Meeting Minutes
September 6, 2010
The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference on Monday, September 6 at approximately 9:05pm (EDT). Members present were: Paul Edwards, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart. Ex Oficio members present were: Larry Turnbull; Absent: Berl Colley, Ronald Milliman; ACB Staff/contractors present, Sharon Lovering. Paul noted that Bob Hashay will be the representative from the Internet Oversight Committee.
Ken moved to accept the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.
Ken moved to accept the August minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded and approved.
ACB Radio:
Larry reported that he has implemented PRS, a system to assist with automation and the ability to do cooperative broadcasts with other internet radio stations. When there is not live programming on ACB radio Interactive, this new automation stream is heard. If a broadcaster is having technical difficulty, then the ACb Café stream is heard. Larry noted that broadcasters really appreciate the new system and he plans to add several new broadcasters in the near future.
Audience figures are as follows and are averages based on Larry’s routine monitoring of the streams:
ACB Radio Café: 90 to 100 listeners
ACB Radio Treasure Trove: 60 to 70 listeners
ACB Radio Mainstream: 30 listeners with highs of 70 to 200 listeners during convention coverage
ACB Radio Interactive: 20 listeners with highs of 75 listeners during exhibit hall coverage at convention
Larry also reported that ACb has reached a contractual agreement with the company providing our backup server. He will work on transferring material to this server and running ACB Radio from it while he makes some needed updates to the main server.
Jenine moved to accept the ACb Radio report as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.
PR Committee:
Ron Milliman submitted a report prior to the meeting which was summarized by Judy Jackson. The committee will work on a handbook of marketing resources for affiliates as its major project for the next year.
Jenine moved to accept the PR Committee report as submitted. The motion was seconded and approved.
Social Networking:
Jenine reported that Natalie Byers has been chosen as the Twitter Administrator. Plans continue to have the Twitter page live on September 20. A social networking email list has been created and plans are to launch publicity for that list at the same time as the Twitter page.
Drupal Working Group:
Larry reported that the group continues to test features of the program and will be working on policies for access. Jenine reported that she has been invited to speak at the ACB Mid-Atlantic conference regarding the BOP’s efforts in web site redesign and social networking.
Marcia moved to accept the Social Networking and Drupal Working Group reports as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.
Internet Oversight Committee:
Paul reported that the committee has requested representation from the BOP that can address web site and social networking projects. Ken moved that Jenine serve as BOP representative to the Internet Oversight Committee. The motion was seconded and approved.
CCLVI Large Print Committee:
Paul reported that he has spoken with the committee chair. The committee will not have its white paper on large print production finished by the time the BOP begins work on contracts for the next Calendar period. Paul noted that the BOP would abide by the resolution regarding large print and that Ken would advise us from his experience both as a large print user and member of the committee during the contract process. The BOP does plan, however, to draw on the white paper for related sections on large print in its updated policy manual.
BOP Policy Manual Update:
Jenine has prepared a preliminary draft of the 2011 Policy Manual she will send to everyone in the body of an email. She has added heading levels and additional sections proposed by the group, including sections on web site and internet, email, large print, Braille and provision of alternative formats.
Paul asked that revision of the Policy Manual be covered as follows:
Ken will remain our liaison to the CCLVI Large Print Committee and will prepare standards for the Large Print Section based on the related resolution and his own experience.
Judy and Marcia will review sections involving candidates forum and candidates page.
Paul and Jenine will construct sections involving web site, internet and social networking.
Jenine will review the Awards section.
Judy and Marcia will construct a section on Braille.
Paul will construct a section on provision of alternative formats.
Editor’s Report:
Sharon noted that the deadline for articles for the November Braille forum is September 24.
Regarding the August issue of the Braille forum, there were around a dozen reports thus far of issues with cassettes not playing on Side Two. Sharon is checking with Potomac Talking Book about this problem.
A discussion of how to encourage more authors resulted in several possible actions involving BOP members. Paul noted that asking authors to address ACB resolutions would help to promote ACB’s activities.
Unfinished Business:
Paul noted that he would like to postpone a discussion of copyright issues until the October meeting when Melanie Brunson would be present. He will resend his proposed language for inclusion in the Braille forum for our review.
Paul noted that he will invite Tom Mitchell to address the BOP with his concerns at our November meeting.
New Business:
The group agreed to discuss plans for Mid-year meeting activities at the October meeting.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the BOP will take place via teleconference on Monday, October 4 at 9:00pm (EDT).
Paul moved to adjourn at approximately 11:10pm (EDT). The motion was seconded and approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley,
Recording Secretary