ACB News
On Tuesday, February 18, President Trump put out a new executive order related to the authority of independent agencies in the federal government. Such agencies work differently…
The American Council of the Blind (ACB) is disappointed by the recent statement made by Elon Musk regarding a blind topic expert who spoke before Congress. The speaker from a…
Members have requested sample letters that they can use to reach out to their attorneys general concerning the Texas v. Becerra lawsuit. ACB will soon share more detailed example…
DREDF and partners presented a webinar to 3,000 people about Texas v. Becerra, with more unable to join. You can watch the webinar and see the slide deck here, https://dredf.…
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a pivotal law to uphold the rights of people with disabilities. The law says that all programs receiving federal funding, which is…
For Immediate ReleaseContact: Scott ThornhillExecutive DirectorAmerican Council of the Blind(202) [email protected] area will advance equal access for people who…
Early this week, the new chief of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau called for the suspension of work by Bureau employees for at least a week. It is unknown what will…
“Related to H.R.899, which has been introduced and referred to the House Education & Workforce Committee, I reached out to Rep. Massie’s office (the Congressman who introduced…
Leading Disability Organizations: President Trump’s Blame of Deadly Plane Crash on Disabled Federal Workers Is Baseless, IrresponsibleFor Immediate Release:…
After a multitude of challenges from many advocacy groups, the January 27 memo on federal funding freezes has been rescinded. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) put out…