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December 6, 2010, Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Publications

Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2010

The ACB Board of Publications met via teleconference on Monday, December 6, at approximately 9:05pm (EDT). Members present were: Paul Edwards, Marcia Dresser, Judy Jackson, Jenine Stanley, Ken Stewart. Ex Oficio members present were: Berl Colley, Ron Milliman and Larry Turnbull; Absent: Bob Hachey. ACB Staff present were: Sharon Lovering and Melanie Brunson; Guest Mitch Pomerantz. 

Approval of Minutes: 

Ken moved to approve the November minutes. The motion was seconded and approved. 

ACB Budget: 

Melanie, Mitch and Paul outlined the proposal from the ACB Budget Committee. The 2011 ACB budget will undergo substantial changes. The Budget Committee proposes to produce 11 issues of the Braille forum. 

An analysis of subscriptions shows that over 50% of subscribers are not current members of ACB and many are people who were members but have allowed their membership to lapse. It was proposed that as of the April issue only current ACB members or those who pay a subscription fee will receive hard copies of the Braille Forum. Notices will be placed in the February and March issues. 

The ACB Budget Committee asked the BOP to determine a yearly subscription fee. Currently the subscription fee for agencies is $25.00. 

Ken moved that the BOP accept by consensus the ACB Budget Committee’s proposal to cut production of the various formats of the Braille Forum; that a notice will appear in the February and March issues stating that as of the April issue people must be either ACB members or pay a subscription fee to receive hard copies of the Braille Forum; and, the BOP recommends a subscription fee of $25.00 per year. The motion was seconded and approved. 

DAISY Training: 

Berl reported that the DAISY Committee’s training on software to produce DAISY format documents will occur in late January/early February. 

Copyright Language: 

Paul and Melanie developed copyright language to apply to all media, including ACB Radio. Paul asked that Melanie send this language to the BOP list for approval. 

ACB Radio: 

Larry reported that the first ACB Radio program has gone to the International Association of Audio Information Services (IAAIS). ACB Radio will be adding more IAAIS programming in future. 

Larry noted that the backup server is being modified for those affiliates with their own domain names who want SSL certificates but should be operational in January. 

Larry also reported listener numbers from the ACB Radio coverage of the national convention. Average listener counts on ACB Radio Mainstream were between 150 and 200 per day. ACB Radio Interactive averaged 95 to 100 listeners per day and the ACB Radio Café which broadcast the Friends In Art Showcase averaged 95 listeners. 

Internet Oversight Committee: 

Bob Hachey submitted proposed changes to the ACB-L list rules regarding advertising. Jenine moved to accept the amended rules language proposed by the IOC regarding advertising on the ACB-L email list. The motion was seconded and approved. Jenine will contact Bob regarding our acceptance. 

Editor’s Report: 

Sharon shared her choices of bid recommendations for production of the 2011 Braille Forum: 

BRAILLE (based on a 32-page print edition) 

*** Clovernook
Frequency: 12 issues per year
Average master pages per issue: 60-80
Average copies per issue: 1500-2000
Year 1 Price per copy: $1.56
Year 2 Price per copy: $1.60 

Frequency: 12 issues per year
Average master pages per issue: 60-80
Average copies per issue: 1800-2400
Year 1 Price per copy: $1.50
Year 2 Price per copy: $1.55 

*** Potomac Talking Book
one-year/two-year contract
$700 per 32-page issue for recording and hosting the audio streaming for the web
$725 per 48-page issue 

duplication and mailing
6,800-8,000 copies per month: 60 cents per cassette less than 6,800 copies per month: 62 cents per cassette 

Sharon reported one other bid for large print production will come in after deadline due to trouble with the company’s fax machine. They contacted her prior to the deadline though to alert her of their interest. 

Marcia moved to accept bids from Clovernook for braille production and Potomac Talking Book for cassette production and that the BOP grants Sharon and Paul the authority to choose the company to handle large print production. The motion was seconded and approved. 

ACB Mid Year Presidents Meeting: 

Paul presented our requests for Mid Year meeting topics and program time. We will have time on the program to discuss the future of the Braille forum and alternatives to cassettes. We will also discuss the Braille forum name issue during the BOP meeting on Friday evening. 

BOP Policy Manual: 

Paul stated that he would like all sections of the Policy Manual in by January 3, 2011. The goal is to have a completed manual by the Mid Year meeting. 


Jenine will send Sharon an article detailing the three awards to appear in the February issue. 


Paul reported that he has the summary of the November ACB Board meeting completed and ready for publication. 

Next Meeting: 

The next meeting of the BOP will take place via teleconference on Monday, January 3, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT. 


Paul moved to adjourn at approximately 11:30pm EDT. The motion was seconded and approved. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Jenine Stanley, Recording Secretary