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December 15, 2009, Board Meeting Minutes

American Council of the Blind
Board of Directors Teleconference Meeting
December 15, 2009

The ACB Board of directors met by teleconference on December 15, 2009. the meeting began at 5:10 PM PST. At the call of the roll, the following ACB Board members present were: Mitch Pomerantz, Kim Charlson, Brenda Dillon, Marlaina Lieberg, Michael Godino, Chris Gray, Berl Colley, Marsha Farrow, Michael Garrett, Carla Ruschival, Jeff Thom, David Trott, Cammie Vloedman and Marcia Dresser. Staff present were Melanie Brunson and Lane Waters. 

Pomerantz reviewed the agenda; Lieberg moved and Charlson seconded adoption of the agenda as read, and that motion carried by voice vote. 

Trott moved and Colley seconded approval of the September 12th and 13th Board of director meeting minutes and that motion carried by voice vote. 

Campbell, Keith and Sheehan joined the meeting at this point. 

President’s Report, Mitch Pomerantz. Nine applications for Managing Director of ACB Radio were received; four candidates will be interviewed this Thursday. 

Kindle II: There have been no further developments since an update which was sent out to the Board a couple of weeks ago. 

Alice richhart has agreed to take over as Chair of the Transportation Committee. Ron Brooks, the current Chair, has work commitments which make it impractical for him to continue his duties. 

Mary Ballard Stevens, former Editor of the Braille Forum and a long-time member of ACB, has had a pacemaker installed. While she is feeling better, her husband Dr. Otis Stevens, former President of ACB, reported that Mary nearly died from her heart problems. However, the pacemaker has made a significant difference and Mary says she is feeling better than she has in many months. 

2010 Budget, Michael Godino. 

Revenue: Thom moved and Colley seconded that the revenue side be reduced for the auction from $22,000 to $20,000. the motion carried by a 9 to 5 record vote. 

Colley moved and Campbell seconded that the Investment income line on the revenue side be raised from $81,996 to $84,000. the motion carried on a voice vote. 

Total Projected Revenue for 2010: $1,369,183 Gray moved and Campbell seconded adoption of the revenue side of the budget, and that motion carried on a voice vote. 

Projected Expenses: $1,369,109 net excess $74.00. Lieberg moved and Thom seconded approval of the expense side of the budget and the motion carried on a voice vote. 

Gray moved that the budget be adopted in aggregate, Lieberg seconded and the motion carried by a voice vote. 

Gray moved and Campbell seconded that a token of our esteem be sent to Mary Ballard Stevens, and that motion passed. 

The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM PST 

Marlaina Lieberg

Submitted December 15, 2009 

Approved: 02-19-2010