JUNE 30, JULY 5, 2002
June 30, 2002
The first General Session began at 7:40pm with President Chris Gray presiding.
The evening proceeded according to the schedule.
Life memberships: Mr. James Olsen presented 29 certificates to ACB members.
Awards: Ms. Teddi-Joy Remhild, Mr. Charlie Crawford, Ms. Penny Reeder and Mr. Charlie Hodge presented awards to eight recipients.
Roll Call of the affiliates was conducted by Ms. Donna Seliger, ACB secretary. Sixty-two affiliates answered the roll call.
The President recessed the first convention session at 11:35pm.
Monday, July 1, 2002
President Chris Gray called the second convention session to order at 8:45am
Mr. Chris Prentice, President of ACB of Texas welcomed the convention attendees.
Ms. Judi Cannon, chair of the Credentials Committee reported that a small number of affiliates were penalized votes. None of those affiliates opposed the decision of the Credentials Committee.
Motion 1: Ms. Cannon moved the adoption of the final credentials report. The motion carried.
Mr. Ray Campbell, chair of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, gave the first reading of changes to the Constitution and By-Laws.
Amend By-Law 6 by adding a new section “L” to the end of the by-law: “A public relations committee is hereby created which shall have the responsibility of promoting and enhancing the public image of the American Council of the Blind through the publication of press releases and the implementation of public relations campaigns on targeted issues. The committee shall consist of nine members which shall include a chair appointed by the president, the chair of the Board of Publications, a member chosen from among the three elected members of the Board of Publications elected by that body, two additional members appointed by the president and one member elected from among the Board of Directors by that body at its post-convention board meeting each year. In addition, the committee shall have three ex-officio members who shall not have the right to vote. These shall be the Executive Director of the American Council of the Blind or his/her designee, the Webmaster of the American Council of the Blind and the Director of ACB Radio. The Public Relations Committee shall operate under the aegis of the Board of Publications and the chair of the Public Relations Committee shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Publications. Appointments to the Public Relations Committee shall be made within sixty (60) days from the end of each convention of the American Council of the Blind. At meetings of the Public Relations Committee, the chair shall not have the right to vote unless the vote of the chair is necessary to break a tie.”
Mr. Steve Speicher, first vice president, from Lincoln, Nebraska presided over the second convention session.
The first scheduled speaker was unable to attend the convention.
Mr. Oral Miller introduced Ms. Jia Yang from Beijing, China, ACB’s International guest, who spoke about what it is like to be blind in China.
Dr. Frank Kurt Cylke, Director of the National Library Service and Mr. Michael Moodie enlightened the audience with the workings of NLS.
Mr. Ken Stewart, president of the Council of Citizens with Low Vision, Inc. presented the Affiliate Highlights portion of the program.
Dr. Steven Lockley from the Harvard School of Medicine gave an interesting presentation on sleep disturbance.
Motion 2: Mr. Jeff Thom, chair of the Resolutions Committee, presented Resolution 2002-01 – Federal Courts: Applicability of Disability Laws. The resolve states that this organization see enactment of legislation which would make the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applicable to the Federal courts.
Motion 3: Mr. Thom moved adoption of Resolution 2002-01. The motion passed.
The second general session recessed at 12:15pm
Tuesday, July 2, 2002
President Gray called the third general session to order at 8:30am.
Mr. Oral Miller, chair of the nominating committee, reported the nominees for the 2002 election to the membership.
Mr. Dodge Fielding of Fundflow, Inc. spoke about “friend raising” and fund raising for ACB.
Mr. Ray Campbell, chair of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee presented further updates.
He reported that a sentence is missing from By-Law 2a and that sentence reads: “The affiliate shall verify the list and make appropriate additions, deletions and/or corrections.”
Motion 4: Ms. M. J. Schmitt moved to allow the Constitution and By-Laws Committee to make corrections to the constitution and by-laws that will not affect the content. The motion passed.
Mr. Campbell read a proposed amendment to the constitution. Amend Article 4 by inserting a new Section “O” and re-lettering the succeeding sections. “Should a vacancy occur in the office of Immediate Past President, the vacancy shall not be filled by the Board of Directors. The office shall be allowed to remain vacant until such time as a successor shall be duly qualified to succeed into the office of Immediate Past President.”
Ms. M. J. Schmitt, Second Vice President, from Chicago, Illinois presided over the third convention session.
Dr. Phillip Hatlen, Superintendent of the Texas School for the Blind spoke on the education of blind and visually impaired children.
Ms. Melanie Brunson, Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs updated the members on accessible books for blind children through Federal legislation.
The 2002 scholarships were presented by Ms. Patty Slaby. Three different types of scholarships were presented; private, public and two companies.
Ms. Joanne Wilson, Rehabilitation Services Administration Commissioner, discussed her role and experiences.
Ms. Sandra Cammaroto of the Transportation Security Administration spoke about heightened security at airports and on airplanes and how it will affect disabled persons.
Ms. Schmitt adjourned the third convention session at 12:40pm.
Wednesday, July 3, 2002
President Gray opened the fourth convention session at 8:35am.
Mr. Ray Campbell, chair of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee gave the second reading of proposed wording for By-Law 6 by adding a new section “L” to the end of the by-law.
Motion 5: Mr. Campbell moved the adoption of by-law 6, section “L”. The motion carried.
Mr. Campbell then gave the second reading of Article 4 new section “O” and re-lettering the succeeding sections.
Motion 6: Mr. Charlie Hodge moved adoption of Article 4, section “O”. The motion carried.
Mr. Dick Seifert offered a friendly amendment that would drop the words “… by the Board of Directors.”
Mr. Campbell gave the first reading of amendment to by-law 6, section “K” third sentence by inserting the words “There is hereby established a committee on advocacy services. The President and Executive Director shall serve as members of the committee. The President or his or her designee shall chair the committee and the Director of Advocacy Services shall serve as a non-voting member of the committee.”
Mr. Jeff Thom, chair of the resolutions committee, presented resolution 2002-3 – Accessible materials AARP. The resolve is that this organization demand that AARP provide its membership materials, including Modern Maturity magazine, to its blind and visually impaired members in accessible formats including Braille, large print, audio cassette and computer discs.
Motion 7: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of resolution 2002-3. The motion carried.
Motion 8: Mr. John Hardin moved to include e-mail as another form of media. The motion carried.
The ACB officer presiding over the program portion of the session was secretary, Donna Seliger from Des Moines, Iowa.
The first speaker of the day was Dr. Billie Louise “Beezy” Bentzen who discussed audible signals. Dr. Benzen has spoken to the ACB membership at a prior convention in San Francisco.
Professor Deborah Withington of Leeds University in the United Kingdon gave examples of directional alarms so you know where the exit would be in the event of a fire or other disaster.
Ms. Jennifer Simpson from the Federal Communication Commission addressed the issue of video description. She also updated ACB members on Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act.
Ms. Robyn Short, who is the Assistant Administrator of Election in Harris Count, Texas discussed election reform and accessible voting machines in her county.
The highlight of the day came when Mr. Erik Sandvold, NLS talking book narrator, enlightened the audience with excerpts from one of the “Harry Potter” books.
President Gray adjourned the fourth session at 12:10pm.
Thursday, July 4, 2002
The fifth convention session was brought to order by President Gray at 8:40am.
Mr. Ray Campbell resumed his Constitution and by-laws report by reading by-law 6, section “K” a second time.
Motion 9: Mr. Campbell moved the adoption of by-law 6, section “K”. The motion carried.
Next, Mr. Campbell read by-law 3, section B, sub-section 1 by replacing $1,875 with $3,125. “No affiliate organization shall be required to pay annual dues of more than $3,125.”
Mr. Jeff Thom brought resolution 2002-02 – Section 508 compliance – with the resolve of that this organization through its officers, directors and staff do all of the following: 1) For alliances with other disability related organizations, industry and Government agencies to establish an effective means of monitoring compliance with Section 508. 2) Provide expertise and resources that will facilitate an understanding of how to make technology and information accessible to people who are blind and visually impaired. 3) Take all actions necessary to guarantee that Section 508 is implemented promptly and effectively including advocating for systems to ensure reliable, independent testing and verification that Section 508 compliance has been achieved prior to a Federal agency acquiring any and all electronic and information technology.
Motion 10: Mr. Mike Byington moved the adoption of resolution 2002-02. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-13 – Section 508 applicability to Congress – with the resolve of that this organization call upon Congress to promptly enact legislation to extend coverage of Section 508 to the Legislative branch of the United States Government.
Motion 11: Mr. Thom entertained a motion to adopt resolution 2002-13. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-14 – George L. Fogarty – with a resolve of that this organization congratulate George L. Fogarty on his dedication and years of service on behalf of persons who are blind or visually impaired and on behalf of the American Council of the Blind and let him know that he is loved, respected and missed at this 2002 convention.
Motion 12: Mr. Thom entertained a motion to adopt resolution 2002-14. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-15 - Recording for the Blind and dyslexic – with a resolve of that this organization insist that the RFB&D immediately address this blatantly discriminatory conduct against Braille users receiving its services by re-instituting the practices of labeling each carton in Braille and providing a Braille page in each carton specifying the pages of the book contained on each track of each tape.
Motion 13: Mr. Thom stated the Committee recommends a do pass with several seconds. The motion passed unanimously with a friendly amendment to state “… this organization join with its affiliate the Library Users of America to insist that…” offered by Mr. Paul Edwards.
Motion 14: President Gray stated that he felt Mr. Smitherman should institute a practice that would say those known exhibitors who left early this year will pay a $1,000 deposit next year and should they leave early, that will be forfeited to ACB. The motion was withdrawn.
Motion 15: Ms. Ruschival proposed a substitute motion that the exhibit coordinator would be directed to inform all exhibitors that should they leave the convention early, that the following year, their placement would be affected in the exhibit hall adversely.
Motion 16: Mr. Walter siren moved to refer the issue to the Convention Committee to come up with a viable solution. The motion carried.
ACB Treasurer, Ms. Ardis Bazyn, hailing from Burbank, California, presided over the program portion.
Ms. Cynthia Towers, convention coordinator, updated attendees with information about the 2003 convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Ms. Carla Ruschival, chair of the Convention Site Selection Committee, reported about upcoming conventions. She stated the 2004 convention would be in Birmingham, Alabama with the 2005 convention not yet decided. In 2006 ACB will convene at the Adams Mark Hotel in Jacksonville, Florida with a rate of $79 per night. She stated she had contacts from 24 different cities and 18 different states and 19 of those are involved in some way in the convention bid process. During 2001-2002 five site inspections were made.
Ms. Susan Crawford, chair, and members of the IDEA task force reported that the committee has been working toward making a better future for the education of blind children through a white paper.
Ms. Bazyn adjourned the fifth general session at 10:35am so that attendees could move to the break-out sessions.
Friday July 5, 2002
President Gray brought the final convention session to order at 8:40am.
ACB Executive Director, Mr. Charles Crawford, reported to the membership the happenings of the ACB National Office.
Mr. Oral Miller, chair of the Nominating Committee, reported the slate of nominees that were selected by the Nominating Committee to fill the five Board of Director positions and three Board of Publications positions:
1. Mr. Allen Beatty, Colorado
2. Ms. Billie Jean Keith, Virginia
3. Mr. Patrick Sheehan, Maryland
4. Mr. Brian Charlson, Massachusetts
5. Mr. Sandy Sanderson, Alaska
The Board of Publication nominees were:
1. Ms. Winifred Downing, California
2. Mr. Mike Duke, Mississippi
3. Ms. Linda Braithwaite, Utah
Motion 17: Mr. Allen Beatty was elected by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Ray Campbell nominated Ms. Carla Ruschival from Kentucky for the second position. The results of the vote was 551.
Ms. Billie Jean Keith had been selected by the nominating committee for the second Board position. The results of the vote was 513.5.
Mr. Jeff Thom presented Resolution 2002-19 – Oklahoma Division of Visual Services – with a resolve that this organization join with its affiliate, the Oklahoma Council of the Blind, in continuing to support the delivery of categorically specific services to persons who are blind or visually impaired by field and supervisory staff having expertise in blindness thereby opposing the proposal for the integration of administrative and supervisory personnel of the Division of Visual Services and the Division of Rehabilitation Services. The committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 16: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of resolution 2002-19. The motion carried.
Mr. Ray Campbell read the final proposed amendment to the Constitution and by-laws to amend By-law 3, section B, sub-section 1 by replacing $1,875 with $3,125.
Motion 17: Mr. Campbell moved the adoption of the motion to amend By-law 3, section B, sub-section 1. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-10 - Mail to NLS – with a resolve that this organization directs its officers and staff to contact appropriate Federal agencies including NLS in order to obtain a timely solution for the problems outlines in this resolution. The Committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 18: Ms. DeAnna Noriege offered a friendly amendment that special effort be made to pull the transcripts out of the pile of mail and get them processed. The motion failed.
Motion 19: Ms. Noriega moved to reconsider the vote on the original resolution. The motion carried.
Motion 20: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-10. The motion failed.
Motion 21: Ms. DeAnna Noriega moved to reconsider resolution. The motion failed.
Mr. Patrick Sheehan was selected by the Nominating Committee for the Board position three. The result of the vote was 698.
Motion 22: Mr. Art Stevenson nominated Mr. Ralph Sanders for the Board position three. The result of the vote was 373.5.
Resolution 2002-04 - Segway Scooter. This resolution opposes the use of the Segway on pedestrian sidewalks with a resolve that this organization oppose S2024 and further resolve to urge affiliates to oppose state legislation permitting operation of the Segway on sidewalks.
Motion 23: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-04. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-09 dealing with a Braille transcription manual and printing problems was withdrawn by the author.
Resolution 2002-11 - Senior services funding. This resolution asked for increase funding to at least the $30 million level in Title VII Chapter II of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 with a resolve that this organization direct its officers and staff to continue to vigorously pursue increased appropriations for services to the older blind to at least the $30 annual funding level and further that advocacy for more adequate funding for older blind programs be included as an agenda item for the 2003 American Council of the Blind Legislative Seminar. The committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 24: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-11. The motion carried.
Motion 25: Mr. Thom moved to delete last resolve clause of resolution 202-11. The motion passed.
Ms. Jo Taliaferro proposed a friendly amendment to change the wording to state at a minimum of $30 million.
The Nominating Committee selected Mr. Brian Charlson for the fourth Board position. He was elected by acclimation.
Mr. Sandy Sanderson was recommended by the Nominating Committee to fill the fifth position. The result of the vote was 466.5.
Motion 26: Mr. Robert Miller nominated Ms. Billie Jean Keith of Virginia. The result of the vote was 592.
Resolution 2002-05 – Video Described Programs – with a resolve that this organization commend Lifetime Television for making information available on its website pertaining to its upcoming video described programming and further urge all networks providing video described programming to take steps to make scheduling information about such programming available in formats accessible to consumers with visual impairments. The committee recommends a do pass.
Mr. Charlie Crawford offered an additional resolve clause that the Executive Board of ACB may send appropriate letters of congratulations to those networks and stations that have excelled with descriptive video.
Motion 24: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-05. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-12 - Vehicles with lack of noise – with a resolve that this organization direct its staff to request the assistance of the Institute of Traffic Engineers to convene a meeting of leaders of the automobile industry and local, state and Federal highway planning entities to initiate research to identify vehicle and road surface features which can generate audible aspects to the movement of traffic. The committee recommends a do pass.
Mr. Ron Hepler offered a friendly amendment to delete the words “rumble strip” from the resolution.
Motion 25: Mr. Thom moved to adopt Resolution 2002-12. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-17 - Vending facilities and active participation – with a resolve that this organization joins with its affiliate the Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America in calling upon the Rehabilitation Services Administration to issue the much anticipated policy directive on “Active Participation” without further delay and to ensure that all State Licensing Agencies and Elected Committees of Blind Vendors promptly incorporate the clarified definition of “Active Participation” into their policies, rules procedures. The committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 26: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-17. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-16 – Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act research information – with a resolve that this organization direct its Board of Directors and staff to see legislative or regulatory change to permit a research laboratory to disclose to a subject diagnostic findings. The committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 27: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-16. The motion carried.
Next the Board of publications elections were held. The following persons were elected:
Ms. Winifred Downing from California was elected by acclimation.
Mr. Mike Duke of Mississippi was elected by acclimation.
The Nominations Committee placed Ms. Linda Braithwaite of Utah for election to the Board of Publications. The result of the vote was 298.25.
Mr. Charles George placed in nomination Mr. Ken Stewart from New York. The result of the vote was 664.25.
Resolution 2002-06 – Senior Services State Plans – with a resolve that this organization instruct its officers, directors and staff to take all appropriate actions to oppose the recommendations of the National Council on Independent Living with respect to the program provided for pursuant to Title VII Chapter II of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The committee recommended a do pass.
Motion 28: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-06. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-20 – Way Finding – with a resolve that this organization supports the research, development and utilization of devices or systems that enhance the way finding capabilities of persons who are blind or visually impaired thereby creating a safer and more accessible pedestrian environment. The Committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 29: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-20. The motion carried with a friendly amendment added to the resolve clause: …”research, development, evaluation and utilization…”.
Resolution 2002-07 – Blood glucose testing level devices – with a resolve that this organization urge manufacturers of blood glucose level testing devices to modify their newer and more advanced models so that they are accessible to and independently usable by people who are blind or who have low vision and further that this organization offer consultation and technical assistance to manufacturers as these modifications are designed and implemented. Further that this organization urge that Medicare, Medicaid and private third party payers provide coverage for these newer and more advanced devices. The committee recommends do pass.
A friendly amendment was offered by Mr. Glen McCully to include the words “deaf-blind” in the final whereas clause.
Motion 30: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-07. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-18 - Blind and disabled serving the United States – with a resolve that this organization strongly urges the Bush Administration to take immediate steps to address this issue through its “New Freedom Initiative” by asking all branches of the military to reclassify support career positions from military to civilian and to offer preference to applicants with disabilities in these newly created civilian jobs to compensate for their systematic exclusion from military support positions in the past. The committee recommends do not pass.
Motion 31: Mr. Jesus Garcia moved adoption of Resolution 2002-18. The resolution failed.
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Ms. Ardis Bazyn.
Total revenue $1,361,310
Revenue from Thrift Stores 677,221
Total expenses 1,814,207
Net increase 224,324
Net unrestricted assets 606,394
Temporary restricted assets 163,201
Endowment restricted assets 219,537
ACBES assets 860,996
Combined net asset total $1,850,728
Motion 32: Mr. Paul Edwards moved to accept treasurer’s report. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-08 - Amtrak funding – with a resolve that this organization urge Congress to enact and the President to sign into law the National Defense Rail Act of 1991 and further that this organization urge Congress to appropriate additional funds to ensure the continued operation and expansion of Amtrak. The committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 33: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-08. The motion carried with a friendly amendment to the first whereas clause from Mr. Edwards: “…including those who are blind or who have disabilities”.
Resolution 2002-21 - Bookshare – with a resolve that this organization join its affiliate the Library Users of America in commending Benetech for creating and implementing and further that this organization strongly urges publishers to voluntarily provide files which would make their books available to at the same time they become available to the general public. Further resolve that this resolution does not apply to elementary and secondary instructional materials. The committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 34: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-21. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-22 - Emergency evacuation devices – with a resolve that this organization direct its board of directors, officers, staff and environmental access committee to work with standard setting bodies including but not limited to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to expeditiously promulgate all necessary rules that will require the installation of these emergency evacuation devices in buildings, aircraft and passenger vessels either located in or licensed to do business in the United States of America or its dependencies. The committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 35: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-22. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-23 – Installation of Sidewalks and their separation from bicycle lanes – with a resolve that this organization recommend that the US Architectural and Barriers Compliance Board, Access Board, United States Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Justice require that whenever a road or bridge is constructed or reconstructed in a public right of way, sidewalks shall be included unless technically infeasible and that these sidewalks shall be physically separated from bicycle lanes and roadways and further that the ACB staff and the environmental access committee are directed to work closely with pedestrian, transportation and bicycle advocacy organizations to achieve the goals of this resolution. The committee recommended a do pass.
Motion 36: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-23. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-24 - Accessible pedestrian signals – with a resolve that this organization urge state and local jurisdictions to include all of the following requirements in their traffic manuals: 1. Consistent with the revised FHWY standards, the state or local jurisdiction shall not require that organizations which represent pedestrians with disabilities be in full agreement that there is a widespread demand for the installation of an accessible pedestrian signal at a specific existing signalized location. 2. Whenever the state or local jurisdiction is installing a new or upgrading an existing signal, the signal shall be equipped with accessible pedestrian features. 3. All accessible pedestrian signals shall contain the following features: a. A push button with a locator tone and a tone indicating when the walk interval is in effect. B. A vibrotactile device to indicate that both the walk interval is in effect and the direction to which it applies through the use of a vibrating directional arrow or some other tactile indicator. C. Locator and walk interval tones which automatically adjust in volume in relation to ambient noise. D. Activation of the pedestrian traffic signal simultaneously activates the accessible pedestrian signal. Further that these standards shall not prohibit a state or local jurisdiction from providing additional accessible pedestrian signal features if requested. And further that this organization transmit a copy of this resolution to the US Access Board during the public comment period on its draft proposed guidelines on accessible public rights of way which ends October 28, 2002. The committee recommends a do pass.
Motion 37: Mr. Thom moved the adoption Resolution 2002-24. The motion carried.
Motion 38: Mr. Frank Welte moved to amend the resolve clause to add the words “activation of the pedestrian traffic signal for a period of three seconds activates the accessible pedestrian signal”. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-25 – Training under blindfolds – with a resolve that this organization strongly urges the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) in the interest of promoting the administration’s policy of consumer choice to compel all state agencies serving blind and low vision clients to serve clients who elect not to use blindfolds during training without reprisal for their exercise of free choice and further that the provisions of this resolution apply as well to all private agencies who are under contract with the state agencies to provide services. The committee recommended a do pass.
Motion 39: Mr. Thom moved adoption of Resolution 2002-25. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-26 - Justin Dart – with a resolve that this organization express our profound sadness at the loss of this great leader and offer our condolences to his wife Yoshiko and his extended family and further that the membership of this organization instruct its officers, directors and staff to join with others in the disability rights movement to create a fitting monument to the greatness that was Justin Dart. The committee recommended a do pass.
Motion 40: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-26. The motion passed unanimously.
Resolution 2002-27 - Mark Richert – with a resolve that this organization urge the appointment of Mark Richert, Esq. To the vacancy and further that this organization advocates Mr. Richert’s appointment based on his many years of valuable experience in the field of services to people who are blind at the National Industries for the Blind, the American Council of the Blind, the American Foundation for the Blind and at the Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired where he has acquired the broad base of knowledge which is necessary if an appointee is to be effective at representing the concerns of workers who are blind and of the professionals who serve them. The committee recommended a do pass.
Motion 41: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-27. The motion carried.
Resolution 2002-29 - Internal Revenue Service accessible formats – with a resolve that this organization direct its officers, directors and staff to see an immediate change in IRS policy which will result in its provision of materials in alternate formats to blind and visually impaired individuals. The committee recommended a do pass.
Ms. Linda Yack offered a friendly amendment that materials be provided in Braille that has been transcribed and proofed for quality. Mr. Thom felt the amendment was too specific and that perhaps the staff could address the issue when corresponding with the IRS.
Motion 42: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 2002-29. The motion passed.
Resolution 2002-28 - Real Player – with a resolve that this organization strongly urges Microsoft to remove its logo from Real One Player software and other Real Network products until such time as these products are made accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired and further that this organization strongly urges Federal state and local government entities not to use Real One Player to stream audio and video over the web. The committee recommended a do pass.
Motion 43: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolution 202-28. The motion carried.
Resolutions 2002-30, 2002-31 and 2002-32 - Thank you to the hotels and staff, volunteers and volunteer coordinator and Dr. Ed Bradley and the host committee. The committee recommended a do pass on all three resolutions.
Motion 44: Mr. Thom moved the adoption of Resolutions 2002-30, 2002-31 and 2002-32. The motion carried.
Motion 45: Mr. Charlie Hodge moved that the convention give its thanks to The outgoing Board members, Mr. Sanford Alexander, Ms. Debbie Grubb and Mr. Sandy Sanderson for their faithful service on the Board of Directors. The motion carried.
Ms. Margie Donavon asked that the convention attendees acknowledge Ms. Cynthia Towers for all her work as Convention Coordinator.
President Gray adjourned the 41st American Council of the Blind Convention at 4:15pm Central Daylight Time.
Respectfully Submitted,
Donna Seliger, Secretary