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December 13,2010 Teleconference Meeting of the Board of Directors of the American Council of the Blind

Teleconference Meeting of the Board of Directors
of the
American Council of the Blind
December 13,2010

The December 13, 2010 teleconference meeting of the ACB Board of Directors began at 5:05 P. M. PST. Board members present were Mitch Pomerantz, Kim Charlson, Brenda Dillon, Marlaina Lieberg, Mike Godino, Chris Gray, Ray Campbell, Berl Colley, Janet Dickelman, Marsha Farrow, Michael Garrett, George Holliday, Billie Jean Keith, Allan Peterson, Jeff Thom, and David Trott. Jenine Stanley was excused from this portion of the meeting. Staff present were Melanie Brunson and Lane Waters. 

• Garret moved acceptance of the agenda for this meeting; that motion was seconded by many and carried. 

• Campbell moved and Gray seconded approval of the November 6, 2010 meeting minutes and that motion carried. 

President's Report, Mitch Pomerantz.
Donations are coming in at a favorable rate as a result of our recent Fall Fundraising letter. There were some issues with the online contribution link, but these have been resolved. 

• Peterson moved acceptance of this report; Dickelman seconded and the motion carried. 

Database Implementation, Chris Gray.
Gray asked that discussion on this issue be deferred until after all budget deliberations set for this meeting have occurred. He explained that the beta testers just finished their work a few days ago, and he is wanting to have dialogue with and input from Brunson before proceeding. 2011 

Budget, Mike Godino.
Pomerantz commended the members of the Budget Committee for their ongoing and very difficult work. Godino reported that the Committee plans to meet quarterly during 2011. 

• Gray moved to reduce the projected revenue for legacies and bequests from $100,000 to $50,000; that motion died for lack of a second. 

• Thom moved to raise combined Federal Campaign and United Way projections from $51,000 to $70,000. Charlson seconded, and the motion carried. 

Total Projected Revenue: $1,241,663 

• Campbell moved and Trott seconded acceptance of the revenue side of the budget, and that motion carried. 

The meeting recessed at 7:00 PM. PST, to reconvene on December 14 at 5:00 PM. PST. 

The Board reconvened on December 14 at 5:10 P.M. Pacific Standard Time. All Board members were present. 

Budget Committee, Mike Godino.
The Board began its deliberations regarding the expense side of the 2011 proposed budget. 

• Gray moved that the Board direct that for 2011, we produce six issues of the Braille Forum, and that we continue the proposal to ask readers voluntarily to join ACB, remove themselves from the mailing list or receive the Forum electronically. If in fact this effort reduces the level of subscriptions, the Budget Committee be tasked with reallocating those funds with the first priority being staff salaries. Charlson seconded the motion. A record vote was taken and Board members voted as follows: Charlson yes, Dillon no, Lieberg yes, Godino no, Gray yes, Campbell no, Colley no, Dickelman no, Farrow no, Garrett no, Holliday no, Keith no, Peterson yes;, Thom no and Trott no. The motion failed. 

• Charlson moved that we reduce the number of issues of the Braille Forum to nine issues; Trott seconded this motion, and the motion carried. 

• Dillon moved that the line item for a part-time fund raiser be removed and that we rely on other options previously discussed for assistance. that motion died for the lack of a second. 

• Colley moved that the line item for property taxes for the Arlington, VA office be reduced from $2,915 to $233, in accordance with the 2011 property tax bill just received. Dickelman seconded and the motion carried. 

• Lieberg moved and Campbell seconded that the ACB Radio Travel line item be decreased from $750 to $0, and that motion carried. 

The meeting recessed at 7:35 P.M. PDT, to reconvene on December 15 at 5 P.M. PST. 

The meeting reconvened at 5:05 P.M. on December 16. All Board members were present except David Trott, who was excused. The Board continued its deliberations on the expense side of the proposed 2011 budget. 

• Charlson moved to reduce the line item under scholarships dealing with travel reimbursements and per diem from $12,000 to $6,000 and Godino seconded that motion. During discussion, Pomerantz asked Charlson to draft a policy regarding scholarship reimbursement. Brunson requested that this policy should contain more specific guidance with respect to who and who does not need to attend convention to receive a scholarship from ACB. Thom moved to amend this motion to reduce the line item from $12,000 to $10,000 and that motion died for a lack of a second. A record vote was taken and Board members voted as follows: Charlson yes, Dillon yes, Lieberg no, Godino no, Gray no, Campbell no, Colley no, Dickelman no, Farrow no, Garrett no, Holliday no, Keith yes, Peterson yes and Thom no. The motion was defeated. 

During the discussion of grants and program service expenses, Gray expressed a deep concern that if we conduct only three fundraising mailings in 2011, we will see a further atrophy of benefit to ACB. He stated that he felt we should continue to do four mailings, and requested that the Budget Committee take a look at this item later in the year. Pomerantz concurred, and indicated that we will be looking at resources to make a fourth mailing possible. Brunson stated that she is working with our current contractor, who has provided her with some ideas for how we might be able to do a fourth mailing. 

total Projected expenses: $1,289,999
net deficit: $-48,337
Reduction in staff salaries: 9.2%
Net excess: $48. 

• Lieberg moved and Campbell seconded acceptance of the expense side of the budget and that motion carried. 

• Thom moved the addition of $4,000 to the revenue side of the budget based on an agreement with NELDS, the line item being NELDS Contract, and located in restricted funds. The motion was seconded by Campbell and carried. 

Database Report, Chris Gray.
Only a few issues remain to be resolved to enable a limited roll-out of the database function in 2011. Gray proposed that we invite 12 affiliates on a first come first serve basis, to enroll their data. They will be required to have this completed and thus credential themselves for 2011. If affiliates are unable to complete this and wish to revert to providing credentials on paper, they could do so, providing timely notice of such request is given. Sharon Lovering will continue her current database duties for an additional year. 

• Gray moved that the ACB Board commence the process of implementing the new membership list database by inviting 12 affiliates to sign up and participate in the credentials process using the new database system; Godino seconded and the motion carried. 

• Gray moved that the ACB board authorize a set-up fee to affiliates of $250 to enroll in the database project; Colley seconded the motion and that motion carried. 

• Campbell moved that $3,000 be added to the ACBGrants and Program Services line item under the revenue side of the budget; Thom seconded, and the motion carried. 

• Gray moved to increase the database expense line item to $4,500, the motion was seconded by Campbell and that motion carried. 

Projected 2011 Revenue after all deliberations: $1,248,663
Projected 2011 expenses after all deliberations: $1,292,999
Deficit before staff salary reduction: $44,337
Reduction in salaries: $48,385
Excess of Income Over Expenses: $4,048.

• Lieberg moved acceptance of the expense side of the budget with a salary reduction of 8.5%, changing the surplus to $367. Campbell seconded and that motion carried. 

• Colley moved and Dillon seconded acceptance of the 2011 proposed budget in aggregate, and that motion carried. Pomerantz expressed his sincere thanks to the Budget Committee and then the Board for all the work done on the 2011 budget. 

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. PST. 

Marlaina Lieberg
Submitted: December 21, 2010
Approved: January 11, 2011