10 meeting: 

  • Discussion of Candidates Page
  • Presentation by Steve Obremski, ACB Development Director
  • Policy regarding organizations who donate funds 

Advertising Rates for Convention Newspaper: 

Jenine moved to adopt the same pricing and policies as used in 2010 for advertising in the 2011 edition of the Conference and Convention newspaper. Those rates and policies are as follows: 

Ads and other items for publication must be in the Communications Center by 2:00pm each day. The BOP allows ads to run up to three days in order to give important convention announcements more space. Ads must be no longer than 100 words.
BOP policy prohibits the production or distribution of campaign materials by the Communication Center.
Cost for advertising in the newspaper is:
Individuals, ACB affiliates and blind representatives of MLM companies (e.g. Amway, Mary Kay, Cookie Lee, etc.): $15 per day or $40 for 3 days
Exhibitors: $40 per day, $100 for 3 days
All Others: $50 per day or $125 for 3 days 

Next Meeting: 

The next meeting of the BOP will take place on Sunday, July 10 at 10:30am in Reno, Nevada. 


Paul moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 12:10am (EDT). The motion was seconded and adopted. 

Submitted by Jenine Stanley
June 12, 2011