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Honor the Best of the Best

by the Awards Committee

We have all sat out in the audience during the awards segment at convention, listening intently as someone is described through the words of the nominating letter, trying to guess who that special person will be. And there's a good chance that as many of us have listened, we've thought to ourselves, "I should have nominated so-and-so."

Well, it was too late then, but it's not too late now. Please read on and then write your nomination.

The Robert S. Bray Award is given to a person who has made a contribution for improving library technology or communication devices. It could also be given for expanding access for blind people, or making opportunities within the mainstream media.

The George Card Award is given to an individual who has dedicated his or her life to work with and for blind people, making a real difference and improving quality of life, for providing leadership and being a positive role model.

The Durward K. McDaniel Ambassador Award is one of our most popular awards. It is given in recognition of a blind person who may or may not be a member of a blindness organization but who has spent his or her life integrating with the community.

The James R. Olsen Distinguished Service Award is periodically given to individuals who have made important contributions which have advanced opportunities for the blind community. This award can be given to an individual or an organization.

The Affiliate Growth Award is based on the greatest increase in membership, as determined by the 2007-2008 membership reports.

The Affiliate Outreach Award is based on a recommendation by an affiliate president, which recognizes a local chapter for a new outreach program. This program must have a measurable outcome.

Nominations must be received by May 1, 2008 to be considered and should be sent to the attention of the awards committee, care of the ACB national office, 1155 15th St. NW, Suite 1004, Washington, DC 20005.

Now stop thinking about that special someone and instead write about him or her in a nominating letter.