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My Computer: An Appreciation from a Guy with Bad Vision

by Ken Lovern

Someone once told me that a person has to be smart to use a computer. I have discovered that is not necessarily so. I have also discovered, though, that if you can't see well, you do need the desire to learn and you have to know how to use a keyboard. I know my computer is a gift from God: an addition to my brain power, my computer is a tool to enhance my life. I think some people fear the computer and criticize it because they're afraid they will show their ignorance if they try to use it.

I once doubted I could master the computer, but now I use it often and I thank God for giving it to me, as well as for those who have taught me to use it.

My computer is a cookbook for rhubarb pie recipes and anything else I want to cook. It is a dictionary, thesaurus, and a reference for whatever information I could find in an encyclopedia or a local library. It provides a calculator, to solve mathematical equations and problems. It teaches me how to spell by letting me know when I spell something wrong.

I have used my computer to design and print brochures, and it allows me to write perfect business letters. Because of my computer, I could complete the forms for starting up two corporations. I have printed business cards with my computer, and although very slow, it can even be used as a fax machine.

I store my thoughts on my computer's drives, and its software helps me to write poems and letters with good grammar. It's a history book that acquaints me with all the presidents and more. I can read the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights and many other historical documents. I can send e-mail to the White House and send letters to my representatives in the Congress, the Senate and my town and state.

Because I own a computer, my daughter can send me pictures of my grandson, and because my computer magnifies them, I can see them.

I can use the computer to learn about the medicines my doctor prescribes, and their side effects. I can find relatives and even look for ancestors with my computer "assistant."

My computer even makes games, like solitaire, available to me.

I use my computer to study the Bible and read Biblical commentaries. I use my computer to get directions to places I want to go -- it tells me every turn and exactly how many hours and miles it will take to get there.

I spend a reasonable amount of time with my computer. It enhances my life in many ways. It saves me money on postage, groceries and helps me shop. It plays music for me. I read the news and the local obituaries with it. It tells me jokes and makes me laugh. My computer is one of the best gifts that God ever gave me. Thank you, Lord, for my computer. I use mine for your glory.

If you've been thinking about learning how to use a computer and maybe even getting one for yourself, I hope my story will inspire you to take that plunge and make that investment. You will be glad you did!