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December 14, 2011 Meeting of the Board of Directors of the American Council of the Blind

The teleconference meeting began at 6:05 pm, Pacific standard time. At the call of the roll, the following Board members were present: Mitch Pomerantz, Kim Charlson, Brenda Dillon, Marlaina Lieberg, Carla Ruschival, Chris Gray, Ray Campbell, Berl Colley, Janet Dickelman, Marsha Farrow, Michael Garrett, George Holliday, Alan Peterson, and David Trott. Billie Jean Keith was not present, and Jeff Thom’s absence was previously excused. Judy Jackson represented the Board of Publications. Staff present were Melanie Brunson and Lane Waters. 

Trott moved approval of the agenda with several seconds, and that motion carried. 

Dickelman moved acceptance of the October 1 Fall Board Meeting minutes, Trott seconded and that motion carried. 

President’s Report, Mitch Pomerantz. Pomerantz reported that he has been in contact with a company based in the United Kingdom, Ocean Blue Software, which has developed an accessible set-top TV box. ACB has provided contacts in the TV industry in this country; we are hopeful that Ocean Blue will exhibit at our annual conference and convention in July of 2012. 

Proposed 2012 Budget, Carla Ruschival, Lane Waters 

Charlson moved to amend the Database set-up line on the revenue side from 0 to $1,000, Lieberg seconded and that motion carried Campbell moved that the line item under Special Fund Raisers, ACB Walkathon Donations, be amended from $16,500 to $20,000. That motion died for a lack of a second. Total Revenue: $1,273,427 Campbell moved and Gray seconded adoption, as amended, of the revenue side of the budget, and that motion carried. 

At 8:00 pm PST, Lieberg moved and Gray second that the meeting stand in recess until December 21 at 6pm PST, and that motion carried. 

The meeting reconvened at 6:06pm PST on December 21. The following Board members were present: Pomerantz, Charlson, Dillon, Lieberg, Ruschival, Gray, Campbell, Colley, Dickelman, Farrow, Garrett, Holliday, Keith, Peterson and Trott. Judy Jackson represented the Board of Publications. Thom’s absence is excused as noted previously. Staff present was Brunson and Waters. 

Charlson moved that we add an expense line for registered agent services of $500 to the professional services line for 2012; Campbell seconded, and that motion carried. Gray moved to reduce the line item itself from $2,500 to $1,000; Trott seconded, and that motion carried. 

Trott moved that the staff travel line be increased from $1,500 to $2,100, and that motion carried. 

Ruschival moved a reduction in the ACB store travel line from $2,0121 to $0; Lieberg seconded and the motion carried. 

Ruschival moved to increase the Copyright/BARD line item by $128, Campbell seconded and that motion carried. 

Net surplus $176,126 

Total non operating income and expense $131,564 

Total net surplus or deficit -$44,562 

Total projected expenses $1,449,553 

Dillon moved and Gray seconded that up to $15,000 be expended for Board stipends for 2012. and that motion carried by a roll call vote, with Board members voting as follows: voting yes were Charlson, Dillon, ; ; Gray, Colley, Farrow, ; Holliday, and Trott. Voting no were: Lieberg, Ruschival, Campbell, Dickelman, Garret and Peterson. Keith did not respond. 

Charlson moved acceptance of the expense side of the budget, Holliday seconded and that motion carried. 

Campbell moved and Trott seconded that $500 be added to the miscellaneous category of the revenue side of the budget, and that motion carried. 

Garrett moved the 2012 budget be approved in aggregate, Dickelman seconded and the motion carried. 

A motion to authorize the potential transfer by the controller in consultation with the President and Treasurer an amount of money not to exceed but not necessarily to equal 126,124 from ACB reserves was carried with one no vote. 

RDC Committee. 

The RDC has several strong proposals and have asked for time on the Board Meeting Agenda in February. 

At 9:00pm PST, Lieberg moved and Trott seconded that the meeting be adjourned; that motion carried. 

Submitted: 01/10/2012 

Approved: 02-24-2012