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High Tech Swap Shop

For Sale:

Sony ICF-SW7600GR and Eton E5 portable radios, shortwave/AM/FM, come with manual and power supply. $75 each, or both for $140, or may consider swapping for something such as an old but working communications receiver. Wanted: original power supply for Sony ICF-2010 radio. Contact Tim Hendel at (256) 650-5212.

For Sale:

Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer, four-stringed. Comes with canvas gig bag and a comprehensive, six-cassette (two-track) set of instructions by Lorraine Lee Hammond from Homespun Tapes. These tapes are no longer available. The instrument is in good condition and has been well cared for. I also have a set of wooden baroque recorders (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) with a plastic sopranino recorder. There is also a hand-made wooden stand with pegs for each recorder which makes it easier if you're playing more than one recorder in an ensemble. I also have a Yamaha "Grown-up Junior" acoustic guitar. For more information, call Marda at (512) 837-3041 or e-mail [email protected].

For Sale:

Portable CCTV by Assist Vision the "Slider." Has a 10" monitor. Is new; used as a demonstrator unit for a few months. Asking $1,195 plus $25 shipping. Has variable magnification and adjustable contrast/brightness settings. Very nice portable CCTV, in durable, lightweight case. Contact Bryan Gerritsen at (801) 547-5903 or [email protected].

For Sale:

Japanese For Busy People 1 in braille. 9 braille volumes -- single-sided embossing, soft covers, plastic spiral binders. Volume 9 (print pages 205-213) contains the index and glossary. This copy has the Japanese text spelled out in uncontracted English braille; the first volume includes a list of each volume's contents. Asking $70 Australian. Contact Vivien Palcic via e-mail, [email protected].


Chess set with two capture trays, made by Royal National Institute for the Blind. If you have one, contact Tony Lewis at [email protected] or by phone at (510) 693-8014.


Maestro or PACMate. Contact Adam Pobursky at (262) 325-1323 or e-mail him, [email protected].


A working copy of DOS-based Artic Business Vision and the Symphonic interfacing card for collector. Will need the registration number. Contact Bob Langford at (214) 340-6328.