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Introducing the 2022 DKM First-Timers

Greetings from the Durward K. McDaniel (DKM) Fund Committee:

We are happy to present to you, the Class of 2022 DKM First-Timers who have met all requirements to be considered for and selected as recipients of this prestigious honor.

While honoring the legacy of ACB’s founding father, Durward K. McDaniel, since 1996, the Durward K. McDaniel (DKM) Fund Committee seeks to identify and honor two ACB members who demonstrate leadership potential, with the DKM First-Timers award on an annual basis, one from east and one from west of the Mississippi River.

To be considered for the award, interested members must meet the following criteria: 

•   Age 18 or older 

•   Blind or visually impaired 

•   A member in good standing (current on membership dues) 

•   Never attended an in-person ACB conference and convention 

•   Agree to attend the entire convention 

•   Participate in daily general sessions and designated leadership related sessions 

•   Applicants also undergo a 30 minute interview with members of the DKM committee.

To apply for this award, applicants must submit a letter of application and have a state or special-interest affiliate president submit a letter of recommendation by the announced deadline. 

Recipients are selected in late April and are recognized during the opening general session of the ACB conference and Convention and honored during the annual DKM First-Timers Reception. Be sure to include us in your plans as you register for the convention. The 2022 DKM First-Timers Reception will be held from 5:30PM-6:45PM Central on Wednesday July 6, 2022.

Recipients receive amenities, such as complimentary registration fee, travel expenses, lodging (double occupancy), tickets to attend the DKM First-Timers Reception, ACB Banquet, other special events and a stipend for incidentals.

Congratulations Joe Derrick Green and Gregg Wandsneider!

Introducing the Class of 2022 DKM First-Timers

Joe Derrick Green

Joe Derrick Green resides in Sacramento, California and he represents the west as the 2022 DKM First-Timer. He is a dedicated father, husband and active member of California Council of the Blind (CCB). He serves within the Capitol Chapter as chair of the access and technology committee with focused efforts to improve access to voting equipment, websites and more. As a founding member of the Inclusive Diversity of California affiliate (IDC), he serves on the board of directors, chair of the constitution and bylaws committee and Co-Chair of the membership committee. 

His employment as a reservationist for the Marriott and Disney continues to aid as a vehicle for strengthening his communication skills and knowledge of adaptive technology. In support of his desire to learn and grow within ACB, Joe extends his volunteer service to the national level by serving as a host for the ACB Community and streams content for ACB Media. The CCB president expresses interest in having Joe to play a significant role in hosting webinars and serving as Chair of the CCB Membership committee.

Gregg Wandsneider

Gregg Wandsneider resides in Waukesha, Wisconsin and he represents the east as the 2022 DKM First-Timer. He is an active and committed member of ACB Next Generation and currently serves as chair of the public relations committee, along with service on the convention committee. Gregg has shared his abilities with the program committee and remains an encourager to affiliate members. As a member of ACB Students, Gregg sits on the board of directors and utilizes his professional background in communication and strength of working well with others to be an asset.

As a full-time student, Gregg is pursuing an Associate’s degree in studying the Bible from Ethnos 360 Bible Institute of Waukesha, Wisconsin. His volunteer work includes teaching elementary age children at his local church. Gregg has a Bachelor’s degree in communication from Carroll University in Waukesha and serves on the Carroll University Alumni Council. 

Gregg feels empowered to serve within the ACB Community as a trained Zoom meetings and webinar host, as well as having the privilege of meeting other ACB members while serving as a community meeting facilitator.