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Helping ACB Celebrate its 50th Anniversary with an International Flavor

Given that it is ACB's 50th birthday, ACB's committee on international relations has a wonderful lineup of programs on tap this summer. We will begin our lineup by collaborating with the rehabilitation issues task force on Monday, July 11 at 4:15 p.m. The panel, entitled "Rehabilitation Around the World," will feature some of our international guests, such as Dr. Fransisco Lima from Brazil. Dr. Lima brings a great deal of knowledge to the table. The panel will also include several other special guests who will share with us what vocational rehabilitation is like in other parts of the world. 

On Tuesday, July 12 at 4:15 p.m., we hope that you will join us in order to learn more about the ACB/Road Scholar trip to Madrid. We anticipate having a representative from Road Scholar at convention. You will have an opportunity to get more information about the trip, which is scheduled for April 2012, as well as have all of your questions answered. 

Finally on Tuesday at 5:45 p.m., we will once again be featuring our extremely popular Voices from Around the World. This is your opportunity to meet our international guests. As of this writing, the countries which will be represented are: Australia, Brazil, England, Sri Lanka, and Mexico, although more will surely be added to the list. Please join us in making this reception an especially great one for ACB's 50 birthday. I look forward to seeing everyone in Reno.