For Sale:
Braille Note mPOWER 32 with KeySoft 7.5, braille keyboard, case, charger, manuals, packing box, compact flash card adapter, active sync cable. Asking $1,800 or best offer (not including shipping). If interested, send e-mail to [email protected].
For Sale:
Brand-new Open Book 8.0. Comes with software and braille and tape materials. Also including a Canon flatbed black-and-white scanner, cable and software. Asking $700. I will accept check or money order in U.S. or Canadian funds. If interested, contact Nancy at [email protected] or (319) 217-8385.
For Sale:
Braille children's Bible stories. Asking $50. Contact Tonya Smith at (734) 586-2687, or send a braille or taped letter to her at 1665 Paree, Newport, MI 48166.
For Sale:
Brand-new Toshiba laptop with 15.4" wide screen, 160-gig hard drive, 1 gig RAM, Windows XP Professional, JAWS 7.10, ZoomText 8.0. Asking $700. Acer laptop with 8.5" wide screen, 1 gig RAM, 160-gig hard drive, Windows XP Home, JAWS 7.10, and ZoomText 8.0. Asking $430 (includes shipping). Contact Jose at (626) 232-9566.
For Sale:
Braille Note PK in good condition. Asking $1,500. Contact David via e-mail, [email protected]. For Sale:
PAC Mate Omni QX. Asking $1,000 or best offer; will trade for HumanWare Voice Note mPOWER QT or Braille Note mPOWER QT model with QWERTY keyboard. Payment is due before item is shipped; PayPal or check only! Shipping will be paid for by the buyer or free matter for the blind with tracking. For more information, contact Sean Moore at (404) 300-9908 after 5 p.m. Eastern, or on his cell phone, (478) 258-4103 after 9 p.m. Eastern.
Optacon in excellent condition, preferably with carrying case. Call Pam at (205) 823-3211 and leave a message.
Bass guitar and amplifier from Wal-Mart. If you have one and don't use it anymore, contact Walter Chavira at (661) 808-4334.