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Honoring Our Special Heroes

by Carla Ruschival

The world is filled with special people -- people who go the extra mile, or 10 miles or hundred miles, to help others. Every successful affiliate, local chapter, agency or company serving blind and visually impaired people can count these special heroes among its members or supporters.

Think of those people who have helped build your chapter, affiliate or agency. Maybe they have brought in countless members, provided transportation or cooked meals, helped people find a place to live or served on your board. Their work usually touches people in many walks of life; their energy is boundless, and their loyalty and support for your organization is unwavering. In short, they go "above and beyond."

Once again we invite you to honor or memorialize that special hero with his or her own page in the 2009 ACB convention program. The page can be in color or black and white, and may contain text and a photo. Page size is 8 1/2 by 11 inches, and the print should be at least 16-point. Text from these special pages will be included in all program formats.

2009 convention memorial pages cost $500 each, and the submission deadline is May 15. To reserve a page for your special hero, submit credit card information or make check payable to the ACB 2009 Convention and send, along with your page content, to: American Council of the Blind, Attn.: 2009 National Convention, 6300 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 195, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430.

Have questions? Contact Carla Ruschival, ACB convention committee chair, at (502) 897-1472 or [email protected].