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ACB MEDIA and Affiliate Engagement Policy

Approved March 9, 2023

Event support requests may be made as early as 6 months prior, but no less than 60 days prior to the event. ACB Media will support only two events simultaneously, support for affiliate events is also not available 45 days prior to and 45 days after the National Convention. The affiliate is encouraged to wait for confirmation from ACB Media before committing to and publicly announcing event dates.

Requests must be submitted via email to the ACB Technical Director and the ACB Media Event Coordinator. The affiliate President or their designee will be the single point of contact to ACB Media for each affiliate event.

At a minimum, the request should include:

  • Name, phone and email for event coordinator;
  • type of event;
  • proposed dates and times;
  • whether the event is anticipated to be hybrid or virtual;
  • description of on-site logistics for AV including sound system interface etc.; and,
  • anything else known about how the event will be managed.

ACB Media Process to Implement Affiliate Events

  • ACB Media will assign an event specialist who will be the single point of contact to manage ACB Media and ACB Community volunteer resources and will work closely with the affiliate event coordinator. ACB Media is ultimately responsible for the quality of any streamed event; someone from ACB Media will be present throughout the event to assist with any logistics that arise.
  • A single ACB Media channel for streaming the event will be assigned and communicated to the affiliate. Qualified individuals to stream the content will be assigned and there will be a backup plan.
  • ACB Media will provide and manage a single Zoom webinar account. Several Zoom events can be generated so that an auction or a business meeting can be on different links, but only one event can occur at a time. If an affiliate wishes to use their own Zoom webinar account to host a streamed event, the settings must be available for inspection to ensure compliance with requirements for ACB Community and ACB media.
  • ACB Media will coordinate with ACB Community to provide trained, qualified hosts for the event. ACB Media will honor requests to use particular streamers or Zoom hosts requested by the affiliate, but such requests must be negotiated in advance to ensure that the individuals are fully qualified and are available to do the work.
  • Any prerecorded audio or video content to be played during the event must be identified, located centrally (preferably in the Cloud), and assigned. Written authorization for ACB Media to stream any commercial audio or video content must be obtained in advance of the event. This includes content publicly available through sources such as YouTube.
  • A meeting will be held, at least two weeks prior to the event, with the affiliate event coordinator, and the ACB Media event specialist to review and negotiate any outstanding logistics. If some aspect of producing the proposed event does not meet minimum broadcast standards, alternative approaches and expectations will be negotiated. (Appendix C ACB Media checklist.)
  • The affiliate will prepare a written Run of Show which identifies all components of the event, times, contact information for presenters or other individuals who will be on stage, any media to be played, and any other logistical information.
  • A dress rehearsal will be scheduled within one week of the event to run through any logistics, test equipment etc. All webinar panelists will be encouraged to attend. This may also be a good time to invite audience members who are new to the Zoom webinar platform.
  • For hybrid events, an on site test will be scheduled at least 12 hours prior to opening the event. All necessary equipment and personnel must be available.
  • All sessions of the event will be recorded. The affiliate will indicate if they wish to receive the raw recordings, edited recordings, or to have the event podcast by ACB Media. Turn around time for raw recordings is 14 days and turn around time for podcasts is 60 days.
  • ACB Media can provide listening statistics for Zoom participation (ACB Zoom Account) and ACB Media Channel within 14 days following the event.