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July 5, 2013 Pre-Convention Board of Directors Meeting

The 2013 Pre Convention Board of Directors meeting, held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Columbus, OH, was called to order on July 5, 2013 at 9:10 a.m.  The following Board and staff were present: Mitch  Pomerantz, Kim Charlson, Marlaina Lieberg, Carla Ruschival, Chris Gray, Ray Campbell, Berl Colley, Sarah Conrad, Janet Dickelman, Michael Garrett, John McCann, Allan Peterson, Dan Spoone, Jeff Thom and Paul Edwards.  Brenda Dillon,  was not present due to serious illness; George Holliday was not present.  Staff present were Melanie Brunson, Lane Waters, Eric Bridges and Francine Patterson. 

After a review of the agenda, one item was added dealing with provision of assistance to ACB's representative to the American National Standards Institute Advisory Board, Chris Bell.  Lieberg moved acceptance, Dickleman seconded and the motion carried.

Pomerantz reported that the ONCE President, Miguel Carbillera, was unable to attend due to an injury he sustained.

Approval of the February 22, 2013 Mid Year Board Meeting Minutes, Marlaina Lieberg.
McCann moved adoption as distributed, Campbell seconded and that motion carried.

President's report, Mitch Pomerantz.

  • Work has been concluded on the accessible prescription drug labeling committee; a report will be sent to the Access Board on July 10, 2013.  ACB will be further involved in the upcoming public relations effort regarding this matter in conjunction with the National Council on Disabilities.
  • David Stuchiner, M.D., has joined the Advisory Board.  He is a medical doctor who is blind.  Pomerantz recommended that the next ACB President convene a meeting of the Advisory Board this summer. Campbell moved adoption, Lieberg seconded and that motion carried.

Staff Reports, Melanie Brunson

  • ACB has received a grant from the Aid Association of the Blind of the District of Columbia, in the amount of $30,000 to fund audio description in the DC area, and to fund advocacy efforts regarding monitoring of Section 508 compliance and requirements.
  • Brunson announced that Eric Bridges will be leaving on July 19; she hopes to circulate a job description and vacancy announcement during convention.
  • Brunson touched on her recent WIPO-related work in Marrakech, and indicated she would provide more details later in the week to the entire assembly. She indicated that the World Blind Union will be involved in next steps regarding the treaty to improve access to books for people who are blind or visually impaired, particularly in places in the world where there are not authorizing agencies such as the NLS.  The U S must sign and ratify this treaty, which will take effect only after it has been signed and ratified by a total of twenty countries. 
  • a grant writing assistant to work with Tom Tobin.
  • Charlson asked for clarification on the division of grant funding from the Aid Association of the Blind; Brunson stated and Waters corroborated that the grant was a 50/50 disbursement.  Bridges, who now serves on the Aid Association's Board, clarified that the Association has cleared ACB to use more than 50% for advocacy, if necessary.
  • Brunson reported on the work of ACB's contracted employees, including Larry Turnbull (ACB Radio), Annette Carter (ACB Website), Tom Tobin (ACB Development) and Jo Steigerwald, a grant writer recommended by Tobin; Steigerwald will assume the grant writing portion of Tobin's contract.

Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Eric Bridges

  • Bridges reported on various activities including ACB's testimony to Congress concerning access to media.
  • ACB participated in an undercover story regarding discrimination by taxi drivers against guide dogs.
  • CMS coverage of low vision devices will be an ongoing effort; it is moving slowly. He believes that this coverage will eventually occur, but more advocacy work will be needed.
  • Bridges reported that all priority 1 resolutions have been addressed; some are still ongoing. AFB and ACB have held meetings with Senate staff regarding the Anne Sullivan Macy Act.  The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is due for reauthorization, but Bridges was uncertain as to when this process would begin; this makes the Anne Sullivan Macy Act negotiations even more important, as these will help raise awareness of the needs of students with visual impairments, etc.
  • Charlson reported that BANA UEB Implementation Committee is working on engaging stakeholders and braille readers in the implementation process.  ACB received an invitation to participate in a day-long strategic planning session in October regarding UEB implementation.
  • ACB, on behalf of RSVA, expressed its appreciation to appropriate Senate staff, including Senator Barbara Boxer, for removal of language regarding commercialization of highway rest stops.
  • Bridges reported that ratification of the Convention on the rights of people with disabilities fell short by 6 votes. Senator Carey is interested in continuing to carry this effort forward.

Editor's Report, Sharon Lovering

(Note:  The 2013 Editor's Report is attached in its entirety to these minutes.)

Minneapolis Office, Lane Waters

  • Staff are extremely productive and are working hard.
  • The audit is complete and will be distributed to the Finance Committee. A meeting will take place after convention with the auditors for finalization of the audit report. 
  • The Donor Perfect database is working well, and Waters will work with Implex to streamline the syncing of data to the Donor Perfect database system.

Lieberg moved acceptance of the staff reports, McCann seconded and that motion carried.

Treasurer's report, Carla Ruschival

The following figures apply as of May 31, 2013:
Revenue:     $332,143.
Expenses:  $451,266.
Deficit from operations:  -$119,122.
Investment income:  $131,509.
Net surplus:  $16,387.
Edwards moved acceptance Campbell seconded and that motion carried.
Charlson moved that ACB authorize $850 to go toward expenses for the ANSI work of Chris Bell in July, and that ACB extend its appreciation to NELDS for their contribution of $850 to fund this work.  McCann seconded, and that motion carried.

ACB Strategic Plan Goal Groups, Carla Ruschival, Dan Spoone, Kim Charlson and Paul Edwards

Carla Ruschival, Group one

  • Social networking has improved; a description of duties for administrators in these ventures has been developed and disseminated.
  • ACB now has a Facebook page, and we expect to send posts from convention.
  • ACB Radio has updated its website.
  • This group plans to be involved with the database improvements over the next year.
  • This group will be submitting a marketing plan for ACB  to the Board for its review.

Goal 2: Dan Spoone

  • The group is working to fill positions on the advisory council.
  • The group is working on strategies for fundraising from the general community to help lessen the requests to our members.
  • Ground work has been laid to improve the functionality of the ACB Radio and donor databases.
  • Donor Perfect is implemented and up and running.
  • Thought is being given on how to conduct e-appeals; e-mail addresses are being linked to individuals and as of July, we have linked 3,300 names and addresses.  (See Attachment #1 for more detailed information regarding Goal Group 2.)

Goal Group 3, Kim Charlson

  • This group deals with staff and volunteer support for the organization.
  • Issues which have been identified include staff benefit and compensation, ensuring that policies and procedures are consistent between the DC and Minneapolis offices, and regular performance appraisals.

Goal Group 4, Paul Edwards

  • The group has not met.

Campbell moved acceptance of this report, Conrad seconded and that motion carried.

Convention Committee Report, Janet Dickleman

  • Staff are working really well with convention goers. Things are going well thus far.
  • This year, many afternoon sessions will either be streamed live or recorded for later airing on ACB Radio.
  • The 2015 Convention will be held at the Sheraton in Dallas.  Lieberg moved and Peterson seconded acceptance of this report, and that motion carried.

Oral History, Berl Colley

  • 17 oral history interviews have been conducted thus far.
  • Other interviews are being conducted.
  • The Committee hopes to have volume 2 of our oral history done soon. 

Lieberg moved acceptance of this report, Campbell seconded and that motion carried.

Board of Publications Report, Paul Edwards

  • The electronic ACB Braille Forum has been published; recorded editions will soon be available on the website.
  • The BOP is working toward the preparation of the ACB Braille Forum and its electronic issues to be produced on BARD.

Edwards highlighted workshops the BOP will be conducting this week. Lieberg moved and Spoone seconded acceptance of this report, and that motion carried.

At 12:05 PM., Edwards moved and McCann seconded that the Board move to Executive Session; that motion carried.

At 2:35 PM, Gray moved and Campbell seconded that the Board move from Executive to Open Session.  That motion carried.  Pomerantz reported that the ACB Board of Directors took no action during Executive Session.

Pomerantz announced that all agenda items had been completed; Ruschival moved adjournment; many seconded.                        

Marlaina Lieberg, Secretary
Submitted:  07-30-2013
Approved:  08-21-2013
Attachments:  2

  1. Strategic Goal 2 Fundraising Report
  2. Editor's Report Convention 2013

* * *

Strategic Goal 2 Fundraising Report

July 5, 2013
Committee members:  
Dan Spoone, Chairman, Mitch Pomerantz, Brenda Dillon, Allan Peterson, Michael Garrett, Lane Waters, Annette Carter, Tom Tobin, Dan Dillon.
Goals Assigned to Goal 2 Team:

  • ACB Advisory Board Formation
  • Distributed Outreach For Fundraising Throughout the Community Outside ACB Membership
  • Developing Our ACB Website To Improve the Donation Selection Option
  • Develop a Donor Management System
  • E-Appeal (Electronic Appeal)

Status of Goals :

  • ACB Advisory Board Formation.   (Score = C+)  2012 ACB Conference/Convention ratified a change to the ACB constitution to create an ACB advisor council to be staffed with up to 10 individuals from the larger community.  President Mitch Pomerantz appointed two individuals to the advisory council:  Margarine Beaman and Lloyd Bowser.  Allan Peterson has received verbal approval for an advisory council member from North Dakota.  He is sending the information to Mitch for review and nomination.  Seven positions still open.  Currently no advisory council session has been scheduled for this year. 
  • Distributed Outreach For Fundraising Throughout the Community Outside ACB Membership.  (Score = D-)  This goal was referred to the Resource Development Committee (RDC) for support with implementation.  Brainstorming workshop was held in Washington, D.C. with one of the break out teams focused on new potential fundraising opportunities.


    • Advisory Board
    • multiple walks
    • national chain relationships
    • sports charities
  • Developing Our ACB Website To Improve the Donation Selection Option.  (Score = B)  The and websites have been updated with improved donation functionality.  These changes were done by our webmaster Annette Carter per recommendations from our previous development director Steve Obremski.  The functionality was tested and approved by Lane Waters and rolled into production last Fall.  However, we are still seeing very limited donations through the website.  Lane had only recorded donations of $277 as of our June 25, 2013 meeting.   
  • Develop a Donor Management System.  (Score = B+)  The Board approved the purchase of Donor Perfect as our donor management system.  It has been installed and all donation records have been migrated in to Donor Perfect.  The first direct mail campaign of 3,600 mailings was generated from the Donor Perfect records in April.  As of the June 25, 2013 meeting we have received 158 responses with a total donation of $5,864.  This is a response rate of 4.7%.  Minneapolis office is still going through training to better understand the Donor Perfect capabilities for event management and reporting.  More details on Donor Perfect will be shared in the reports from Lane Waters and Tom Tobin. 
  • E-Appeal (Electronic Appeal).   (Score = C-)  The migration to Donor Perfect uncovered the fact that we had very few e-mail addresses that were identified to a particular member or donor.  We are working to match e-mail addresses to donors through membership updates, on-line registration, Walk registration, etc.  Here are the statistics for number of Donor Perfect records and the associated number of e-mail addresses through the first half of this year.


    Total Records in DB:  23,309
    September 2012 e-mail addresses:  507  (2.2%)
    April 2013 e-mail addresses:  3,017  (12.9%)
    July 2013 e-mail addresses:  3,909  (16.8%)
    August 2013 * e-mail addresses:  4,409 (18.9%)
    * approximately 500+ e-mail addresses collected during convention registration   but not yet recorded)

Additional Accomplishments:
Brainstorming Fundraising Workshop was held in Washington, D.C. in February.  This workshop concentrated on identifying our current ACB revenue shortfall of $300,000 per year.  This was presented by Carla Ruschival and Lane Waters.  Our current reserves will be exhausted in 4 to 5 years if we continue at this current deficit pace.  The workshop broke in to 4 strategic teams. 
Team 1 focused on programs and services offered by ACB.  This team identified 20 current programs and services created by ACB national.  Many of these programs were identified as having the capability to generate monetary contributions.

Team 2 concentrated on the relationship between the different levels of ACB.  How do we work together between ACB national, state and special affiliates, and local chapters.  There is a degree of mistrust between different levels of the organization and everyone is worried about sharing fundraising opportunities.  The key for long-term success with ACB will be on developing win-win scenarios between the different groups. 

Team 3 concentrated on communications and identified 26 current communication channels for ACB.  These included the ACB Braille Forum, ACB Radio, ACB website, etc.  The team also identified several new communication vehicles such as phone blasts, communicating through collaborating organizations and corporate diversity offices.

Team 4 identified 22 current fundraising channels, including telemarketing, convention walk and auction, monthly monetary support, direct mail solicitation and others.  This team felt there was a real opportunity for additional revenue by enhancing the current fundraising streams. 
ACB has all the necessary ingredients to be an excellent fundraising organization.  We have wonderful programs and services, many vehicles for communicating in and outside of our membership, and lots of well-defined fundraising channels.  We currently lack an overall strategic fundraising plan and approach.  We also have very limited staff.  Most not-for-profit organizations our size (over $1 million per year in expenses) have a full-time resource development director, communications director and fundraising event coordinator.  Our challenge will be how to transform ACB in to a more professional fundraising organization.

* * *

Editor's Report Convention 2013

It's been another busy year at the ACB national office.  In January, I sent out the membership lists (in Word, Excel, text, or large print) to 40 of our affiliates (some of whom also wanted access to the Affiliate Membership Management System, or AMMS, online), signed up almost as many people for the AMMS system, worked with Lane and the database committee on some aspects of the database, reassured anxious membership chairmen that no, they weren't going to hurt the database, and fielded inquiries about the database via phone and e-mail.  I also sent out the February issue of the Forum. 
By February 3rd, all the lists were out, most folks who wanted to try the AMMS were signed up, and Lane was arranging training sessions for them.  The office staff was prepping for midyear; I was also hard at work on the March issue.   
Affiliate lists started coming in via hard copy and email toward the end of February.  They poured in starting in early March.  I began entering them into the database as they came in.  I also got the March and April issues out; March was hard copy, April was electronic only.  I asked Francine to help me as they began piling up; she handled CCLVI and Pennsylvania.   
In early April, I got the May issue off to press.  I continued entering affiliate lists and new members as they came in.  As I entered the lists, I also hand-counted them. 
In early May I received the last of the 2012 convention CDs, duplicated them, and sent out the full sets.  The banquet and legislative CDs had gone out earlier in the year.  I also finalized the June issue and sent it out in late May due to the deadline for the candidates' page entries. 
All affiliate lists that had come in were done by the end of May.  Five affiliates were late; two lists remain outstanding. Two affiliates' dues payments were late. 
I enjoy using the new system. I especially like being able to export to an Excel file; many more of our affiliates are using Excel.  Some still prefer Word, and some still want text; I can make both using the Excel file.  And it makes counting – and finding ACB life members – much easier than the dollar sign on our old membership list printouts. 
I continue to notify affiliates of members' moves, changes of name, and, yes, of passings.  I also continue to work with the credentials and public relations committees.  One of the PR committee's projects this year was to find the best affiliate or chapter brochure.  We had 10 entries for our first contest, and we'll be awarding certificates for first, second and third place. 
In early June as I write this, I am working on convention-related items.  I have recorded and shipped out the cassette information-only version of the pre-registration form; requests for it continue to trickle in.  I have ordered the award plaques.  Margarine has been shipping me the newspaper ads for "The Columbus Explorer," which I've been putting together as things come in for it, as well as keeping a list of what ads I have and the days they're to run.  I'm also working on the July issue of the E-Forum, due out before we head to convention.


Numbers below are in the following order: 2013 numbers, followed by the 2012 numbers and percentage of increase or decrease in parentheses.

May has gone out to:
3,992 large print readers (4,225, decrease of 5.51 percent);
1,940 cassette listeners (2,175, decrease of 10.8 percent);
985 braille readers (995, decrease of 10.05 percent);
167 CD readers (188, decrease of 11.17 percent);
and 3,390 email readers (3,095, increase of 9.53 percent)
Grand total: 10,474 readers (10,678, decrease of 1.91 percent).

June and July this year are electronic-only issues.  June went out to 3,440 readers.  July will be going out to 3,451 readers.

Since January, I have received:
14 pieces for Affiliate News,
2 pieces for Committee News,
88 pieces for Here and There,
19 pieces for High Tech Swap Shop,
2 pieces for Passings,
2 memorial articles (with others in the works),
5 letters to the editor, and
78 separate articles.

Deadlines for the Rest of the Year

September 2013 – July 29
October 2013 – August 26
November 2013 – September 25
December 2013 – October 25

Tables of Contents

January 2013

President's Message: So Much to Do …, by Mitch Pomerantz
Important Announcements from the ACB National Office, by Melanie Brunson
Discover Ohio in 2013, by Janet Dickelman
ACB Scholarship Applications Available for 2013-2014 School Year
Highway to Success: Crossroads Leadership Conference, by Carla Ruschival, Nolan Crabb and Dave Trevino
An Experience for the First Time and a Lifetime, by Allen J. Casey
How ACB's MMS Program Compares with Others' Giving Programs, by Ronald E. Milliman
Getting Answers to Your Health Coverage Questions, by Ron Pollack
Identifying and Mentoring Committee Members for Your Affiliate, compiled by Ardis Bazyn
Getting the Most from Your Affiliate's or Chapter's Web Site, by Ronald E. Milliman
Affiliate News
Results from the 2012 London Paralympic Games, by Lacey Markle
Here and There, by Sharon Strzalkowski
High Tech Swap Shop

February 2013

President's Message: The Blind Divide,
        by Mitch Pomerantz
ACB Braille Forum Now Available on Newsline
When Less Can Become More,
        by Paul Edwards
Planned Giving: A Win-Win Resolution to Consider in
        2013, by Melanie Brunson
ACB Conference and Convention - A Week of
        Discovery, by Janet Dickelman
DKM First-Timer Program: A Tribute to an ACB
        Pioneer, by Allen J. Casey
Update on GDUI
The ACB Holiday Auction: What a Happening!
A Journey of the Blind in the Blind,
        by Dan Marshall
A Review of Peter Altschul's 'Breaking Barriers:
        Working and Loving While Blind,'
        by Michael Byington
Enjoying Your ACB Family Vacation on a Budget,
        by Ron and Lisa Brooks
Showoff Time at the Apollo,
        by Ken Stewart
Shades: The Randy Cook Story,
        by Vincent Sobotka
A Miraculous Moment,
        by Cindy Van Winkle
How to Entice Junior Members to ACB,
        compiled by Ardis Bazyn
Using Social Media to Support the Goals and
        Objectives of Your ACB Affiliate and Chapter,
        by Ronald E. Milliman
Affiliate News
Here and There,
        by Sharon Strzalkowski
High Tech Swap Shop

March 2013

President's Message: Making Sausage, Or,
        Those Devilish Details,
        by Mitch Pomerantz
Audio Description Project Update – The White House
        Is Described!, by Joel Snyder
ACB Conference and Convention: World of Learning,
        World of Fun, by Janet Dickelman
Have You Noticed Changes to the ACB Web Site?,
        by Annette Carter
Summaries of the Fall and Winter Board Meetings,
        by Paul Edwards
Join the DKM Tradition Before April 1,
        by Allen Casey
Worthy Nominees Sought For Prestigious ACB
        Awards!, by Cindy Van Winkle
Board of Publications Awards Your Excellence in
New Electronic Magazine Needs a Name
Does Your ACB Affiliate or Chapter Have a
        Winning Brochure?
More News from the Audio Description Project
Filling the Financial Gaps in Medicare Coverage,
        by Ron Pollack
We Want to Worship Too,
        by Donna Rose
A Vision for Using Computers for Inclusive Worship,
        by Rev. John Jay Frank
A Hitch in Time,
        by Carl Jarvis
I Wandered into a Memory,
        by Robert Kingett
I Know, or Eye No, by Philip Kutner
World of Work, by Larry P. Johnson
Tips on Dealing with a Power Outage,
        by Martha Hoch
How Affiliates Grow Their Membership,
        compiled by Ardis Bazyn
Affiliate News
Here and There,
        by Sharon Strzalkowski
High Tech Swap Shop

April 2013

President's Message: A Matter of Balance,
        by Mitch Pomerantz
ACB's 2013 Legislative Imperatives,
        by Melanie Brunson
From the ACB Treasurer: Ready, Set, Certify!,
        by Carla Ruschival
ACB – Exploring New Worlds: Countdown to
        Columbus, by Janet Dickelman
Overcoming the Age Gap,
        by Sara Conrad
An Update from GDUI
Information Desk Volunteers Needed,
        by Deb Lewis
DKM Committee Presents the Ticketless
        Prize-A-Rama Giveaway
Stride to Explore New Worlds, by Donna Brown
Have a Blast at the Exploration Party Auction
Want to Win the $5,000 Grand Prize?
Posting the Colors, by Jenine Stanley
Update from BANA
How Braille Changed My Life,
        by Jan Lavine
Touched by Braille,
        by Alice Jane-Marie Massa
Assistive Technology Enriches Martin Kline's Life,
        by John M. Williams
Making Changes for Making Change,
        by Gayle Yarnall
How to Build a Social Media Plan for Business,
        by Will Burley
What Happens When the Power Goes Out?,
        by Martha Hoch
Playing the Rescuer, by Barbara Mattson
Affiliate and Committee News
Letters to the Editor
Here and There,
        by Sharon Strzalkowski
High Tech Swap Shop

May 2013

President's Message: Why We Do What We Do,
        by Mitch Pomerantz
ACB Welcomes A New Director of Development,
        by Melanie Brunson
Crossroads Conference Attendees Take a
        Journey to Success,
        by Nolan Crabb
Discovering Food and Fun for You and Your Family in
        Columbus, by Janet Dickelman
I'm Walkin', by Berl Colley
A Reminder from the Constitution and Bylaws
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved: Readying for
        Resolutions at Our July Conference and
        Convention, by Mark Richert
Ride the Wave: The Exploration Party Auction
2013 Friends-in-Art Exhibition Call for Art
Great Graduation Gift for Grandchildren:
        Health Coverage, by Ron Pollack
Strategies in Team-Building,
        by Jessie Rayl
Handicapping America: The Book That Changed My
        Attitude and Shaped My Future,
        by Larry P. Johnson
Coping with Being Disabled, Disadvantaged, and
        Discouraged, by Philip Kutner
Sofia Priebe Sees Things Clearly Even Though
        She Is Legally Blind, by John M. Williams
The Art of Accepting Help, by Carl Jarvis
The Smell of Sunshine and Colors,
        by Marsha Whiteside
The Amazing Blind Mowing Machine,
        by Carl Jarvis
Affiliate News
Here and There,
        edited by Sharon Strzalkowski
High Tech Swap Shop

June 2013

President's Message: Will There Ever Be A
        Unified Organized Blind Movement?,
        by Mitch Pomerantz
Looking for a Few Good Advocates,
        by Melanie Brunson
Countdown to Convention,
        by Janet Dickelman
The Candidates' Page Is Back!
The Universe Can Be Yours at the Exploration
        Party Auction
Nearing the Finish Line: Show Your Support for the
        5th Annual ACB Walk!,
        by Rebecca Bridges
Extra, Extra! Convention Newspaper Now
        Seeking Volunteers
Affiliate News
Committee News
Summary of the Midyear Board Meeting,
        by Paul Edwards
No Easy Answers for Long-Term Care,
        by Ron Pollack
Will We Ever Gain Access to Game Consoles?,
        by Anthony James
Apathy or Advocacy: Which Shall We Choose?,
        by Larry P. Johnson
Letter to the Editor
A Dream Come True: 'Roots, Reflections, and Role
        Models,' by Sila Miller
Here and There,
        edited by Sharon Strzalkowski
High Tech Swap Shop
Pears, by John Lee Clark

July 2013

President's Message: A Turn of the Page,
        by Mitch Pomerantz
ACB Information Access Committee Chair Testifies
        before Senate HELP Committee,
        by Melanie Brunson, with Eric Bridges and
        Brian Charlson
2013 Conference and Convention: Discovering How
        to Stay in Touch, by Janet Dickelman
World News and Information Now Available on
        ACB Radio, by Marlaina Lieberg
Remembering Janiece,
        by Peter Altschul
Readers' Memories of Janiece Petersen Kent
In Memory of Patricia La France Wolf, A True Friend,
        by Teddie-Joy Remhild
Readers' Memories of Pat Wolf
Update from GDUI on Guide Dog Schools
Can Medicare Save Money for Beneficiaries &
        Taxpayers Alike?, by Ron Pollack
How to Encourage Newly Blind Individuals That It's
        OK to Be Blind, compiled by Ardis Bazyn
Repeated Interaction Is the Best Way to Understand
        Disabled, by Larry P. Johnson
It's What You Do with What You Got,
        by Carl Jarvis
Paddling for a Cure,
        by Sharon Lovering
The If/Then Promise,
        by Marilyn Brandt Smith
Affiliate News
Letter to the Editor
Here and There,
        edited by Sharon Strzalkowski
High Tech Swap Shop