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New ACB Chapter for Members under 40

by Amanda Selm

In 2014, the Kentucky Council of the Blind Next Generation, an organization of members under the age of 40, received its charter and became a chapter of the Kentucky Council of the Blind.  Four years later, we are still moving forward in a positive direction with even more ambition than we ever had before.

Something special happened this summer. Five of our members, three of whom were board members of our chapter, attended the ACB convention in St. Louis. What an awesome experience! Ever since we arrived home, our excitement has spiked to new levels, generating new thoughts and ideas for the future of our chapter and ACB.

With this new-found energy and excitement comes the idea of taking our chapter to the national level. Several of our members discovered that there was a good mix of convention attendees under the age of 40 this summer, with the most popular comment being “I wish there was a place in ACB for people around my age.”

We are excited to announce that our chapter is onboard and ready to move forward with putting together a national affiliate. We are looking for people who are just as eager as we are to join us on conference calls and get connected on Facebook.

By the time you read this article, we will have already held our first meeting and scheduled the next one. If you are interested, please contact Amanda Selm at (502) 750-1774, or by email at

We look forward to hearing from all members under 40. If you’re over 40 and would still like to be a part of the excitement, we welcome your support as well.