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Teleconference Meeting of the ACB Board of Directors, May 5th 2011

The meeting was called to order by President Mitch Pomerantz at 6:04 PM PDT.
Board members present were: Pomerantz, Dillon, Godina, Dickelman, Garrett, Holliday, Keith, Peterson, Trott, Gray and Stanley. (Thom and Campbell joined the call during the review of the agenda.) Board members not present were Charlson, Lieberg, Colley and Farrow, Staff present Melanie Brunson 

the agenda was reviewed, Mitch added an agenda item of potential bequests. A motion was made by Trott and seconded by Keefe to approve the agenda, motion carried.

Mike Godina discussed moving accounts from Wells Fargo to Bremer Bank Also Lane has moved the credit card account to Heartland and will move payroll there after the convention. The two changes will each result in savings for ACB. A motion made by Godina and seconded by Holiday to move THE funds from Wells Fargo to Bremer bank. The Motion carried.

Status of Employment of Development Director:
Mitch and Melanie discussed this item. There were seven applications submitted that met the job criteria, including submitting a sample of the applicant’s writing. Interviews were conducted last week. There is one outstanding candidate Melanie is conducting reference checks and a second interview with this candidate. If all goes well the position will be offered to the candidate with a probable start date of June first. Mitch stated he felt that folks will be extremely pleased with the selection. Based on board requests if the position is offered the résumé will be shared with the board.

Melanie provided information about two bequests, one likely, one potential.
Yesterday Lane received inventory from an attorney regarding the imminent distribution from a bequest. ACB will receive 1/18 of the estate which depending on stock price fluctuations will be $90,000.00.

The second potential bequest involves a man who called Melanie stating his wife who died 3 weeks ago, stipulated in her will that when her husband dies fifty percent of his estate is to be donated to ACB. he told Melanie that his estate is currently valued at two million dollars.

At 6-22 a motion was made by Gray and seconded by Campbell that the meeting be moved to executive session. The motion was approved.

When the board meeting resumed Mitch stated that four items regarding legal matters pertaining to ACB were discussed and that no action was taken.

Initiatives and Structured Negotiations Efforts as Raised by Lainey Feingold and Linda Dardarian -
Mitch outlined some areas regarding proposed rulemaking and proposed legislation in which potential differences in language requires more communication between ACB and Feingold/Dardarian.

A motion was made by Campbell seconded by Peterson that we adjourn the meeting. Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM PDT.

Janet Dickelman
Acting Secretary

Submitted 05-10-2011
