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Letter to the Editor

The contents of this column reflect the letters we had received by the time we went to press, April 15, 2008. Letters are limited to 300 words or fewer. All submissions must include the author's name and location. Opinions expressed are those of the authors.

Taking A World View

I was so pleased to read our president's February 2008 column entitled "Taking A World View." When I attended the WBU women's forum which was held in Toronto in 1996, I submitted a resolution for consideration by the WBU, asking for the establishment of a means of getting unused slates, styli, cassettes, etc. to schools for the blind in developing countries. To this day, in spite of several inquiries, I have never heard the outcome of that resolution. I'm still as passionate about it as ever, though, and I'm so glad to see that ACB is going to be taking the lead. It breaks my heart to throw away tapes, etc. when I know that they could be used by someone somewhere. As a Canadian, there is very little that I can do for either GDUI or ACB, but I do hope that if the international relations committee is looking for help on this particular project, they'll call on some of us members who live outside the United States.

-- Devon Wilkins, Collingwood, Ontario, Canada