For Sale:
Accent SA external speech synthesizer with AC/DC power adaptor and serial cable. Unit is in great physical, cosmetic and working condition and works with any screen reading program such as JAWS and Window-Eyes. Asking $150 plus $10 shipping and handling and insurance. If interested contact me by e-mail at [email protected].
For Sale:
Perkins Brailler. Reconditioned and in excellent condition! A vinyl dust cover is included. $300. Braille 'n Speak Scholar. One year old, but used only a few hours. Extra software, leather carrying case, battery charger, A/C adapter, serial interface cable for connection to PC, parallel printer cable, PC disk and large print user manual, braille and large print reference guide, audio tape tutorial. $400 or best offer. IBM NetVista desktop computer with Magic 8.0 magnification and speech already installed! One year old. Excellent condition! It has an Intel Celeron 667 MHz CPU, 64 megabytes of RAM, 10 gigabyte hard drive, 56Kbps V.90 modem, 48x CD ROM drive, 3.5-inch 1.44- megabyte floppy diskette drive, and comes with matching IBM 17- inch monitor, keyboard, speakers and mouse. 300. Shipping charges for each item are not included in the cost. I'll mail the Brailler and Braille 'n Speak Scholar free matter if you prefer. Insurance, if desired, is extra. For more information, please call or e-mail Bobbie at (309) 755-0828, [email protected].
For Sale:
Used Perkins brailler. Comes with cover. Asking $250. Call (620) 227-3726.
For Sale:
Keynote Companion with series 2 keyboard and many extras, including disk drive. Asking $550. E-mail [email protected] or call (828) 669-7736.
For Sale:
2001 Compaq Presario, Pentium III, 930 MHz processor, 256 megs of RAM, 40-gig hard drive, DVD and read-write CD-ROM, high speed fax modem, SoundBlaster true stereo card with speakers, 20-inch flat screen high resolution monitor, photo quality Compaq color printer, 4 USB ports with two on front, Windows ME operating system, Microsoft Office 97, Internet ready plus lots of software extras including digital music library of more than 1,000 songs. Blindness extras include newest versions of JAWS 4.01 and Kurzweil scanning software 6.02 already installed. $2,500 or best offer. Brand new, still in the box. Windows XP upgrade included for this very low price. Call (703) 922-6214.
For Sale:
Perkins brailler. Completely rebuilt. Asking $325. Tandem bike, about 5 years old. Ridden 10-15 times. Comes loaded with accessories like speedometer, lights, air pump, fenders, lock, extra set of tires, etc. In excellent condition. Asking $500. Payment plans may be negotiated. Contact Nino Pacini at (313) 885-7330 or by e-mail at [email protected] . You may also write him at 5237 Hillcrest St., Detroit, MI 48236-2103.
For Sale:
Alva 380, an 80-cell unit for sale or trade. In excellent condition. Comes with manuals and cables. Would like to trade for Braille Note and cash or two Braille Notes. If only cash, asking $4,100 plus shipping and handling. Alva 320, 20- cell unit in excellent condition. Comes with manuals on disk and in braille, and cables. Asking $1,000 plus shipping. Versapoint 20 in excellent condition. Uses tractor feed paper; prints single sided. Asking $700 plus shipping (negotiable). Contact Isaac Obie by e-mail at [email protected], write him at 755 Tremont St. #205, Boston, MA 02118, or call him at (617) 247- 0026.
For Sale:
Two reconditioned Perkins braillers. Asking $300 each. Contact Robert Schafer at (256) 350-9723.
For Sale:
Color Clearview reading machine with Sony 20-inch Trinitron monitor. All manuals and remotes. In good working condition. Paid $3,500; asking $1,500 plus shipping and handling. Call Erma at (256) 582-6650.
For Sale:
Aladdin Rainbow video magnifier. Asking $1,300. Contact Jo An McBride at (707) 786-9078. No calls please between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. Pacific time. You may e-mail her at [email protected].
A machine that would allow me to read print at a size of 24-point or larger. It must be capable of saving material on disk for future reference. It can be a word processor or any other machine that has large print capacity, nothing fancy. I cannot pay shipping charges, and have been turned down by a number of organizations that offer such assistance. Contact Jerry Leon Hamrick at P.O. Box 213, Valley Head, WV 26294-0213; phone (304) 339-6489, or e-mail [email protected].
One Perkins or Lavender brailler, one Banks pocket braille writer, and one grade-one Bible. Any braille games. Can't afford price. Contact Melody Edwards at (609) 347-7539.