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Summary of Meetings of the ACB Board of Directors

by Jenine Stanley

The ACB board of directors met over three evenings in December to establish a budget for the coming fiscal year. That budget reflected considerable decreases in revenue and increases in costs. Some of the cuts made included decreases in staff salaries and operating hours as well as deep cuts to ACB committees and "The Braille Forum." However, shortly before the end of 2010, ACB's fate was changed with a significant bequest of more than $1,000,000. 

The board met again on Jan. 11 to vote on several issues having to do with the dispensation of this bequest. Staff salaries and operating hours were reinstated. 

A proposal from the board of publications was approved to continue the adjustment in distribution of "The Braille Forum" to members only. "The Braille Forum" would also be produced 10 times during the 2011 fiscal year, 9 issues at 32 large-print pages and one issue at 48 large-print pages, devoted to the conference and convention. 

The board voted to fund the position of development director. 

The board met again on Feb. 25 in Washington, D.C. as part of the mid-year presidents' meeting. During his president's report, Mitch Pomerantz announced that he would be meeting with the new acting director of the National Library Service program to continue our relationship. He also gave a few hints about aspects of the 2011 conference and convention, including recorded presentations from each of ACB's living presidents at the week's general sessions. 

The board approved the 2011 budget in aggregate. Based on a recommendation from the budget committee, the board also approved funds to establish a line of credit for operations. A policy governing the transfer of funds to and from investments was approved. 

The board established a $100,000 line of credit to ACBES including interest terms. ACBES will present a written plan detailing expansion plans for profit and revenue. 

The board approved funds from dispensation of life memberships be put in reserve to further development and enhancement of ACB's overall web presence. 

The scholarship committee asked the board for guidance on several issues, and a policy was approved to reimburse expenses for travel to and from home airports for scholarship winners up to $100. 

Berl Colley updated the board on the newly forming Idaho affiliate set to hold its first meeting in March. 

All committees of the ACB board are currently working to meet their goals. The board will meet again prior to the 2011 conference and convention in Reno, Nev.