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ACB 2011 Auction A Big Success

by Marsha Farrow

Thanks to all contributors! The ACB 2011 auction raised $27,715 because of the generosity of so many of you! Our business sponsors provided high-tech products while ACB members spent hours of valuable time hand-crafting their creations. AirTran donated free flights that made the Key West package a true bidder's war! There was lovely jewelry that stirred up the male bidders trying desperately to buy that sparkling delight that was their favorite lady's heart's desire.

Now, we extend our sincere gratitude to the many faithful volunteers who worked for hours before, during, and after the auction. The ACB leadership auctioneers and describers were wonderful and very entertaining, yet kept the focus on the importance of raising needed funds for ACB. Also, we give much appreciation to our Minnesota office staff, led by Lane Waters, who completed their numerous auction-related duties with the utmost in professionalism.

The auction committee members worked long and hard hours for many months to make this auction one of the best ever! As chair of the auction committee, I had the privilege to work with some of ACB's finest, and for that I am grateful.